As an update:
CDC has now determined tear gas was used.
- United States Park Police say smoke canisters and pepper balls were used to clear protesters at Lafayette Square on Monday
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classifies riot control agents (also known as "tear gas") as "chemical compounds that temporarily make people unable to function by causing irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin"
- The CDC lists pepper balls as an example of a riot control agent
That would be the same CDC that has caused hundreds of unnecessary deaths thanks to their grotesque incompetence during the Chinese Coronavirus epidemic, yes? I assume you believe they were on-site embeds with the rioters? Kind of strange, what with their HQ in Atlanta & all...
Just so you understand my laughter at your Twitter citation (bound to be better than Wikipedia, right?), you're playing the same sort of "6 degrees of separation" game to support these ludicrously false claims as Glenn Beck was routinely mocked for back on FOX News.
It's like calling a blue whale a Weapon of Mass Destruction because if you drop it from a sufficient height it could be devastating.
Pepper balls are paintballs, and are even fired from the same weaponry that paintball gamers use. They pop open on contact with a target. You can buy them on the Internet, if you like. They contain capsicum, which I generally prefer in habanero flavor on my breakfast fry-up. Pepper
spray generally isn't effective either, which is why it's available for civilian purchase but many people like myself would prefer to keep a can of wasp spray handy for the same purpose.
"Tear Gas", in contrast, is generally referred to as CS (there are others) and is a smoke created by burning chemicals (2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile is the norm, according to Wiki), most often delivered via a literal smoke grenade.
I'm, shall we say,
intimately familiar with CS. I fondly remember little tablets of CS which could be inserted into standard smoke grenades to give wargaming exercises a little extra kick if the troops were arrogant enough to try to ignore your simulated chemical attack and charge through the smoke. We even had an old building on the German military installation I managed which had been used for regular training over the years, and you literally couldn't drive by it without your skin prickling and your eyes tearing up.
In short, Pepper balls are point target projectiles filled with irritant like capsicum, meaning you fire them *at* a target, while tear gas is, duh, a gas.
Anyroad, back to topic. Both Steven Crowder & James O'Keefe have "candid camera" footage of Antifa planning & organizing their savagery, apparently including some juicy quotes indicating their willingness to attempt to mutilate those they declare targets and their deliberate tactics of infiltration & acting as agents provocateur in peaceful protests, exactly as has been seen in the past days.
What fun! Just for kicks, right? Like kicking unconscious people in the head? If they say you're a Nazi, then you must be a Nazi, and deserve to die if they can get away with it. Of course, they've been seen to scream and bleat like little lambs if they happen to be injured, so I doubt they're quite as tough as the parent organization in Europe.
I doubt we'll hear more in the coming months, because the so-called Mainstream Media has had this information for years & prefers to coddle if not openly support Antifa terrorism.