US Protests - How do you think it's going to end

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I just came here to say ...



Don't @ me!

That's a load of flaming crap really.

While I'm all for holding the police accountable when they do something that they are not supposed to do or abuse their authority, when you cross the line and not only engage in acts that break the law (destruction of property, no matter who owns said property, looting and harming or killing innocent people), you're nothing more than criminals and terrorists and should be treated as such. Plain and simple.

Also, you can't tag all white people as being a part of white supremacy. All black people aren't criminals are they? Of course not.

Last point, restitution, eh sorry dude, the entire US population of white people isn't responsible for what happened in the past. You might stop and think about the many ethnic varieties that make up "white people".

Here's a history lesson for you:

Many Polish people were forcefully removed from their homes by the German government and put into the German Forced Labor Camps (slave labor if you will) during World War II. When the war was over, a large portion of those people left what was occupied Poland and Germany and moved to other countries. The United States being among those countries. Yes they are white, yes, they came here long after black people came here as slaves. Yes, they were slaves themselves. Do you see them rioting and destroying property, looting or harming innocent people here, in Germany or Poland? No. Do these people owe black people anything. No.

An old saying goes: You won't be judged by your intentions, but you will be judged by your actions, so far your actions (meaning those that are destroying property, looting, harming innocent people, and rioting with an intent to harm or destroy property) are common criminals and should be treated as such. This includes BLM and any groups connected with them who encourage and support such actions.
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Those free states where always going to be a great place for riots to go over the top. I've been waiting on this for a while now. Got to admit its got me all giddy, can't wait to hear more.
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Question for the non-Americans....

Does your country allow 17 year olds to walk around with an open carry AR-15?
No, but in Germany, they can buy and drink as much beer in as they like, although the parents will have an eye on it. I think that when I was a teen, it was pretty much OK for me that way around. Guns for grown-ups... well OK, I can understand it to some extent, but for teenagers or even children? That's gross.
In Wisconsin, he would have to wait 4 more years to buy a beer.
Guns for grown-ups... well OK, I can understand it to some extent, but for teenagers or even children? That's gross.

Slightly OT, I'm born and raised in Texas, as many of y'all know. It's not so much tradition but it's very common place to give kids (yes, little kids) BB guns as toys or just to practice shooting. I like to imagine that with many families, there is safety and supervision, but sometimes that's not the case. An example, when I was little (around 9 or 10), a kid in my neighborhood around the same age came over with his BB gun and he was showing it off, shooting at the ground. Well, my dumbass was too close to the ground looking at something and, for some reason, his dumbass shot the ground close to me. A big pile of dirt ricchoched into my eye and my mom was pissed, lol. It's very common for teenagers to go hunting with their families during the season. Not just for food, for sport too.

When I moved out here to West Coast, the topic of guns was almost total opposite of where I come from, lol! There is a legit fear and uncertainty about guns and who should have them, kids not being one of those groups of people. And it makes total sense.

I'm sure if I had grown up in a bad part of town or something, I would feel differently about guns. I'm pro-gun but, at the same time, there needs to be stricter access and laws and deeper background, CLASSES AND EDUCATION about gun safety and handling. Maybe I'm in the wrong for being pro-gun, but I'm trying to throw safe ideas out there, lol!
I guess wanting police to stop shooting people in general and wanting other systems to be better equipped and easing the load off of cops is too much to ask for so **** me and all the other dirty liberal hippie bastards.
Leo, your heart may be in the right place, but your head probably isn't. The rioting is a result of the combination of idle white rich kids and a total irresponsibility from a significant portion of your peer group. The police are generally overworked, underpaid (at the lower levels), have a nasty, depressing job, and are frequently uneducated & trying to do their job as best they know how in an incompetent environment. It's very much like the military, except that there's more bullying, peer pressure, and less job satisfaction.

As to dirty liberal hippie bastards, it's nothing a bath & haircut wouldn't fix. :sneaky: I mean, did anyone sane really think "Antifa Girl" AKA "Wookie Porn" looked better in her "after" pictures?

There's a reason for the stereotype where people like me waving our fists at clouds; I thought Eastwood's "Gran Tourino" captured the thinking fairly well. A lesser version can be made from detached observations in "Money For Nothin' "; an idle, pampered populace judged as weak & spoiled by people who have actually had to struggle in their lives and recognize just how good America really is, but at the same time are befuddled by the lack of struggle actually needed in modern society.

It's broad-brush, of course, but the criticism definitely applies to the Antifa & BLM leadership. I shouldn't enjoy the suffering of others, but watching one of them in hysterics over a minor cut on his leg had me giggling.

For a musical interlude, here's "Money For Nothin' " (contains the verboten "F-word")

And for some comedic relief, here's one of my favorites - "Capstick Comes Home" (wording here if you have issues w/ accent)
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So if the riots are hurting the Democrats' success chances, they are useful for Trump, correct? And asking that question is useful for the Democrats, I suppose.

This blame-shifting and mud-slinging comedy is lacking quality. If I was American, I would feel intellectually insulted.
Rest assured, we do. When the CNN anchors are suddenly saying they better stop, it's because they have realized just how bad they've been looking for months (well, years, but I already thought they've been crap for a while).

Also, yes, it helps Trump; it allows him to run as a "law & order" candidate without as much legitimacy, because the Democrats **INCLUDING BIDEN** were demanding 'de-fund the police' meaning elimination. The Progressives are engaged in some extreme mendacity to pretend they didn't do so frequently; in the Democrat senile, racist, pedophile candidate's case he didn't actually speak the words himself but rather said, "yes, absolutely!" to the concept. He's nearly as bad at this as Trump is...

It's why he is suddenly going to come out of hiding; polling has started to indicate he's all but lost his supposedly comfortable lead thanks to the Progressive support for the rioting & carnage.
Don't you think it is interesting how the violence coincides with the summer heat. I feel pretty sure that the unrest in America will slow now that the nation begins to cool. Meanwhile your media in America will make it look like Trump has somehow managed to get the matter under control and will make him the best person to lead you into the next 4 years of chaos. Ah democracy, if only the media were not involved it might actually work.
Don't you think it is interesting how the violence coincides with the summer heat. I feel pretty sure that the unrest in America will slow now that the nation begins to cool. Meanwhile your media in America will make it look like Trump has somehow managed to get the matter under control and will make him the best person to lead you into the next 4 years of chaos. Ah democracy, if only the media were not involved it might actually work.
There's a reason George Soros had planned to have his affiliates conduct a "Days of Rage" during the Summer... except his original plans were during the end of the Bush the Second term, and there really wasn't much of a point.

Incidentally, there's practically a media blackout regarding a recent SCOTUS decision involving the old Nazi Collaborator himself - the determination was made that his TIDES Foundation & other covert money groups including BLM were NOT entitled to 1st Amendment protections as American groups are.

Therefore, anyone tapping these Progressive money laundering slush funds of his, including BLM, will now have to register under the FARA as a foreign agent, as General Flynn was supposed to (except he was actually representing Turkey, though the media doesn't want that to be the discussion).

In reality, FARA registration is flaunted all the time; criminal outlets like The Clinton Foundation practically have it in their charter to violate these laws & the penalties are a slap on the wrist (unless you're a Republican, in which case you're lynched). However, the ruling also opens the door to wet dreams by the GOP of RICO statutes against Soros & the Clintons. It'll never happen, of course, but it puts a dampener on their otherwise unbridled grifting.
Wow, talk about taking to the next level....

Basically, murder! How else can you interpret this? It is murder. Oh, yeah putting plastic bags over peoples heads is standard operating procedure and suffocating them to death. That's what we do.


Umm, why does a cop have a mask on? Then just in case he is not dead...

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Leo, your heart may be in the right place, but your head probably isn't. The rioting is a result of the combination of idle white rich kids and a total irresponsibility from a significant portion of your peer group. The police are generally overworked, underpaid (at the lower levels), have a nasty, depressing job, and are frequently uneducated & trying to do their job as best they know how in an incompetent environment. It's very much like the military, except that there's more bullying, peer pressure, and less job satisfaction.

The rioting is a result of more freely open and available information (video recordings are constantly happening) which shows a lot of the atrocities that our so called overworked, underpaid, nasty, depressing job police officers are committing. Here is the thing with our police force:

- They are vastly under trained in comparison to other developed nations. The average training time for a US police officer is somewhere around 9 months (note that this varies by state, some states require as little as 480 hours of training where as some others require over 1,000). The training time for police officers in other developed nations are in excess of 2 years.

- The training that they do have does not include the proper deescalation techniques. The training is more focused on treating each environment you walk into as a threat until proven otherwise. The training should include more situations that involve a non-violent response. If this was the case then maybe we wouldn't resort to drawing weapons on unarmed individuals at first sight and maybe use a taser or some other non lethal method that won't kill the person but will definitely subdue them just the same.

You say that they are overworked, underpaid, and that the job is nasty and depressing. Fun fact about being a police officer, its a job, you don't have to stay a police officer if you don't like your job. The reason people choose to be a police officer is usually for a variety of factors, similar to why people decide to join the military. Yes, some people can join either or because they have a passion to help others, or to support our nation, however there are many others who don't do this. In the case of the military its usually because they don't have many other options, or it provides a decent pay and free college education if you stick with it long enough. In the case of police officers, think about it, you say that they are underpaid, but can you think of many other occupations that provide a decent salary for only 9 months of training? There are various "averages" for police officer salaries, but it looks like it can range from 30-60k as a starting salary, and I've read some articles that say the average salary is around 65k. I would imagine that doesn't include overtime pay, but once again, they are getting paid for that additional time at time and half, so its not like they aren't getting compensated. That's pretty darn good for a job that has so little training time. Trades even have longer training times and less starting salary, that is not even considering higher education jobs which have a minimum 4 year degree and low starting salaries. After that you can throw in the group of people that go into the job for less "appropriate" reasons which are the ones that go into it so that they have a position of "power" which is where we start having the problems we are seeing today.

Yes, it may be that they are just not appropriately trained, and we really need to address that underlying issue, but there are many other factors that go into it. Defunding or as you put it "abolishing" the police isn't the answer, we will always have to have police, but that doesn't mean we can't reallocate those funds to better training or other social services that would be better equipped to handle situations that the police shouldn't.

Don't you think it is interesting how the violence coincides with the summer heat. I feel pretty sure that the unrest in America will slow now that the nation begins to cool. Meanwhile your media in America will make it look like Trump has somehow managed to get the matter under control and will make him the best person to lead you into the next 4 years of chaos. Ah democracy, if only the media were not involved it might actually work.

Its not interesting how it coincides with the summer heat, it coincides with a large idle workforce (i.e. millions of unemployed) who now have the time necessary to attend protests. The main thing that stops people from going out to protest is financial obligations. Most people need to work to keep food and a roof over their head. When an exponential amount of people are no longer working and there are more and more news reports of unnecessary violence you can believe that there are going to be way more people out on the street. As more people get back into the workforce when (if) things start to recover then you will probably see a decline in attendance.

Also, we don't have a democracy, we have a "republic", which is fancy words for unlimited capitalism that is destroying our nation. If we would take less time fighting each other we would be able to put more time to fighting the real problem which are the politicians and lawmakers that are either sitting idly by, fueling the fire, or generating financial benefits for themselves and other wealthy individuals while we tear each other apart.
Wow, talk about taking to the next level....
" He made people laugh. He brought joy to people. " Wow, I never knew being loaded to the gills with PCP will make people laugh & bring them joy. Maybe I ought to rethink my anti-drug views, yes?

Fun fact about being a police officer, its a job, you don't have to stay a police officer if you don't like your job.
None of what you state is inherently false. The problem for the society occurs when those who enforce the society's own rules become a target for the society. This has now happened in most 'blue' states. The result is that those who served the public good for even borderline altruistic reasons will say, '**** this shit' & retire. Those left, much like the military, are not the best and often either have tendencies for bullying or laziness.
In the case of the military its usually because they don't have many other options, or it provides a decent pay and free college education if you stick with it long enough.
Then again, some of us are naive & stupid enough to do it for altruistic reasons, even though we never are properly compensated for our sacrifices. But hey, sure, I'm a craven monster who gets off putting a gun in minority faces because I'm just such an all-round bad guy. 🤬

In the case of police officers, think about it, you say that they are underpaid, but can you think of many other occupations that provide a decent salary for only 9 months of training?
Well, all of them? Putting your life at risk for a not-much-better-than-minimum-wage job isn't something smart people (AKA those with no conscience or morals) will do for giggles. That's why, for example, the military needs to promise college tuition to those who take their suck offer - the belief, imagined or otherwise, that they'll make something of themselves while making things better. Stupid suckers, right, just like Trump is supposed to have said?
Defunding or as you put it "abolishing" the police isn't the answer,
yet that IS the answer, and the ONLY answer, no matter what Leo and you claim... at least before polling started to show that people weren't so wild about Vice President elect Poontang bailing out child molesters & rapists simply because they claimed they just wanted to punch Nazis.

The belief that law enforcement is racist is inherently false. Why? Because a significant number if not majority of Law Enforcement Officers (LEO's, geddit?) are racial minorities. Just as with the military, law enforcement is one of the institutions where people can 'shed' racial bigotry. In my current job, there's at least 30% mixed-race/not 'white', as well as around 10% queer representation, in the law enforcement, while those they are policing (which I'm a part of) are far more aligned with societal percentages.

Are there racist cops? Of course. I've been on the receiving end of their racism. Does that excuse the Democrat Party cheering for rioting, destruction, and lawlessness? Only in the minds of Proggy fascist scum. I hope to Christ that it's too late for Pedophile Joe to reverse course...

Why? Because I strongly believe that only through having the Democrat Party's having a thorough curb-stomping - like a teeth-broken-off-in-the-asphalt destruction, can they stop being treasonous scum and return to being a legitimate opposition party rather than Chinese stooges.

Which would be nice, because I hate supporting the GOP. They're mostly corporatist swine.
Also, we don't have a democracy, we have a "republic", which is fancy words for unlimited capitalism that is destroying our nation.
Capitalism isn't destroying our nation by any measure. Corporatism certainly isn't doing it any good, but corporatism is yet another province of the Democrat Establishment. There's a bunch of "RINO's" who provide the pretense of an opposition party, but they're more interested in attending Georgetown cocktail parties than in any silly principles or morals.
" He made people laugh. He brought joy to people. " Wow, I never knew being loaded to the gills with PCP will make people laugh & bring them joy. Maybe I ought to rethink my anti-drug views, yes?
Yeah yeah, I get it. But this is the cops playing judge and jury on the street.
Yeah yeah, I get it. But this is the cops playing judge and jury on the street.
The hood was because he was spitting & biting.

Unfortunately, cops seem to have to deal with a lot of people blasted out of their minds, and now when they die it's immediately laid at the cops' feet... rather than recognizing that being blasted out of your mind is often bad for your health.

Wow, if Michael Jackson only had better timing, he could have erased the entire pedophilia legacy and been the new Black Lives Matter martyr!
Gee, why on Earth would Black Lives Matter want to hide what they believe?

Down the memory hole: Black Lives Matter deletes “what we believe” page

With little fanfare, Black Lives Matter removed a section of text that had been under a section called “What We Believe” that sought to engender the destruction, or perhaps reimagining, of the nuclear family structure.

The section read: “We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.

“We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts. We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work ‘double shifts’ so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”

Yup Merv. Sounds like they are pure evil by advocating for extended family instead of the traditional mother+father+1.5 children. What is an extended family?

"a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household. "

Why is it an evil thing to want to care for that extended family?

Ask Merv.

Millions of children, black and white, are raised in non-traditional households. It is not wrong to want to support them regardless of who is raising the child.
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