US Protests - How do you think it's going to end

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If somebody knows whether he can keep a promise, but promises it anyway, then he's lying. It's not an excuse to say that others prevented it. Just trying is not enough. I'm not saying that he's worse than others with respect to promises though. Perhaps he was even better. I don't know), but the quota of of kept promiese is one thing while the kind of them is another.
Politifact says this...

Promises kept 24%
Broken 50%
Compromise 21%
Stalled 3%
In the works ZERO

Yes I know the % doesn't add up. I think it is rounding error.

Most of the compromises are suspect. For example he said that he would take NO VACATIONS. He did but he called them "working vacations". Others that he followed through on were reversed by courts because they were illegal. Many others were implemented and then he reversed himself.

He says that he is not a politician but his record of promises keep makes me think he actually is one.
I will also leave this here. Watch the Trumps literarily celebrate the attack on the Senate as it's happening. If you think these are rational people, then you need help.

Just pointing out that the pure-as-the-driven-snow Proggies have a monopoly on the "fake news" industry, now that Twitter & FaceBook have realized that blatant election interference is fun & profitable.


As those who have bothered to pay attention know, I've never particularly liked President OrangeManBad. I should have been better than to once quip that Melania was doing the job Americans just wouldn't do.

However, President-Erect Senile Racist Pedophile now enjoys both House & Senate controlled by Proggy fascists. Is anyone really surprised that they've turned from screaming about how Russia stole the 2016 election to demanding that anyone questioning how PedoJoe magically received more votes than President Pant-crease Lightworker now be sent to concentration camps for reeducation?

Hyperbole? Not really. Democrats really ARE demanding conservatives be sent to concentration camps, forced reeducation jails, banned from air travel, banned from public discourse, &c. &c. They're quite happy with the prospect of destruction of the Republic ala the crappy Star Wars prequel.

As they've always held in their heart of hearts, Democracy really IS two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner. As my Senator Chuckly Schumbag recently said, "Buckle Up!"
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Hyperbole? Not really. Democrats really ARE demanding conservatives be sent to concentration camps
Does this mean the innocent children interred by the Trump regime are finally going to be liberated so there is room for the conservatives?
However, President-Erect Senile Racist Pedophile now enjoys both House & Senate controlled by Proggy fascists. Is anyone really surprised that they've turned from screaming about how Russia stole the 2016 election to demanding that anyone questioning how PedoJoe magically received more votes than President Pant-crease Lightworker now be sent to concentration camps for reeducation?
Really hate to say it, but some of the blame for this rests with those of us not in their clubhouse. We all laughed at those videos of stupid college kids ten, fifteen, twenty years ago. We laughed as they resorted to labeling everything they didn't agree with racist. We mocked them for being so scared of "microaggressions". We ridiculed them when they ranked Bush as more evil than Hitler, Stalin, and the antichrist and Obama as more righteous than Jesus. We brushed it off when Twitter gave them a platform where they could speak without having to form thoughts more complicated than 140 characters. It was funny because they were just a bunch of ignorant kids who we thought would learn better once they got out into the real world.

Well, they didn't learn, and now those dumbass college kids are moving into positions of authority where they are teaching the next generation to be even dumber than them.
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If somebody knows whether he can keep a promise, but promises it anyway, then he's lying. It's not an excuse to say that others prevented it. Just trying is not enough. I'm not saying that he's worse than others with respect to promises though. Perhaps he was even better. I don't know), but the quota of of kept promiese is one thing while the kind of them is another.
Small correction: I meant "If somebody *doesn't* know", of course.
For the first 2 years of his administration, he had the house and the senate.

There were no blocks in place. Are you telling me that in 2 years, he couldn't pass any of the above or did he choose not to because they were promises given just to get him elected and he had No intention of fulfilling?
Uh, no. The House and Senate were Republican majority, not Trump majority. Not every Republican likes, or worked with him, since you seem to have forgotten Mitch McConnell already (I'm seriously trying to, so can empathizes).
If somebody knows doesn't know whether he can keep a promise, but promises it anyway, then he's lying. It's not an excuse to say that others prevented it. Just trying is not enough. I'm not saying that he's worse than others with respect to promises though. Perhaps he was even better. I don't know), but the quota of of kept promiese is one thing while the kind of them is another.

Edit: Stupid error corrected.
Agree that the exact promises made are more substantial than which were kept, and trust me, I'm no fan of many of them. Do German politicians not make promises when they are running for office? That would be pretty sweet... how did they manage that?
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Uh, no. The House and Senate were Republican majority, not Trump majority. Not every Republican likes, or worked with him, since you seem to have forgotten Mitch McConnell already (I'm seriously trying to, so can empathizes).
He didn't need their support to sue his sexual assault accusers and yet he didn't do that. I wonder why? Oh yeah.....the discovery would have been brutal.
Not all Republicans are racist, that's a fact. But a lot are.
I have a lot of family who are Republicans, but "not racist". They do however say things like: "this is a dangerous neigborhood (because there are too many black people here)" or "white people have it harder than blacks nowadays (because of affirmative action)".

Sidebar: it is quite mind-boggling how much thought, effort, and emotion (anger) gets thrown at simple political discussion, let alone actual politics. As someone said, whatever we say is unlikely to change anybody else's mind. I propose that we direct all of this energy/effort at something productive or beneficial to humanity, like curing diseases, unravelling unified field theory, or establishing a human presence on the moon and Mars. Cuz when that asteroid comes smashing into Earth, I doubt it is gonna care too much if you are a Trumper or not.. :unsure:
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I have a lot of family who are Republicans, but "not racist". They do however say things like: "this is a dangerous neigborhood (because there are too many black people here)"
It's truly fascinating how the woke mind works sometimes.

"this is a dangerous neigborhood (because there are too many black people here)"
"Sorry, we can't serve you because the store closes at 9:00 and it's 9:15. (also you're black and we don't like that)"
"I think I'd like to open a restaurant that serves Chinese food. (because that culture belongs to me since I'm white)"
*as a cop* "That car is doing 80 in a 35, I'd better pull him over before he kills someone. (and I still need to meet my black people quota for the week)"

Like the man said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. (and how do you feel about your mother?)"
And sometimes the black teenage boy in a hotel lobby really didn't steal your cellphone and you get arrested for assaulting him.
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"this is a dangerous neighborhood (because there are too many black people here)"
The area in question is an upper-middle class suburb. However, my relatives aren't used to seeing any black people where they live in the mid-west.
"Sorry, we can't serve you because the store closes at 9:00 and it's 9:15. (also you're black and we don't like that)"
I close the doors at closing time, down to the minute (or even few seconds). I won't let any customers in after that time. Try getting into the post office after closing time.. :ROFLMAO:
"I think I'd like to open a restaurant that serves Chinese food. (because that culture belongs to me since I'm white)"
American-Chinese food is mostly garbage. So, I don't have any plans on opening such a restaurant..

Not sure where we are going with all of this..
He didn't need their support to sue his sexual assault accusers and yet he didn't do that. I wonder why? Oh yeah.....the discovery would have been brutal.
Well that sure whittled that list down considerably... this is why I defend this idiot, because far too many people just throw whatever they can, just to see what sticks, without any real basis... which I personally find detestable, regardless of the jackass in question.

Also, if you are so sure, then you should probably come forward with that evidence you are sitting on. It might actually get a conviction, and putting a sexual predator in prison is always a worthy goal, if you do have evidence. Withholding such is a crime as well, just sayin'...

Sidebar: it is quite mind-boggling how much thought, effort, and emotion (anger) gets thrown at simple political discussion, let alone actual politics. As someone said, whatever we say is unlikely to change anybody else's mind. I propose that we direct all of this energy/effort at something productive or beneficial to humanity, like curing diseases, unravelling unified field theory, or establishing a human presence on the moon and Mars. Cuz when that asteroid comes smashing into Earth, I doubt it is gonna care too much if you are a Trumper or not.. :unsure:

Wow, amazing confidence you have in us... I can only speak for myself, but I doubt I could do better than ponder these complex mysteries. Come at me with tangible concepts, and I could possibly help design and build the machines you would need, but I really must admit there are very likely much better people to ask. However, as you, leo, and Gorny (at least of those assembled here) should be aware, I am pretty good at nailing down inconsistencies in a dialogue, picking apart faulty logic, and providing an alternate take on what some just accept as a given. Too bad I'm kinda shit at expressing my thoughts completely... I do give it my best attempt, though, and can occasionally get my point across.

Damn, your family sounds... lovely (I hereby submit that for euphemism of the year. Gotta be close, at this date, right?) I am wondering what that has to do with political affiliation, though, as we have already established being an asshole and bigot knows no political boundaries. ;)
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Wow, amazing confidence you have in us... I can only speak for myself, but I doubt I could do better than ponder these complex mysteries. Come at me with tangible concepts, and I could possibly help design and build the machines you would need, but I really must admit there are very likely much better people to ask.
Even if we cannot contribute directly, we should at the very least focus the spotlight of our attention on these types of issues. Share information about these great projects on social media, have intellectual discussions about the future of technology/the human race, support the sciences (even indirectly through social pressure which will lead to gov't funding). That sounds more like how I want to spend my time and energy, rather than wallowing in the dumpster fire of politics.. :(
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I think what flummoxes me about Conservatives is the ideology that progress should be stifled. Being in the UK we are now watching a Conservative govt literally destroy the country. Screwed our trade, no management of a pandemic, financial corruption at the highest level. At the same time actively against the very basic human decency like feeding kids, homelessness, leave the self employed out of pandemic funding, well the list goes on. Conservative values rail against a lot of what makes us decent human beings to each other and there lies the problem with it. We should be helping and looking after each other, the less fortunate. Why be conservative and hold progress back? Being a conservative these days is not about stopping big govt or "freedom" (which we all have as democratic countries anyway) as they often profess, it's about looking out for yourself only and profiting off the back of others. This is fundamentally wrong.
I think what flummoxes me about Conservatives is the ideology that progress should be stifled. Being in the UK we are now watching a Conservative govt literally destroy the country. Screwed our trade, no management of a pandemic, financial corruption at the highest level. At the same time actively against the very basic human decency like feeding kids, homelessness, leave the self employed out of pandemic funding, well the list goes on. Conservative values rail against a lot of what makes us decent human beings to each other and there lies the problem with it.

Yeah, this is how that works.

Liberals: "We're introducing a bill to give homeless people a check every month for $5000 because we care about the homeless. We have to pass this bill within the next three hours or the world is going to end!"

Conservatives: "Hmm..... This bill classifies half your major donors as 'homeless', does nothing whatsoever to cover the cost, and somebody attached a rider that says everyone has to have a pine cone shoved up their butt once a week by a hairy biker. And that's just what we've discovered in the time you gave us to look at it. We can't vote for this."

Liberals: "YOU HEARTLESS MONSTERS!!!! We knew you were cruel, but how could you want homeless people to die slowly from starvation and disease?! Why do you enjoy watching people suffer so much?!?!"

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Please stop being silly. Who spoke about $5000 a month? What about $500 plus rent for a low-end apartment?
Liberals: "We're introducing a bill to give homeless people a check every month for $5000 because we care about the homeless. We have to pass this bill within the next three hours or the world is going to end!"
You are so full of shit, it must leak out your ears.

It's more like this.

Liberals. let's raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $9.10 an hour. It hasn't been raised from $7.25 since 2009, 11.5 years ago.

Conservatives. Bootstraps. Get 2nd job picking cotton. Something even more racist. No.
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Please stop being silly. Who spoke about $5000 a month? What about $500 plus rent for a low-end apartment?

Yeah, you're right. They'd never be so generous as to offer a whole $5000. A taxable $500 check for those on the street and a tax free $500,000 for their donors is more realistic.
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Liberals. let's raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $9.10 an hour. It hasn't been raised from $7.25 since 2009, 11 years ago.

Conservatives. Bootstraps. Get 2nd job picking cotton. Something even more racist. No.
Uh huh. Has nothing to do with how much of a burden increasing the minimum wage puts on employers which results in loss of jobs entirely. Not to mention the effect on inflation.

Or maybe instead of forcing employers to give people more money for pushing a broom, maybe we could, you know, not take as much money away from the guy pushing the broom in the form of taxes? Nah, that's crazy. Guys like that don't know how to properly spend money. It's better that we make his employer pay him more and then we take the burden of deciding how to spend it off his hands.

EDIT: And before you bring it up, by "employers", I mean all employers. Not Walmart and Amazon.
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