Monopoly Forum Game #1 - Game Over - D2DC wins.

Answering a question I was sent peivately: when am I going to end the game?

A: when one of you is left standing over the bloodied and lifeless corpses of the rest of youà
So that's what really happened to Don.
Well, he was only my so-called friend, and repeatedly called my patented Funny Cowboy Dance annoying rather than funny, when it's always funny and never annoying, regardless of the situation.
Well, he was only my so-called friend, and repeatedly called my patented Funny Cowboy Dance annoying rather than funny, when it's always funny and never annoying, regardless of the situation.
Its annoying
Had he executed the dance correctly, it would have instantly immolated him. It's in the by-laws.
@Noodle you are known to be extremely generous.. would you care to part with Atlantic Ave?
If you really need to be paid for this, then I have the following: Reading Railroad, Vermont Ave, Kentucky Avenue.

I can also offer you a cash sum payment at around $23,5 or higher. Not lower though.
I wish to build a moat around my properties, take one each from my competitors that is closest to my hand, and 13k€ from the bank.
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Reactions: Leopold Stotch
Especially now since all eyes are on skjodle noodle with their trade. I will not take any from them as to not get caught.
@Noodle you are known to be extremely generous.. would you care to part with Atlantic Ave?
If you really need to be paid for this, then I have the following: Reading Railroad, Vermont Ave, Kentucky Avenue.

I can also offer you a cash sum payment at around $23,5 or higher. Not lower though.
@Noodle you have six hours from now to respond to this or the trade expires.
Rotation 16 (NULL):

@D2DC rolls doubles! rolling a 4 (2+2) advancing to Park Place.
D2DC owns Park Place.
D2DC rolls a 5 (3+2) and advances to Community Chest.
D2DC draws a Community Chest Card via 1D30:

You played a long, nerve wracking game of mafia with your scum partner @Pyrotechnician Roll the dice. If your roll is even, collect 500. If your roll is odd, you were unlucky and got thrown under the bus. Pay 500 to calm your nerves.

D2DC rolls a 4 and collects $500

@Skjolde has initiated a trade offer with @Noodle the current rotation is paused here.
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