But sunshine...some of them ARE racists. The Republicans ARE the ones making the job of fighting Covid harder. The Republicans ARE the ones who DID pack the courts already. The Republicans ARE the ones filling the camps with immigrant children. Republicans ARE the ones tuning in daily to FOX, OAN and Newsmax.
Wow, you are 1 for 5 on that one, and only because the word "some" can mean "one or two".
Trump is the one behind operation warp speed, remember? That little thing where he got government regulators out of the way and covered manufacturing costs so we could have a vaccine as early as possible. (Which we ended up with two in an unprecedented short amount of time.) He's also the one that shutdown travel to places where the virus was running rampant, despite being called a racist xenophobe for doing so. (And then later accused by the very same people of being incompetent for not closing the borders sooner.) Plus, Republicans and even
some democrats in congress were actually begging Pelosi to allow a Covid relief bill through, which she patently refused to do because "Trump." There's also this little nugget where in many relief boxes and care packages and the like, a letter from the President was included urging people to wear masks, wash their hands, social distance, etc. Those letters were removed by anti-Trumpers because they didn't specifically say "You
will do these things, that is an order from the President. I am the President so you have to do what I say because I'm the President!"
Republicans didn't pack the courts either. What they did was fill vacancies that Obama left behind as well as new ones that showed up during the past four years. That's what happens after an election. The guy who was elected gets to nominate people for job openings in the courts. Matter of fact, one of the reasons Trump was elected was specifically to fill vacancies in the supreme court so that it can get back to being a supreme court that will interpret the law instead rather than just go along with whatever the democrats tell them to. Packing the court specifically refers to increasing the number of judges for the express purpose of giving you the majority vote should any of your policies be brought before it.
Biden, along with Obama, were the ones responsible for the children in cages. You know, the guy that apparently just got elected as president? Yeah, him. He's the one who did it. Sorry, not sorry.

(btw, I'm actually ok with that one as long as the living conditions aren't too egregious. You would be too if you realized the reason why they were being put there in the first place.)
As far as Fox News is concerned, yeah, not so much anymore. Of course, even when it was reliable, that hardly outdoes the combined weight of CNN, MSNBC, Facebook, Twitter, Google, the New York Times, etc. etc.