Would it bother you as much if I posted the image?Not to dwell on anything, but it was suggested in an ongoing PM chain that I share a bit of info I dug up on the image contained in the post that I am so upset over.
There are other sources confirming the Snopes conclusion, in case anyone dislikes Snopes for whatever reason....
So... a genuine nazi flag, captioned and carried by fake Trumpers, for the purpose of inciting people against those they disagree with, by catering to thier confirmation bias. There is a good lesson wrapped up in that.
For clarity, I don't think the image itself is the real issue here. The point that has me so worked up is that someone who holds an authority position just dropped such a charged image, without preamble, explanation or insight. To have done so bespeaks of a lack of those things, and implies a disregard for the position one holds, particularly when the one posting has spoken on how they believe that authority figures irl should be held accountable for what they put out (which I agree with, fwiw).
Would it surprise you to learn that there hasn't been much if any moderation on this forum since it's inception other than banning a couple spammers? The "authority" that you are so concerned about exists only in the colour of his name and not in his actions.
The following image makes the same point as that posted by Noodle. Should Noodle be silenced for making the same point as me? Do I need to include a "preamble, explanation or insight" when posting obvious political commentary in visual form?
I think your problem may not be so much the image or who posted it but who the critisim was directed towards....Donald Trump and those who support and enable him.