Monopoly Forum Game #1 - Game Over - D2DC wins.

Rotation 9:

@D2DC rolls a 5 (4+1) and advances to Boardwalk.
D2DC owns Boardwalk.

@Skjolde rolls a 10 (6+4) and advances to Atlantic Avenue.
Skjolde pays Noodle $88 in rent.

@coju rolls doubles, rolling a 6 (3+3) and advances to Illinois Avenue.
coju owns Illinois Avenue
coju rolls 3 (2+1) and advances to Ventnor Avenue.
coju pays Skjolde $88 in rent

Noodle rolls doubles! rolling a 4 with (2+2).
Noodle advances to Community Chest.
Noodle draws a Community Chest card via 1D30.

From sale of stock you get $200
Noodle rolls again, rolling a 6 (5+1).
Noodle lands on Luxury Tax and pays $400.

@Leopold Stotch has made improvements to her properties, buying 3 houses for the orange properties. Each property is improved with one house each.
Leopold Stotch rolls a 5 (3+2) and advances to Free Parking and claims $400 from Free Parking.
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Rotation 9 stats:

D2DC: $3,508 (No change)

Skjolde: $5,820 - $88 in rent to Noodle + $88 in rent from Coju = $5,820

coju: $4,616 - $88 in rent to skjolde = $4,528

Noodle: $9,175 + $88 in rent from skjolde + $200 from sale of stotch - $400 Luxury Tax = $9,063

Leopold Stotch: $6,056 - $1200 for 3 houses + $400 from Free Parking = $5,256

The Bank: $77,740 - $200 to Noodle + $1200 from Leopold Stotch = $78,740

Free Parking: $0

Houses: 29 (-3 to Leo)

D2DC: Boardwalk
Skjolde: Atlantic Avenue:
coju: Ventnor Avenue
Noodle: Luxury Tax
Leopold Stotch: Free Parking

US Name
Rent with color set
Rent (1 House)
(2 Houses)
(3 Houses)
(4 Houses)
Houses Cost
Hotels Cost (plus 4 houses)
Mortgage Value
Brown Mediterranean Avenue
Brown Baltic Avenue
Light Blue Oriental Avenue
Light Blue Vermont Avenue
Light Blue Connecticut Avenue
Pink St Charles Place
Pink States Avenue
Pink Virginia Avenue
Orange St James Place
Orange Tennessee Avenue
Orange New York Avenue
Red Kentucky Avenue
Red Indiana Avenue
Red Illinois Avenue
Yellow Atlantic Avenue
Yellow Ventnor Avenue
Yellow Marvin Gardens
Green Pacific Avenue
Green North Carolina Avenue
Green Pennsylvania Avenue
Park Place
Reading Railroad (Skjolde)Rent: 100
Pennsylvania Railroad (D2DC)Rent: 100
B & O Railroad (Noodle)Rent: 100
Short Line Railroad (Coju)Rent: 100
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Rotation 10:

@D2DC rolls a 3 (1+2) and advances to Community Chest.
D2DC draws a card from Community Chest via 1D30.

Pay hospital fees of $1000

@Skjolde rolls 8 (2+8) and advances to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Skjolde pays coju @112 in rent

@coju rolls 5 (3+2) and advances to North Carolina Avenue.
coju pays Leopold Stotch $104 in rent.

@Noodle rolls 10 (6+4) and advances to Vermont Avenue
Noodle pays Skjolde $24 in rent

@Leopold Stotch rolls a 7 (4+3) and advances Ventnor Avenue.
Leopold Stotch pays Skjolde $88 in rent.
Rotation 10 Stats:

D2DC: $3,508 - $1,000 in Hospital Fees = $2,508
Skjolde: $5,820 - $112 to coju + $24 from Noodle + $88 from Leopold Stotch = $5,820
coju: $4,528 - $104 to Leopold Stotch = $4,424
Noodle: $9,063 - $24 to Skjolde = $9039
Leopold Stotch: $5,256 + $104 from coju - $88 to Skjolde = $5,272

The bank: $78,740 (no change)
Free Parking: $1,000 (Hospital Fees from D2DC)

Houses: 29
Hotels: 10

D2DC: Community Chest #1
Skjolde: Pennsylvania Avenue
coju: North Carolina Avenue
Noodle: Vermont Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Ventnor Avenue

US Name
Rent with color set
Rent (1 House)
(2 Houses)
(3 Houses)
(4 Houses)
Houses Cost
Hotels Cost (plus 4 houses)
Mortgage Value
Brown Mediterranean Avenue
Brown Baltic Avenue
Light Blue Oriental Avenue
Light Blue Vermont Avenue
Light Blue Connecticut Avenue
Pink St Charles Place
Pink States Avenue
Pink Virginia Avenue
Orange St James Place
Orange Tennessee Avenue
Orange New York Avenue
Red Kentucky Avenue
Red Indiana Avenue
Red Illinois Avenue
Yellow Atlantic Avenue
Yellow Ventnor Avenue
Yellow Marvin Gardens
Green Pacific Avenue
Green North Carolina Avenue
Green Pennsylvania Avenue
Park Place
Reading Railroad (Skjolde)Rent: 100
Pennsylvania Railroad (D2DC)Rent: 100
B & O Railroad (Noodle)Rent: 100
Short Line Railroad (Coju)Rent: 100
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Rotation 11:

@D2DC rolls 6 (2+4) and advances to Vermont Avenue.
D2DC pays Skjolde $24 in rent.

@Skjolde rolls a 4 (3+1) and advances to Luxury Tax.
Skjolde pays $400 for his lavish lifestyle.

@coju rolls 10 (6+4) and advances to Community Chest (#1) and also passes Go and collects $800.
coju draws a random card from Community Chest via 1D30:

You are seduced by a succubus. Lose your next turn and pay $200 to Leopold Stotch. If you are Leopold Stotch, pay each player 200.

@Noodle rolls 5 (3+2) and advances to States Avenue.
Noodle pays Leopold Stotch rent in the amount of $40.

@Leopold Stotch rolls 6 (1+5) and advances to Community Chest.
Leopold Stotch Draws a Community Chest Card via 1D30 roll.

You visit The Noodle Compound, drink a large quantity of “Rainwater Moonshine” You have blacked out and lose 3 turns. If you are Noodle, collect 250 from each player for repairs concerning “after party” damages.
  • Haha
Reactions: Leopold Stotch
Rotation 11 stats:

D2DC: $2,508 - $24 to Skjolde = $2,484
Skjolde: $5,820 + $24 from D2DC - $400 in taxes = $5,444.
coju: $4,424 + $800 (Go) - $200 to Leopold Stotch = $5,024
Noodle: $9,039 - $40 to Leopold Stotch = $8,999
Leopold Stotch: $5,272 + $200 from coju = $5,472

*coju has passed out and lost his next turn!*
*Leopold Stotch has blacked out and lost her next three turns!!!*

The Bank: $78,740 - $800 to cjou for passing GO = $77,940.
Free Parking: $1,000 + $400 from Skjolde = $1,400

Houses: 29
Hotels: 10

Property Chart remains unchanged.

D2DC: Vermont Avenue
Skjolde: Luxury Tax
coju: Community chest (#1)
Noodle: States Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Community Chest (#3)

Note: The numbering of Community Chestand Chance #'s 1-3 is just for me to keep track of which individual Community Chest of Chance space a player is on

Rotation 11:

@D2DC rolls 6 (2+4) and advances to Vermont Avenue.
D2DC pays Skjolde $24 in rent.

@Skjolde rolls a 4 (3+1) and advances to Luxury Tax.
Skjolde pays $400 for his lavish lifestyle.

@coju rolls 10 (6+4) and advances to Community Chest (#1) and also passes Go and collects $800.
coju draws a random card from Community Chest via 1D30:

You are seduced by a succubus. Lose your next turn and pay $200 to Leopold Stotch. If you are Leopold Stotch, pay each player 200.

@Noodle rolls 5 (3+2) and advances to States Avenue.
Noodle pays Leopold Stotch rent in the amount of $40.

@Leopold Stotch rolls 6 (1+5) and advances to Community Chest.
Leopold Stotch Draws a Community Chest Card via 1D30 roll.

You visit The Noodle Compound, drink a large quantity of “Rainwater Moonshine” You have blacked out and lose 3 turns. If you are Noodle, collect 250 from each player for repairs concerning “after party” damages.
Rotation 12:

@D2DC rolls doubles!
D2DC rolls 10 (5+5) and advances to Tennessee Avenue.
D2DC pays Leopold Stotch rent in the amount of $280

D2DC rolls again and rolls a 7 (6+1) and advances to B&O Railroad
D2DC pays Noodle rent in the mount of $100

@Skjolde rolls 4 (3+1) and advances to Luxury Tax and pays $400 in taxes.

@coju rolls a 6 (2+4) and advances to Luxury Tax.
coju pays taxes in the amount of $400

@Noodle rolls a 5 (2+3) and advances to States Avenue.
Noodle pays Leopold Stotch rent in the amount of $40

@Leopold Stotch rolls a 4 (1 +3) and advances to Pacific Avenue.
Leopold Stotch pays D2DC rent in the amount of $112.
  • Like
Reactions: Leopold Stotch
Rotation 12 stats:

D2DC: $2,484 - $280 in rent to Leopold Stotch - $100 in rent to Noodle + $112 in rent from Leopold Stotch = $2,216

Skjolde: $5,444 - $400 in taxes = $5,044

coju: $5,024 - $400 in taxes = $5,424

Noodle: $8,999 + $100 from D2DC - $40 to Leopold Stotch = $9,059

Leopold Stotch: $5,472 + $280 from D2DC + $40 from Noodle - $112 to D2DC = $5,781.

The Bank: $77,940
Free Parking: $1,400 + $800 = $2,200 (at $400 each from Skjolde and coju in taxes)

Houses: 29
Hotels: 10

Property Chart Remains unchanged.

D2DC: Tennessee Avenue
Skjolde: Luxury Tax
coju: Luxury Tax
Noodle: States Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Pacific Avenue
Rotation 13;

*coju has lost his roll for this round*
*Leopold Stotch is unconsious and cannot roll (1)

@D2DC rolls 8 (2+6) and advances to Atlantic Avenue.
D2DC pays Noodle rent in the amount of $100.

@Skjolde rolls 7 (4+3) and advances to Reading Railroad.
Skjolde owns Reading Railroad.

@coju is unable to roll.

@Noodle rolls doubles! for 12 (6+6) and advances to B.O. Railroad.
Noodle pays D2DC rent in the amount of $100
Noodle rolls again.
Noodle rolls 9 (3+6) and advances to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Noodle pays coju rent in the amount of $112

@Leopold Stotch is unconsious and unable to roll.
Rotation 13 stats:

D2DC: $2,216 - $100 in rent to Noodle + $100 in rent from Noodle = $2,216.

Skjolde: $5,044

coju: $5,424 + $112 in rent from Noodle = $5,536

Noodle: $9,059 + $100 in rent from 2DC - $100 in rent to D2DC - $112 in rent to coju = $8,947

Leopold Stotch: $5,781

The Bank: $77,940
Free Parking: $2,200

Property chart remains unchanged.

D2DC: Atlantic Avenue
Skjolde: Reading Railroad
coju: Luxury Tax
Noodle: Pennsylvania Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Pacific Avenue

Rotation 14:

@D2DC rolls a 7 (4+3) and advances to Community Chest (#3)
D2DC draws a Community Chest Card via 1D30:

You argue the finer points of mafia with Skjolde. Pay Skjolde 400 for consultation services. If you are Skjolde, collect 100 from each player.

@Skjolde rolls 11 (6+5) and advances to St. James Place.
Skjolde pays Leopold Stotch $280 in rent.

@coju rolls 4 (1+3) and advances to Community Chest (#1).
coju draws a Community Chest card via 1D30:

A WILD @Kestegs APPEARS! You’re Shocked. Lose your next turn.

@Noodle rolls 5 (1+4) and advances to Boardwalk.
Noodle pays D2DC $800 in rent.

@Leopold Stotch is unconsious and cannot roll (2)

*I had to check D2DC's properties to make sure, almost charged @Noodle $8,000 in rent at Boardwalk but the hotels are on the other properties owned by D2DC*
  • Haha
Reactions: Leopold Stotch
Rotation 14 stats:

D2DC: $2,216 - $400 to Skjolde + $800 from Noodle = $3,416
Skjolde: $5,044 +$400 from D2DC - $280 to Leopold Stotch = $5,164
coju: $5,536
Noodle: $8,947 - $800 to D2DC = $8,147
Leopold Stotch: $5,781 + $280 from Skjolde = $6,061

The Bank: $77,940
Free Parking: $2,200

D2DC: Community Chest (#3)
Skjolde: St. James Place
coju: Community Chest (#1)
Noodle: Boardwalk
Leopold Stotch: Pacific Avenue (unconsious)
Rotation 15:

@D2DC rolls a 5 (1+4) and advances to Luxury Tax.
D2DC pays $400 on taxes

@Skjolde rolls a 3 (1+2) and advances to New York Avenue.
Skjolde pays Leopold Stotch rent in the amount of $320

@coju has lost his turn due to being shocked by @Kestegs

@Noodle rolls doubles! Noodle rolls a 10 (5+5) and advances to Connecticut Avenue.

*Noodle attempts to convince himself to pay himself rent in the amount of several barrels of moonshine, a cigar, some barbecued chicken, new shoes for Mrs. Noodle and a soda, but the mirror returns no reply.*

Noodle rolls again, rolling a 7 (2+5) and advances to St. James Place.
Noodle pays Leopold Stotch rent in the amount of $280

@Leopold Stotch is unconsious and unable to roll (3)