He didn't need their support to sue his sexual assault accusers and yet he didn't do that. I wonder why? Oh yeah.....the discovery would have been brutal.
Well that sure whittled that list down considerably... this is why I defend this idiot, because far too many people just throw whatever they can, just to see what sticks, without any real basis... which I personally find detestable, regardless of the jackass in question.
Also, if you are so sure, then you should probably come forward with that evidence you are sitting on. It might actually get a conviction, and putting a sexual predator in prison is always a worthy goal, if you do have evidence. Withholding such is a crime as well, just sayin'...
Sidebar: it is quite mind-boggling how much thought, effort, and emotion (anger) gets thrown at simple political discussion, let alone actual politics. As someone said, whatever we say is unlikely to change anybody else's mind. I propose that we direct all of this energy/effort at something productive or beneficial to humanity, like curing diseases, unravelling unified field theory, or establishing a human presence on the moon and Mars. Cuz when that asteroid comes smashing into Earth, I doubt it is gonna care too much if you are a Trumper or not..
Wow, amazing confidence you have in us... I can only speak for myself, but I doubt I could do better than ponder these complex mysteries. Come at me with tangible concepts, and I could possibly help design and build the machines you would need, but I really must admit there are very likely much better people to ask. However, as you, leo, and Gorny (at least of those assembled here) should be aware, I am pretty good at nailing down inconsistencies in a dialogue, picking apart faulty logic, and providing an alternate take on what some just accept as a given. Too bad I'm kinda shit at expressing my thoughts completely... I do give it my best attempt, though, and can occasionally get my point across.
Damn, your family sounds... lovely (I hereby submit that for euphemism of the year. Gotta be close, at this date, right?) I am wondering what that has to do with political affiliation, though, as we have already established being an asshole and bigot knows no political boundaries.