Monopoly Forum Game #1 - Game Over - D2DC wins.

Hmm I seem to behind this game. I would need to find some time to figure out what is going on.

Unless you have a trade in mind @coju?
Nothing in mind currently. But if there is something beneficial to you I may be up for it
@D2DC I don't think we can do that? @Gorny said we could do cash trades but not rent agreements. Unless I read it wrong.
Yea, with a cash "trade" we could reimburse each other. We can't waive rents, but we can reimburse.
Updated the property chart to include railroads
Virginia (Noodle) for Illinois (Coju) and Short Line (Coju)?

@Noodle are you accepting this or declining?
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@Noodle You have 6 hours from now to accept or decline the trade.

If no response, the trade is auto canceled and I move on with the game.

Further, there is now a 6 hour time limit for a player to respond to a trade before the game continues.
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The trade between Noodle and coju has expired due to Noodle's non response within the specified time limit.

Continuation of Rotation 5:

@D2DC has already taken his turn for this rotation.

@Skjolde rolls 8 and advances to Boardwalk.
Skjolde pays D2dC rent in the amount of $400

@coju pays the amount of $200 in bail and is released from Hell
Coju rolls 11 and advances to Kentucky Avenue.
coju pays Skjolde rent in the amount of $72

@Noodle rolls 10 and advances to Chance.
Noodle has passed Go and collects $800
Noodle draws a Chance Card via 1D30:

Advance to the nearest Railroad. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, pay the owner twice the rental to which they are otherwise entitled.
Noodle advances to Pennsylvania Railroad.
Noodle pays rent to D2DC in the amount of $400

@Leopold Stotch rolls doubles! 5+5 for a roll of 10!
Leopold Stotch advances to Short Line Railroad.
Leopold Stotch pays rent to coju in the amount of$100

Leopold Stotch rolls 7 and advances to Community Chest.
Leopold Stotch draws a Community Chest Card via 1D30:

Income tax refund. Collect $80

End of Rotation 5, stats to come soon. Game is currently paused.
End of Rotation 5 Stats:

A trade was made between D2DD and Leopold Stotch:
A trade between coju and Noodle expired

Tennessee Avenue now owned by Leopold Stotch.
Mediterranean Avenue and Boardwalk now owned by D2DC.

D2DC has improved the properties of Mediterranean Avenue and Baltic Avenue to have the max number of houses on each property, buying a total number of 8 houses, with 4 houses distributed to each property.

*The rent on Mediterranean Avenue and Baltic Avenue has increased*

Leopold Stotch has begun construction on a Western Themed Strip Club and offered Noodle center stage for a double cowboy strip dance act with a guy named Don.

D2DC: $6,818 - $1,600 (8 total houses) = $5,218 - 400 in rent from Skjolde = $5,618 + $400 in rent from Noodle = $6,108
Skjolde: $6,048 - $400 rent to D2DC = $5,648
coju: $5,144 - $200 (Get out of hell) - $72 (rent to Skjolde) + $100 (rent from Leopold Stotch) = $4,972
Noodle: $6,143 + $800 (pass Go) - $400 (rent to D2DC) = $6,903
Leopold Stotch: $5,324 - $100 (rent to coju) + $80 (Community Chest) = $5,304

The Bank: $74,620 - $800 (to Noodle for passing GO) - $80 (to Leo from Community Chest) = $73,740 + $1,600 (from D2DC for houses = $75,340 + $200 to get out of Hell from coju = $75,540

Free Parking: $2,400

Houses: 32 - 8 (to D2DC) = 24
Hotels: 12

Player Locations:

D2DC: Tennessee Avenue
Skjolde: Boardwalk
coju: Kentucky Avenue
Noodle: Pennsylvania Railroad
Leopold Stotch: Community Chest
Updated Property Chart with asterisks indicating the current rent charged:
US Name
Rent with color set
Rent (1 House)
(2 Houses)
(3 Houses)
(4 Houses)
Houses Cost
Hotels Cost (plus 4 houses)
Mortgage Value
Brown Mediterranean Avenue
Brown Baltic Avenue
Light Blue Oriental Avenue
Light Blue Vermont Avenue
Light Blue Connecticut Avenue
Pink St Charles Place
Pink States Avenue
Pink Virginia Avenue
Orange St James Place
Orange Tennessee Avenue
Orange New York Avenue
Red Kentucky Avenue
Red Indiana Avenue
Red Illinois Avenue
Yellow Atlantic Avenue
Yellow Ventnor Avenue
Yellow Marvin Gardens
Green Pacific Avenue
Green North Carolina Avenue
Green Pennsylvania Avenue
Park Place
Reading Railroad (Skjolde)Rent: 100
Pennsylvania Railroad (D2DC)Rent: 100
B & O Railroad (Noodle)Rent: 100
Short Line Railroad (Coju)Rent: 100
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I'm going to give a while for any player to post if they wish to trade or develop properties before starting Rotation 6.

I believe @D2DC wishes to upgrade to Hotels on his two properties of Mediterranean Ave and Baltic.

@All: please note there is now a 6 hour time limit in trades for a player to respond, when the six hours runs out and there is no response, the current trade expires and the game continues.
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I'm going to give a while for any player to post if they wish to trade or develop properties before starting Rotation 6.

I believe @D2DC wishes to upgrade to Hotels on his two properties of Mediterranean Ave and Baltic.

@All: please note there is now a 6 hour time limit in trades for a player to respond, when the six hours runs out and there is no response, the current trade expires and the game continues.
Yea, I want to upgrade to hotels. Sorry, I think I gave you the wrong total $?
Rotation 6:

D2DC adds one house each on Boardwalk and Park Place, spending $1,600
D2Dc has also added hotels to Mediterranean Avenue and Baltic, spending $400
@D2DC rolls 9 and advances to Ventnor Avenue.
D2DC pays Skjolde $88 in rent.

@Skjolde rolls a 7 and advances to Oriental Avenue.
Skjolde pays Leopold Stotch $24 in rent

@coju rolls 9
coju advances to and lands on "Go to Hell"
coju has gone straight to Hell.
coju did not pass go, coju did not collect $800

@Noodle rolls 5
Noodle advances to *Free Parking* and wins the Free Parking pot of $2,400
Noodle kicks off a night of gleeful cowboy dancing in celebration!

@Leopold Stotch rolls 3.
Leopold Stotch is just visiting coju in Hell.
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