A Liberal Democrat? Not even close. I'm a conservative.
I typed Republic several times but every time I did, the word "Banana" popped up in front. Think I might need a new keyboard.
Ah, derision and sarcasm, how did I ever think this was an unproductive dialogue?
Pretty sad when I've had better, more open discussion about a topic ON FACEBOOK, than on a forum with people I used to think where a bit open to opinions other than thier own...
Make that "a couple persons" instead of "people"... I mean no disrespect to Glurin, Kris, Leo, and Gorny, who have all been at least not blatantly disrespectful
A democracy cannot really be compared with a republic. The first is a way of decision making, the second a political system which distributed parts of their stately power position by plebiscites while the other people with stately power are chosen by them. A political system in which everything is directly decided by plebiscits will turn into a tyranny sooner or later because of dumb or selfish people or those with certain other character flaws. The first charismatic leader with too little noble motives will turn it into one by making himself the undisputed kind of King.
Having a democracy isn't enough though. You need separation of power, so the powerful watch over each other, else somebody will come sooner or later who will refuse to give up his power after they are to resign or be abdicted. That's what Trump just tried. In a country like Belarus, he might have been successful. He failed in the US because separation of power worked well enough, but the more unrest is involved, the greater the danger of its failure is. I guess with more stratagical thinking and political instinct, somebody like Trump would have been a greater threat.
Regarding the waving of flags, I don't give a shit. Having a flag with you doesn't mean that you have a valid point. All it means is that you claim the right of being a good American, no matter what nonsense you are propagating or doing. I'm pretty wary of people who want to stress their point by carrying a flag, it might mean that they don't have enough facts and reason on their side, so they might try to stupefy you by appealing to your patriotism (which is just a feeling BTW, not a fact or argument). Who was it who said that if tyranny comes over the US, it will be covered in the star-spangled banner?
I'm fine with people flying the flag on the national holiday and similar occurrences, but all the time and whereever you go? That's silly, if not worrying.
Lol... "you cannot compare a Republic to a Democracy" *proceeds to write a direct comparison* ... sorry kris, you walked right into that one.
Otherwise, you do realize what you describe there is pretty much the US, what with electoral college and all. Not that I'm totally against it, as otherwise you could just hold elections in 5 metropolis', and the entire remainder of the nation could essentially piss off. Also the average citizen doesn't even think about what's best for the nation, just what's best for themselves, and someone who has lived in New York, New York all thier life has no idea what concerns the average citizen of Fargo, North Dakota, and vice-versa. Some balance to that isn't horrible, but I think we could definitely do away with representatives being able to vote contrary to what the people they supposedly represent voted.
Otherwise, I'm in total agreement with this post.
As someone who does in fact identify as a bleeding heart liberal Democrat.... Uh, duh?

Dems aren't saints lol!
No. You can say some of the most racist, hateful, vile crap and you won't be prosecuted. You might be banned on Twitter, but you won't go to jail. Inciting danger or fear you can be tried for that.
Ohh that picture breaks my heart.
Make that twice I've heard/read that, then... yes, I'm being completely serious. :|
Please do not misunderstand, there is a great difference between knowing a thing, and hearing/reading from the person that identifies with the group it relates to.