It would admittedly be better to have kept this thread about economics, but unfortunately that *does* involve politics. As one of the best minds alive once said,
Dr. Thomas Sowell said:
The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.
As to fascism, since those with biologically processed pudding for brains demonstrably aren't able to define it better than "something bad!" as in calling anyone they dislike NSDAP, and that allows them to punch the NSDAP. By the same token, claiming to not be fascist
ipso facto means they are not fascist.
It's really quite simple, actually. The NSDAP existed only in Hitler's Germany, but many of the hallmarks claimed by Progressives and socialists as what they are "not" are common to all kinds of authoritarian regimes. Progressives and other socialists adore authoritarian regimes, as long as they're the ones in authority and able to enslave & crush the other guy.
Fascism is simply a different flavor of authoritarian socialism where an all-powerful state coerces behavior from individuals 'for the common good'. It was defined glibly but correctly by Mussolini as "Everything in
(sometimes 'within') the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State." Fascism allows private enterprise but regulates it, controls it, and directs it towards goals the State considers desirable.
In contrast, Communism does not allow private enterprise, but attempts to run enterprise as nationalized institutions to the greatest degree possible. That's why Fascism generally can run for longer than Communism before failing; it harnesses the power of the individual to a superior degree.
Claims seen here about Fascism involving racism or nationalism are nothing but demonstrations of historical ignorance. ALL Socialist, totalitarian schemes involve racism or nationalism. The USSR's eradication of the kulaks was anti-Semitic in nature and might have actually killed more Jews than Hitler (hard to say with any certainty). Burma's government ethnically cleansed other tribes which outsiders would be hard-pressed to identify as any different from the Communist regime's own members. AOC's chief of staff was fired because of his open anti-Semitism... and that he openly wore a T-shirt of the NDSAP ally Subhas Chandra Bose, who only true morons (ahem) could assert was a white supremacist.
To loop it back, THAT is why the actions of Robin Hood are so egregious - they have openly violated their own policies in support of the oligarchy; "nothing against the State". It was interesting to see that even a dimwit like Russell Brand is starting to recognize the cozy relationship between the oligarchs and Federal power, but he remains stupid enough to try to claim that it's all the corporations' fault and nothing to do with the politicians holding the leash of those corporations.
P.S. Love me some B5. I was quite saddened to discover that the beautiful & talented Mira Furlan died on January 20th. RIP, Ambassador Delenn.