Monopoly Forum Game #1 - Game Over - D2DC wins.

Rotation 16 :

@D2DC rolls doubles! rolling a 4 (2+2) advancing to Park Place.
D2DC owns Park Place.
D2DC rolls a 5 (3+2) and advances to Community Chest.
D2DC draws a Community Chest Card via 1D30:

You played a long, nerve wracking game of mafia with your scum partner @Pyrotechnician Roll the dice. If your roll is even, collect 500. If your roll is odd, you were unlucky and got thrown under the bus. Pay 500 to calm your nerves.

D2DC rolls a 4 and collects $500

@Skjolde has initiated a trade offer with @Noodle the current rotation is paused here.
*The above is Null as I forgot to run the totals and player spacing at the end of rotation 15. The easiest fix to this is to void the current version of Rotation 16 (incuding the post I was working on continuing Rotation 16, total up Rotation 15 and then start Rotation 16 from the top*
Rotation 15 Stats:

D2DC: $3,416 - $400 (Taxes) = $3,016
Skjolde: $5,164 -$320 to Leopold Stotch = $4,844
coju: $5,536
Noodle: $8,147 - $280 to Leopold Stotch = $7,867
Leopold Stotch: $6,061 + $280 from Noodle +$320 from Skjolde = $6,661

D2DC: Luxury Tax
Skjolde: New York Avenue
coju: Community Chest (#1)
Noodle: St. James Place
Leopold Stotch: Pacific Avenue)

US Name
Rent with color set
Rent (1 House)
(2 Houses)
(3 Houses)
(4 Houses)
Houses Cost
Hotels Cost (plus 4 houses)
Mortgage Value
Brown Mediterranean Avenue
Brown Baltic Avenue
Light Blue Oriental Avenue
Light Blue Vermont Avenue
Light Blue Connecticut Avenue
Pink St Charles Place
Pink States Avenue
Pink Virginia Avenue
Orange St James Place
Orange Tennessee Avenue
Orange New York Avenue
Red Kentucky Avenue
Red Indiana Avenue
Red Illinois Avenue
Yellow Atlantic Avenue
Yellow Ventnor Avenue
Yellow Marvin Gardens
Green Pacific Avenue
Green North Carolina Avenue
Green Pennsylvania Avenue
Park Place
Reading Railroad (Skjolde)Rent: 100
Pennsylvania Railroad (D2DC)Rent: 100
B & O Railroad (Noodle)Rent: 100
Short Line Railroad (Coju)Rent: 100
Rotation 16 (revised):

@D2DC rolls doubles! rolling (4+4) for a total roll of 8.
D2DC advances to Oriental Avenue.
D2DC collects $800 for passing Go.
D2DC pays Leopold Stotch rent in the amount of $24
D2DC rolls doubles again! rolling (6+6) for a total of 12!
D2DC advances to Tennessee Avenue.
D2DC pays Leopold Stotch rent int he amount of $280.
D2DC rolls again! D2DC rolls 8 (6+2)
D2DC advances to Atlantic Avenue.
D2DC pays Noodle rent in the amount of $88.

@Skjolde rolls 5 (4+1)
Skjolde advances to Illinois Avenue.
Skjolde pays rent to coju in the amount of $80

@coju rolls 5 (1+4).
coju advances to Chance (#1)
coju draws a Chance Card via 1D30:

You bought the DVD collection of HBO Rome at a discount store. Fortune pisses on you. Lose two turns.

@Noodle rolls a 7 (2+5)
Noodle advances to Indiana Avenue.
Noodle attempts to get Noodle to pay for all of the rainwater moonshine (Special Reserve) that Noodle drank while making drunken owl sound effects but Noodle refuses to pay up, so Noodle storms off and and swears revenge on Noodle. Noodle heard this from Noodle while he talked to Noodle via Noodle's Noodle sources.

@Leopold Stotch rolls doubles! rolling a 10 (5+5)
Leopold Stotch passes GO
Leopold Stotch advances to Mediterranean Avenue.
Leopold Stotch collects $800 for passing Go.
Leopold Stotch pays D2DC rent in the amount of $1,000.
Leopold Stotch rolls again, rolling a 7 (1+6).
Leopold Stotch advances to Vermont Avenue.
Leopold Stotch pays Skjolde rent in the amount of $24
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  • Haha
Reactions: Leopold Stotch
Rotation 16 stats:

D2DC: $3,016 + $800 (Go) - $24 to Leo - $280 to Leo - $88 to Noodle + $1,000 from Leo = $4,424

Skjolde: $4,844 - $80 to coju + $24 from Leo = $4,788

coju: $5,536 + $80 from Skjolde = $5,616
*coju has lost two turns while he watches [HBO] Rome*

Noodle: $7,867 = $88 from D2DC = $7,955

Leopold Stotch: $6,661 + $24 from D2DC + $280 from D2DC + $800 (Go) - $1,000 to D2DC - $24 to Skjolde = $ $6,789

The Bank: $77,940 - $800 to D2DC (GO) = $77,140 - $800 to Leo (Go) = $76,340

Free Parking: $2,200 + $400 from D2DC (taxes, rotation 15) =$2,600

D2DC: Atlantic Avenue
Skjolde: Illinois Avenue
coju: Community Chest (#1)
Noodle: Indiana Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Varmint Avenue
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Rotation 17:

@D2DC rolls a 6 (4+2) and advances to North Carolina Avenue.
D2DC pays Leopold Stotch rent in the amount of $280

@Skjolde rolls doubles! rolling 6+6 for 12!
Skjolde advances to Chance (#3)
Skjolde draws a Chance Card via 1D30:

You draw “scum buddies” with Zhao_Yue and Noodle. Advance to go, collect 800. If you are Noodle go directly to jail. Do not pass Go, do not collect 800.

Skjolde Advances to Go and collects $800.
Skjolde rolls again, rolling a 10 (6+4) and advances to Just Visiting (Hell)

@coju is currently watching season 1 of [HBO] Rome and does not roll the dice. (1)

@Noodle rolls 7 (5+2) and advances to "Go to Hell"
Noodle has gone straight to hell. No moonshine, no $800
Noodle is burning in Hell.

@Leopold Stotch rolls an 8 (2+6) and advances to Virginia Avenue.
Leopold Stotch pays Noodle $48 in rent.
Rotation 17 Stats:

D2DC: $4,424 - $280 to Leopold Stotch = $$4,144

Skjolde: $4,788 + $800 (Go) = $5,588

coju: $5,616

Noodle: $7,955 (In Hell)

Leopold Stotch: $6,789 + $280 from D2DC - $48 to Noodle = $6,741

The Bank: $76,340 - $800 to Skjolde (Go) = $75,540

Free Parking: $2,600

D2DC: North Carolina Avenue
Skjolde: Just Visiting
coju: Community Chest (#1)
Noodle: Burning in Hell
Leopold Stotch: Virgin Avenue

US Name
Rent with color set
Rent (1 House)
(2 Houses)
(3 Houses)
(4 Houses)
Houses Cost
Hotels Cost (plus 4 houses)
Mortgage Value
Brown Mediterranean Avenue
Brown Baltic Avenue
Light Blue Oriental Avenue
Light Blue Vermont Avenue
Light Blue Connecticut Avenue
Pink St Charles Place
Pink States Avenue
Pink Virginia Avenue
Orange St James Place
Orange Tennessee Avenue
Orange New York Avenue
Red Kentucky Avenue
Red Indiana Avenue
Red Illinois Avenue
Yellow Atlantic Avenue
Yellow Ventnor Avenue
Yellow Marvin Gardens
Green Pacific Avenue
Green North Carolina Avenue
Green Pennsylvania Avenue
Park Place
Reading Railroad (Skjolde)Rent: 100
Pennsylvania Railroad (D2DC)Rent: 100
B & O Railroad (Noodle)Rent: 100
Short Line Railroad (Coju)Rent: 100
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Rotation 18:

@D2DC rolls doubles! Rolling 8 (4+4) and advances to Go.
D2Dc collects $800
D2DC rolls again, rolling a 7 (2+5) and advances to Chance (#1)
D2DC draws a Chance Card via 1D30:

You bought the DVD collection of HBO Rome at a discount store. Fortune pisses on you. Lose two turns.

@Skjolde rolls a 5 (1+4) and advances to Pennsylvania Railroad.
Skjolde pays D2Dc rent of $100

@coju is watching season 2 of [HBO] Rome and does not roll (2)

@Noodle rolls doubles, rolling a 4 (2+2)
Noodle makes it of Hell on the first try and advances to Virginia Avenue.
Noodle pays Noodle rent in the amount of $100 but can't seem to find the cash that Noodle supposedly left under Noodle's door mat. Damn Noodle,pissing Noodle off like that.

@Leopold Stotch rolls 7 (2+5)
Leopold Stotch advances to Kentucky Avenue.
Leopold Stotch Pays Skjolde $72 in rent.
  • Haha
Reactions: D2DC
Rotation 18 stats:

D2DC: $4,144 + $800 (Go) + $100 rent from Skjolde = $5,044

Skjolde: $5,588 - $100 to D2DC + $72 from Leopold Stotch = $5,560

coju: $5,616

Noodle: $7,955

Leopold Stotch: $6,741 - $72 to Skjolde $6,669

The Bank: $75,540 - $800 (to D2DC passing GO) = $74,740

Free Parking: $2,600

D2DC: Chance (#1)
Skjolde: Pennsylvania Railroad
coju: Community Chest (#1)
Noodle: Virginia Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Kentucky Avenue
Rotation 19:

@D2DC is watching Season 1 of [HBO] Rome and does not roll. (1)

@Skjolde rolls 11 (5+6) and advances to Atlantic Avenue.
Skjolde pays Noodle rent in the amount of $88

@coju rolls 6 (5+1) and advances to Vermont Avenue.
cjou pays Skjolde $24 in rent.

@Noodle rolls doubles! Rolling a 6 (3+3).
Noodle advances to Free Parking and claims the pot!
Noodle rolls again, rolling 7 (4+3).
Noodle advances to Ventnor Avenue.
Noodle pays Skjolde $88 in rent.

@Leopold Stotch rolls 9 (4+5) and advances to Go To Hell.
Leopold Stotch has Gone to Hell!
  • Wow
Reactions: Leopold Stotch
Rotation 17:

@D2DC rolls a 6 (4+2) and advances to North Carolina Avenue.
D2DC pays Leopold Stotch rent in the amount of $280

@coju is currently watching season 1 of [HBO] Rome and does not roll the dice. (1)
$280 for NC Ave? Leo must be giving the bank some of that action.. :unsure:

And, @coju if you're spending all your time watching HBO Rome, you can certainly find time for Mafia Championships..
  • Haha
Reactions: coju
Rotation 19 stats:

D2DC: $5,044 (Watching Season 1 of Rome)
Skjolde: $5,560 - $88 to Noodle + $24 from coju + $88 from Noodle = $5,560
coju: $5,616 - $24 to Skjolde = $5,592
Noodle: $7,955 + $2,600 (Free Parking) - $88 to Skjolde = $10,467
Leopold Stotch: $6,669

The Bank: $74,740
Free Parking: $0 ($2,600 to Noodle)

D2DC: Chance #1
Skjolde: Atlantic Avenue
coju: Vermont Avenue
Noodle: Ventnor Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Warming her ass on the fires in hell.
I wouldn’t mind opening the left side of the board.
Every left side of the board.

Also: why has the sanity of this game not been questioned? This is a @Gorny game and we’re just playing it Willy nilly…. What adventure do we have in store for us? What twists?

also also, my requests of a moat being built and taking priority cards haven’t been confirmed yet. I would like mod confirm of a moat full of jello and two stolen properties.

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Reactions: Leopold Stotch
I wouldn’t mind opening the left side of the board.
Every left side of the board.

Also: why has the sanity of this game not been questioned? This is a @Gorny game and we’re just playing it Willy nilly…. What adventure do we have in store for us? What twists?

also also, my requests of a moat being built and taking priority cards haven’t been confirmed yet. I would like mod confirm of a moat full of jello and two stolen properties.

I'll give you a moat full of Jello... Lime Green Jello! Good luck getting Leopold Stotch to go for a swim in it!

Are there any trades pending?

I have been informed by D2DC that his account is questionalble, the question he thinks, is that his money has been affected by a vanishing charm.

I think that D2DC has gone loopy but i guess I shall look into things for the chap
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Reactions: coju