Lets not forget that the real reason this is happening is because literally half the American public has been groundlessly labeled racist bigots and nazis and feel that they are not being heard. Or worse, actively silenced. Did you honestly expect that something like this wouldn't happen when you drive people into a corner like that?
The election results are at best highly questionable. No rational human being could look at all the data surrounding them and not consider the possibility of something underhanded, and we do in fact know that, at least in the one county where a forensic analysis was allowed, fraud very likely did happen. The only thing that stopped it from being 100% proven was that the records for this cycle were deleted, which itself is highly illegal by the way. But this by itself wouldn't be enough to cause riots strong enough to take the capital building, and there are procedures in place to handle such disputed results. Procedures which, despite the democrats' and their media lackeys' hypocritical assertions to the contrary, were being properly followed by those in congress who object to the results. Whatever the outcome, following those procedures all they way to the end is exactly the right thing to do.
This looks to me more like the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, and really shows just how close we've gotten to total collapse. Trump can't fix this. Biden can't and won't fix this. And pretty much all the people in congress on both sides are the ones responsible for getting us here in the first place. I fully expect them, particularly the democrats, to make the situation even worse in the months and years to come.