US Protests - How do you think it's going to end

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The people who once wanted rioters shot, are now rioting.
This used to be Mitch's seat in the Senate. There are pics of a woman being carried out with a gunshot wound.senate.png
It's almost like the people in charge of security planned this to happen. For reference, this is what the Capitol steps looked like during the BLM protests. Good luck getting past steps.jpg
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It's almost like the people in charge of security planned this to happen. For reference, this is what the Capitol steps looked like during the BLM protests. Good luck getting past that.View attachment 62040

I feel like when people protest about racism and equality it's like, "A'ight, boys, time to break out the SWAT gear." But an actual coup? "let's take our time."

To be fair, those same security probably were getting the lawmakers evacuated first so maybe that was why there was so little security at first but it gave these pricks time to build up.

EDIT: not saying that was a wrong choice. Please, get the Senators and Reps out quickly and safely. But these people are so fucked up that it gave them an advantage against security and law enforcement.
Ivanka tweeted something like "American Patriots, please remain peaceful, this isn't right."

18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Well that escalated steadily since 2016.
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Have fun storming the Capitol.capitol.jpg
Lets not forget that the real reason this is happening is because literally half the American public has been groundlessly labeled racist bigots and nazis and feel that they are not being heard. Or worse, actively silenced. Did you honestly expect that something like this wouldn't happen when you drive people into a corner like that?

The election results are at best highly questionable. No rational human being could look at all the data surrounding them and not consider the possibility of something underhanded, and we do in fact know that, at least in the one county where a forensic analysis was allowed, fraud very likely did happen. The only thing that stopped it from being 100% proven was that the records for this cycle were deleted, which itself is highly illegal by the way. But this by itself wouldn't be enough to cause riots strong enough to take the capital building, and there are procedures in place to handle such disputed results. Procedures which, despite the democrats' and their media lackeys' hypocritical assertions to the contrary, were being properly followed by those in congress who object to the results. Whatever the outcome, following those procedures all they way to the end is exactly the right thing to do.

This looks to me more like the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, and really shows just how close we've gotten to total collapse. Trump can't fix this. Biden can't and won't fix this. And pretty much all the people in congress on both sides are the ones responsible for getting us here in the first place. I fully expect them, particularly the democrats, to make the situation even worse in the months and years to come.
I agree with some of what you said, Glurin. This will be difficult to correct and fix. The government has let us down. Labels are being thrown around a lot. But would we have gotten here if Republicans held their leader accountable, called him out on his crap, stood up to him instead of making excuses for him and letting him do whatever?
Would we have gotten here if Democrats had held their leader accountable? Called her out on on her crap? Stood up to her instead of making excuses for her and letting her do whatever?

Trump is not the uncontrollable monster solely responsible for all our problems that he's been made out to be. I mean, sure he's a bully and needs to stop making tweets from the bathroom, and really not a politician which, lets face it, is the very reason many people decided to elect him. But he's no where near the wannabe dictator encouraging violence and racism that his political opponents claim he is.
Well I have to admit I didn't have this on my bingo card.

Today is the culmination of months of radicalisation.

Usually we only get to see the last bit, when they mobilise but this has been very public with government and certain media conducting it in full view and then today it moves on to where all these situations do. It's been fascinating watching it unfold.
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Lets not forget that the real reason this is happening is because literally half the American public has been groundlessly labeled racist bigots and nazis and feel that they are not being heard.
At the Trump rally in DC today, a newly minted Republican Congresscritter just quoted Hitler today and said that he was right. She wasn't speaking off the cuff. This was a prepared speech. She was speaking to her crowd.

Also...the guys waving the confederate flag in the Capitol building probably weren't racist bigots. Right?
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Would we have gotten here if Democrats had held their leader accountable? Called her out on on her crap? Stood up to her instead of making excuses for her and letting her do whatever?

Trump is not the uncontrollable monster solely responsible for all our problems that he's been made out to be. I mean, sure he's a bully and needs to stop making tweets from the bathroom, and really not a politician which, lets face it, is the very reason many people decided to elect him. But he's no where near the wannabe dictator encouraging violence and racism that his political opponents claim he is.

Would we have gotten here if Democrats had held their leader accountable? Called her out on on her crap? Stood up to her instead of making excuses for her and letting her do whatever?

Trump is not the uncontrollable monster solely responsible for all our problems that he's been made out to be. I mean, sure he's a bully and needs to stop making tweets from the bathroom, and really not a politician which, lets face it, is the very reason many people decided to elect him. But he's no where near the wannabe dictator encouraging violence and racism that his political opponents claim he is.
So the coup attempt today was all the dem's fault? Gotcha.
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