Anyone trading on the stock market?

I'm not sure what they are even thinking, releasing this... it's pretty much them bragging about how they tricked and manipulated an entire nation... like, what? They even talk about how the tricked GOP members into signing off on this so they could say 'bipartisan'. What the actual blazing **** is going on here?
Keep in mind, this is what they decided the Progressives could boast about because it wouldn't easily get them in legal trouble.

But rest assured, the Democrat Party is quite proud of how quickly they're destroying the Republic. I was fairly surprised to see that Russell Brand, of all the nastiest dirtbags, was finally taking notice... except that he's only noticing the corporatist half of the fascism he's been a willing, nay, eager part of.

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"You will own nothing and you will be happy."

Pretty much encapsulates what I've known for years now. What the communists, fascists, socialists, liberals, progressives, whatever else they want to call themselves really want is a return to the age of feudalism. The king owns everything. You own nothing. It is only through his great generosity that you are allowed to live in his hovel while you work his lands and eat his almost transparent millet soup as you send all of his food that you have grown for him to the capital for him to eat. Along with any of his money that you happened to have come into possession of. And of course you will be grateful about it, or else. After all, he knows what's best because he's just better than you, so just shut up and do what he tells you to do. Its for the common good. We know that because he told us it is.

Another line that caught my eye. "Whatever you want, you'll rent." Anyone here played The Outer Worlds and thought to themselves, "Yeah, that's the kind of place I'd really like to live. If I want anything, even a plot for my own grave, I get to rent it!"
"You will own nothing and you will be happy."

Pretty much encapsulates what I've known for years now. What the communists, fascists, socialists, liberals, progressives, whatever else they want to call themselves really want is a return to the age of feudalism. The king owns everything. You own nothing.
I didn't know we 'ad a king! I thought we were autonomous collective.
How many executive orders is he up to now? Even though, in his own words, only dictators rule by executive order. He hasn't even been in power a full month yet and already signed more than a president normally does in a year.

All he's missing is the outfit. And actual strings tied to his wrists and ankles.
How many executive orders is he up to now? Even though, in his own words, only dictators rule by executive order. He hasn't even been in power a full month yet and already signed more than a president normally does in a year.
You say that like executive orders are unconstitutional. Are they?
You say that like executive orders are unconstitutional. Are they?
According to Biden, pre-election...

Also, they are pretty much a total by-pass of the original intent of checks and balances... so yeah. Also, I'm fairly positive that they in fact have no constitutional basis. I'll double check that, though.


Yes, because Nazis are where one should get all of ones own information, naturally :rolleyes:

Also, really? We have mods posting big ass swastikas now, and that's somehow ok? Or is it just because its hating Trump that makes it ok? Like, if we are platforming hate speech here now, particularly in shitposts not even contributing to the conversation, I'll just leave... 🤯
top kek
You know, on that note, it occurs to me that if an actual nazi said "I don't think it's a good idea to stick a screwdriver in a live electrical socket", half the population, mostly lefties but some on the right as well, would stick screwdrivers in electrical sockets just because the nazi said don't do it.

Trump would have a similar effect, though in his case it would almost exclusively be the radical left wing electrocuting themselves.
Executive orders were planned. He campaigned on those promises. You again are hearing something he didn't say.

The video of Biden above is NOT about the use of executive orders in general, but instead is related to the use of executive orders to legislate what he said he believes should require approval from Congress.

Read the quote....

"I gotta get the votes. […] I have this strange notion. We are a democracy. Some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say, well, if you can’t get the votes, by executive order you’re gonna do something. Things you can’t do by executive order unless you are a dictator. We’re a democracy, we need consensus."

He is talking specifically about things he as president could NOT do through an executive tax reform.
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Also, really? We have mods posting big ass swastikas now, and that's somehow ok? Or is it just because its hating Trump that makes it ok? Like, if we are platforming hate speech here now, particularly in shitposts not even contributing to the conversation, I'll just leave... 🤯

You're less offended that neo-Nazi's found a common ideology and kinship with a former president than someone pointing it out to you? Interesting priorities.
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When that "common ideology" is "lets not saw off our own legs".....hang on, let me check.

Nope, not offended.

Don't care if they are the most disgusting, hateful people in the galaxy, I'm not gonna saw off my own legs just to prove to the twits on Twitter that I'm not with them.
if they are the most disgusting, hateful people in the galaxy,
According to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, nazis are a close 2nd in the running to be the most disgusting, hateful people in the galaxy. People who talk on their phones in movie theatres are #1.
You're less offended that neo-Nazi's found a common ideology and kinship with a former president than someone pointing it out to you? Interesting priorities.

I find it less offensive that some assholes who like to show themselves as assholes fly thier asshole flag around. It let's us all know that, hey, these guys are assholes. Tidy little circle I think.
That they happened to like someone who is an asshole in an altogether different way is interesting, don't see how it really correlates, but I don't try to understand the psychology of assholes that are the standard definition of genocidal maniacs in the last century. Also, politicians don't get to pick who likes them.

What I do find very offensive is that someone who is a titular lead and bespeaks, at least on some level, of a forum I post on, who also supposedly praises tolerance and hates bigotry, decides to post a picture of that very asshole flag, praising the assholes waving it, instead of making a point with, you know, WORDS, like grown folks.

Do you even think before you shitpost? Completely rhetorical, obviously not. If you did, you might realize that by you, holding the office you do, posting that particular image, are promoting the very ideals of those genocidal assholes, I don't care what words you superimpose over it.

So, unless you can empirically prove that:
1) those guys are in fact neo-nazis
2) that the image wasn't staged or doctored
3) Trump himself ever found any kinship or common ground with them
4) that you actually believe all your supposed assumptions

Then I think you are in fact the one now flying the asshole nazi flag, effectively. You don't even have the shred of decency in whatever organ you possess that passes for a cerebellum to see any of this. Seeing as how I cannot block you, since you are a mod, the way I would handle such bullshit usually, makes it even more offensive. Personally, I think this little bit is just a push too far, you fucking thoughtless prick.

@Elly @Rush @krischan @maxicek @modsingeneral @anyothergoddamnedmemeberoftheteamthatIcannotthinkofimsopissed if this is how you let this guy present you all, and this site, by association, please ban me now, because if that's the case, I don't want shit to do with this fucking nazi glorification site. I'll play D2 elsewhere, where they give enough of a shit to not let mods fucking shitpost that kind of straight hatred. This is too damn much, too damned far, and I'm drawing a line.

Holy shit, I can block you. Good, but if this isn't addressed it won't matter, because I'm not contributing to a website that allows this kind of bullshit
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The pic is real. It hasn't been shopped. It should surprise no one to hear that white supremacists support Trump. Nothing is being "glorified" here. It was posted for the exact opposite effect.
The pic is real. It hasn't been shopped. It should surprise no one to hear that white supremacists support Trump. Nothing is being "glorified" here. It was posted for the exact opposite effect.

Only thing that surprises me here is that anyone who has held a position of any kind of authority for any period of time has so little sensibility about themselves. Whatevs... I'll wait for an official word, and until them, I'm going to go ahead and act like this has been ignored and swept under a rug.
The pic is real. It hasn't been shopped. It should surprise no one to hear that white supremacists support Trump. Nothing is being "glorified" here. It was posted for the exact opposite effect.
Shopped or not, it still looks staged. Whatever the case though, you're falling for a logical fallacy if you think it says anything at all about Trump.

"All dogs are animals, therefore all animals are dogs." That's the argument you're making when you say orange man bad because these particular bad people like him.

But I guess that's the reason logic itself has been deemed racist. That way people on the left don't have to acknowledge how much they have in common with actual racists.
Whatevs... I'll wait for an official word, and until them, I'm going to go ahead and act like this has been ignored and swept under a rug.

If you're going to participate in political topics, where things are expected to get heated, I only ask that you do your best to keep your cool. You lost it here so I'd appreciate it if you'd take a break for a week or two. I'm not going to start locking threads and handing out warnings over reddit memes.

Google, Bing and TinEye all have reverse image search features that you can use to get to the bottom of the matter if you're so inclined. Actually, you could have countered Noodle quite adequately had you done so before losing your temper.

You're not in trouble so go chill.
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