Your talent for ridiculous assertions completely bereft of any supporting evidence remains unparalleled. Do tell us more about how anyone slightly to the left of actively hunting homeless for sport is a socialist and how 100% of socialists "always" act in concert and never disagree about anything. That sure sounds reasonable. Also, please detail these mythical concentration camps for Trump voters. I personally find it hard to believe that camps to house 74 million people could have gone unnoticed until now, but here we are. Perhaps their existence is being guarded by Rep. Greene's space Jews and their wildfire laser?
When I say "socialist" I mean "socialist", and "fascist Progressive" is a subset of "socialist". If you haven't noticed, the Democrat Party is remarkably cohesive and does an excellent job of purging dissent from its ranks; the GOP, not at all. Furthermore, the Democrat Party never has to answer for its routine rampant anti-semitism, racism, treason, yadda yadda while the GOP has to hound anyone displaying even slightly offensive with extreme prejudice.
If you can't recognize that, or worse (as I strongly suspect is the case) believe that's because the Democrats are good & the GOP are evil, there's not much point in further discussion.
You may recall back in the day that I would argue *against* Smeghead, playing the moderate. I'm playing the conservative far more frequently, but do you really imagine it's play-acting? Or could, just MAYBE, roughly 40% of the Democrats have turned into fascists over the last 10 years, and you didn't realize it because you like the cut of their jib?
Glurin already answered the concentration camps issue, but I'll expound. It reinforces my obvious point; when a noisy lunatic nobody on social media (or a gaming discussion section) advances the idea that Trump personally authorized concentration camps for illegal immigrants, where they are ripped away from their children, starved, forced to drink from toilets, &c. &c. then sure, it's stupid. When a party has notables & leadership doing it, wouldn't you recognize that's an entirely different issue?
The reverse is true. Democrats have leadership, not just entertainment or media, advancing the idea of incarcerating & reeducating those who voted for Trump. You can tell yourself that it's only Sandy Cortez from Westchester, and who listens to the stupid little trollop anyway?
I'll tell you who. The Democrat feckin' Party, that's who. Same reason they couldn't muster the courage to condemn any of the overt anti-Semitic bile (J00z with giant laser beams controlling the weather, &c) that routinely spills from "The Squad" and instead fabricated a long yarn of total horsecrap about how Trump is really responsible, and solely so, for the race hatred in America.