Noodle right out the gate with the votes, between this and your vote yesterday for Babyhell you are way outside of your normal play style. Did you hit your head on a rug?
Anyway, I was going through the posts in my usual style, trying to quote and point out things, but then noticed I was quoting pretty much everything in the thread since the day started, thats not helpful. I'm not going to vote right away, going by my count D2DC is already at 4? which is one away from lynch, two from lock. More than half a day phase left so I'm good holding on to my vote for now.
Lets do a summary instead:
- D2DC claims at the end of the day phase yesterday that he is a nameless vanilla townie, I found this to be an odd claim at the time but with the end of day approaching and the lynch pretty much already decided figured it was best to leave it be. Apparently it didn't go unnoticed by others.
- Others point out D2DC's claim (Noodle - PS I'm shocked, d2lover, huckit)
- D2DC continues to claim nameless vanilla townie (that apparently searches for pie), claims that every townie that was vanilla didn't have a name. This is an odd claim to be confident in, how do you know what the other role PMs look like, strange confidence in something like this.
- D2DC claims he self investigated and got pie, investigated coju and got pac man? From knowledge of previous games it sounds kind of like a weird flavor cop. I had something like this in one of the games I modded, but who knows if this really holds true here or if the claim is true for that matter.
- D2DC claims that role pm did not contain a name. I know that discussing role pms is teetering on breaking the rules so we will try to avoid this, but I can say I had to confirm my name/role before game start so its odd that you had no name, that part doesn't make sense
- D2DC updates us and indicates his name is Argyle (unfortunate mod error or scramble to come up with an name?)
- Leo is stuck on twinkies, but also speculates on what power roles there may be
(cough scum tell cough)
coju points out that Argyle is the limo driver.
- Huckit points out that I am usually all for a D2DC lynch, which honestly, yes I am, there is nothing like a good D2DC lynch
. This is in no way important, I just found it funny.
- Franklin is unsure of what to do (why so serious Franklin?), speculates D2DC is Theo a bad dude. Franklin points out Noodle's boldness and Huckit following in step with him being odd. Which in both accounts, is in fact, odd.
And here we are!