Tip O'Neil? Was it a paint by number? This guy just got a bye into the final bracket of the 2021 Darwin Awards.
Tip O'Neil? Was it a paint by number? This guy just got a bye into the final bracket of the 2021 Darwin Awards.
I think he took the win with shockingly flying colors.Tip O'Neil? Was it a paint by number? This guy just got a bye into the final bracket of the 2021 Darwin Awards.
I think he will take ohm the prize.I think he took the win with shockingly flying colors.
Huh? Is it a comparison if I explain why you cannot compare the two? Democracy means decision-making by plebiscites, a republic is an application of democracy. If the first is like an axe, the other is like wood chopping. You can probably make comparisons about the two, like by counting the number of letters, but that would totally miss the point.Lol... "you cannot compare a Republic to a Democracy" *proceeds to write a direct comparison* ... sorry kris, you walked right into that one.
Yes. With other words, the US is a republic. That alone doesn't mean much though. You also need separation of power and it has to grant certain human rights to make it a constitutional country. And yes, it has to work well to a certain extent to be worth living in.Otherwise, you do realize what you describe there is pretty much the US, what with electoral college and all.
OK, so we probably have just a misunderstanding here. Perhaps I should have said "democracy" instead of "a democracy".Otherwise, I'm in total agreement with this post.
It was Trump that told his followers to march on the Capitol. He wound up the crowd by telling them that the election was stolen and then directed his troops to Hill.
"So we are going to--we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we are going to the Capitol, and we are going to try and give--the Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote but we are going to try--give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help, we're try--going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue."
If he didn't say those words. The Capitol would not have been invaded.
He speaks like a mob boss. The underlings know what he wants.Oh, I didn't know he was that explicite, but he didn't tell them to apply violence or storm the Capitol. It seems he isn't always as dumb as he sometimes appeared.
I don't mean to support Trump in any way, I'm still learning what has happened and I tried to view the issue from a juristic point while being a juristic noob.
Right. Just like if say, Pelosi doesn't say the words "Black lives matter", then Minneapolis wouldn't have burned to the ground.It was Trump that told his followers to march on the Capitol. He wound up the crowd by telling them that the election was stolen and then directed his troops to Hill.
"So we are going to--we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we are going to the Capitol, and we are going to try and give--the Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote but we are going to try--give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help, we're try--going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue."
If he didn't say those words. The Capitol would not have been invaded.
Yeah, Trump does a pretty good job of making people think he's dumber than he is. Not that he's anything close to a genius mind you. Or that he really needs to do anything to accomplish that since the media will do it for anyone for free as long as they put an 'R' next to their name on the ballot. But yea, he's a lot smarter than the woke mob gives him credit for.Oh, I didn't know he was that explicite, but he didn't tell them to apply violence or storm the Capitol. It seems he isn't always as dumb as he sometimes appeared.
I don't mean to support Trump in any way, I'm still learning what has happened and I tried to view the issue from a juristic point while being a juristic noob.
Your point would be valid only if Pelosi said "let's go loot the Target at the Nicollet Mall" to members of BLM.(although I don't think there were many card carrying members of BLM burning buildings down.)Right. Just like if say, Pelosi doesn't say the words "Black lives matter", then Minneapolis wouldn't have burned to the ground.
Yes, I remember when I asked you 4 years ago whether Trump is terrible and you said yes. I wouldn't give him too much credit for "keeping his promises", however. I don't remember who said "Great men aren't known for keeping their promises" or something like that.I wasn't really a Trump supporter either by the way. Still don't like the idea that he was our president. But two things keep driving me to it. First, the fact that he actually kept all his campaign promises, even if some of them ended up being more on the symbolic side.
You are full of shit. Broken Promises.....First, the fact that he actually kept all his campaign promises, even if some of them ended up being more on the symbolic side. Honestly, how many politicians can you think of that pulled that off? Especially when they run as Republicans.
Well, it's not like I'm really giving him a whole lot of credit for it. Like I said, many of them ended up being more symbolic than functional. It's more that everyone else never does. Like if you work at the cafe next to a gym and every single day you see people promise to eat healthy right before they come to you and order three slices of pecan pie or something. Then one day, some fat guy walks in saying the same thing everyone else does, but then he orders something like a single fruit crepe. It's such a shock that he didn't order the pie that it kind of doesn't matter that he still ordered a desert. (I don't know how many calories are actually in those, I'm just trying to illustrate the point.)Yes, I remember when I asked you 4 years ago whether Trump is terrible and you said yes. I wouldn't give him too much credit for "keeping his promises", however. I don't remember who said "Great men aren't known for keeping their promises" or something like that.
Then there's others that he was more successful on, like brokering an actual peace agreement in the Middle East. Something that Biden openly plans to unravel and plunge that region right back into the turmoil it was in before Trump took office, which is one promise that I expect he will keep.
Yes, he did, and it was a huge positive. For decades several presidents, republican and democrat, promised to move the embassy and then failed to do so because the people in the background (advisors, state department desk jockeys, certain legislators, etc.) would tell them to just keep doing the same failed policies that every other president has done on the subject. "We don't want to piss off those people throwing rockets at Israel every single day, so just do as they say and don't move the embassy or acknowledge that the Jews may have any kind of claim to Jerusalem."Didn't he move the US embassy to Jerusalem? Wasn't that a big taboo thing, depending on who you are?
I know Obama met with Netanyahu for some type of agreement that I think ended up being off the table because of Trump... I could very well be wrong and my historical knowledge about Israel is very little.
Yes, that would have made the intent of your post more clear, thank you.OK, so we probably have just a misunderstanding here. Perhaps I should have said "democracy" instead of "a democracy".
Yes. With other words, the US is a republic. That alone doesn't mean much though. You also need separation of power and it has to grant certain human rights to make it a constitutional country. And yes, it has to work well to a certain extent to be worth living in.
Agreed. That is why I find myself woefully often 'defending' (very loose usage of the term) him in discussions much like this one (which I haven't had to do thus far here (thank Cthulu)).Yeah, Trump does a pretty good job of making people think he's dumber than he is. Not that he's anything close to a genius mind you. Or that he really needs to do anything to accomplish that since the media will do it for anyone for free as long as they put an 'R' next to their name on the ballot. But yea, he's a lot smarter than the woke mob gives him credit for.
I wasn't really a Trump supporter either by the way. Still don't like the idea that he was our president. But two things keep driving me to it. First, the fact that he actually kept all his campaign promises, even if some of them ended up being more on the symbolic side. Honestly, how many politicians can you think of that pulled that off? Especially when they run as Republicans. And second, seeing the absolutely despicable and reprehensible treatment he's received from the democrats, the news media, and the social media giants. The outrageous lies and manipulation that the political left has displayed to disparage him over the past four years is a complete disgrace and it is appalling to me to see that happen right here in a nation that used to be the bastion of freedom, tolerance and equality. Even someone like Joe "Groper" Biden doesn't deserve that.
Great, now list how many of those he tried to make a move toward, and was summarily blocked by legislators, some of whom have the same stated goals, who refused to work with him based solely on the fact of who he is.... oh wait, guess you already did.You are full of shit. Broken Promises.....
Repeal Obamacare
Release his tax returns
Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
Place a lifetime ban on lobbyist raising $ for American elections.
Create a Health Savings Account
Create an Infrastructure Fund
Bring back manufacturing
Make no cuts to medicaid
Grow the economy by 4% per year
Guarantee 6 weeks paid leave
Appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton
Get Congress to allow heath insurance across state lines
Renegotiate the Iran deal
Bring back waterboarding
Add additional federal investment of 20 billion $ to School Choice
Change the vaccination schedule for schoolchildren
Adopt the penny plan
Expand national right to carry to all 50 states
Cancel all funding to Sanctuary Cities
Dramatically scale back the UD Education Dept
Eliminate common core
Remove all undocumented immigrants
Eliminate gun free zones at all schools and military bases
Stop the At&T/Time Warner merger
Triple ICE enforcement
Eliminate wasteful spending in all departments
Reverse China's entry into the WTO
End birthright citizenship
Enact a 5 year ban on White House and Congressional officials from lobbying
Impose a hiring freeze on federal employees
Have mandatory minimum sentences on criminals re-entering the US illegally
Impose death penalty for cop killers
Establish a commission on radical Islam
Replace J-1 Visa with Inner City Resume Bank
Increase the size of the military to 540000 active duty soldiers
Increase Visa fees
Build a safe zone for Syrian refugees
Eliminate the federal debt in 8 years
Administer Medicaid through block grants
Allow individuals to deduct health care insurance payments from taxes
Enact term limits
Change the name of Mt Denali back to Mt McKinley
Balance the federal budget fairly quickly
Remove existing Syrian refugees
Establish a ban on all Muslim entering the US
Create targeted child tax care credits
Eliminate the carried interest loophole
Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax
Cut the number of tax brackets
Sue his accusers of sexual misconduct
and my favourite.....
Won't play Golf... Trump played golf on 237 days of 1449 of his presidency. Works out to a game of golf every what? 6 days?
For the first 2 years of his administration, he had the house and the senate.Great, now list how many of those he tried to make a move toward, and was summarily blocked by legislators, some of whom have the same stated goals, who refused to work with him based solely on the fact of who he is.... oh wait, guess you already did.
Does that count as defending him? Damn you, David!![]()