The US are currently doing a lot of silly things, like bullying their allies and friends, making thought plays about invasions of NATO allies and abandoning those who put trust into them.
I would agree that Europe has to stand more on its own feet and invest more care into settling disputes in their vicinity. I could even accept that the US stops military aid for free and make a "weapons for resources" deal while Europe is offering what has been provided by the US so far. However, negotiating a "peace and Russia can keep conquered territory" offer with Russia, that's stabbing in the back of the Ukraine. So a country invades another for no acceptable reason, conquers a part of it and then a peace deal is made that allows them to keep a bit? That's like stealing two pairs of shoes and receiving a pardon by giving back one pair and keeping the other.
The EU and Ukraine should ignore these silly ideas. Maybe it could even be reasonable to offer certain territories where there are more Russians then Ukrainians, I'm not sure, but even if that's the case: If anybody at all should come up with fuch an offer, then it's the Ukraine.
Trump got more than 50% of the votes, so the people of the USA as a whole are responsible for him being at the helm once again, despite him having announced a lot of what he's doing right now. Some time ago in this thread, I wrote that Russia seems to have the support of a majority of their population regarding the "special military operation", so my conclusion was "F you, Russia", even if some Russians have been intimidated into holding still (I'm not buying the "but they are manipulated by the media" excuse in full). I wouldn't go that far with the US, but address it with "WTF, USA?", however.