The Russia-Ukraine Situation

And then another part of me is like, "Well, we would hardly have any women in combat because what woman can lift certain amount of weight?"
Well, that's the catch. Men and women are biologically different, no matter how much certain parties want everyone to pretend otherwise. As a result, the requirements for some jobs may result in one group or another being largely excluded. There's no hatred or sexism involved. Men are generally physically stronger than women, thus physically demanding jobs like serving in combat will tend to have more men doing them. But if there's a woman who can meet the requirements, so be it.
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I think you are reading too much into what I wrote krischan, but that is okay.
Yes, I'm used to not getting the point of people here all the time, that's why I added a smiley :). <-- Here's another one, just in case.
It's a slippery slope, you know? Like, I totally get what you're saying, Talga, and part of me agrees. And then another part of me is like, "Well, we would hardly have any women in combat because what woman can lift certain amount of weight?" Not saying they aren't out there and we are not capable of it but it just feels like a slippery slope. Women want to be given the chance fairly but then if we're given easy ways out or the standards are lowered to have representation, like.... idk. It feels like a very slippery slope and it probably always will be. 🤷‍♀️


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Well, that's the catch. Men and women are biologically different, no matter how much certain parties want everyone to pretend otherwise. As a result, the requirements for some jobs may result in one group or another being largely excluded. There's no hatred or sexism involved. Men are generally physically stronger than women, thus physically demanding jobs like serving in combat will tend to have more men doing them. But if there's a woman who can meet the requirements, so be it.
I generally agree. An average woman who works reasonably hard at lifting weights and general exercise will be more physically capable than an average man who doesn't, and militaries don't need body builders, they just need people who are physically fit. If you can do some pullups and carry ~200 lbs on your back, that's good enough.

Another fun topic, and likely one that's been posted about here, is that widespread obesity is (allegedly at least) creating a situation where militaries in industrialized countries are having trouble finding able-bodied people because many young adults are seriously overweight. OTOH, there's the "healthy at any size" idea that seems to encourage obesity, at least in effect, if not in purpose. I have to wonder if this is another aspect of that woke culture you speak of.
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most of men can't reach that, so whatever floats your boat
That's probably in part because you're only looking at this as this one particular policy that could make or break the entire system. Doesn't work like that. The pronoun thing is just part of a much, much, much bigger problem.
Okay, so it's just part of the FUD that I referenced earlier... Or, what is the bigger problem?

Oh beyond predictable, and they were warned about it on virtually every front. How could it not be? What would you think if your enemy suddenly started bickering among themselves over something as stupid as their own genders and falling to pieces whenever someone guesses the wrong one?
Right, so maybe it's intended? Isn't it possible that some general presented this as a feint? (So, there is no policy, but it's happening, so wouldn't that be just how you'd get your adversary to think it's real???) It's obviously predictable, the generals warned ... whom exactly? Under which administration did this start?

Well considering it's the woke movement that outright declared rationality to be offensive....I mean...what more is there to say? They trust feelings over facts and as a result have in many ways done tremendous harm to the very groups they claim to represent. 🤷‍♂️
With all due respect: wut? Sigh, this'll turn into "well it's more a general thing and not just this one thing" as soon as I try to pin one thing down, but here we go... In what capacity has anyone "declared rationality* to be offensive"? * Extra points for detailing what you mean by this word.
OTOH, there's the "healthy at any size" idea that seems to encourage obesity, at least in effect, if not in purpose. I have to wonder if this is another aspect of that woke culture you speak of.
Well, yes, that part is. They call it "fat shaming" and lose their minds if you even hint at someone being overweight or suggest that being overweight isn't particularly healthy or attractive.

It's not that it's ok to bully someone who is overweight. But for a group that wants you to believe there is tens of thousands of different genders, the woke have a rather extreme binary view of the world. If you don't accept that that 600 pound guy wolfing down half a dozen large cheese pizzas every single day is a beautiful, healthy, wonderful human being, then you're the worst, most bigoted kind of person imaginable. (Naturally this only applies as long as said 600 pound man doesn't say anything on Twitter that enrages the mob.) There is nothing anywhere in the middle.

Right, so maybe it's intended? Isn't it possible that some general presented this as a feint?
Nope. You're only fooling yourself if you think the intention with this insanity was simply to trick Russia, China, and everyone else who hates our guts into believing we're weak. There's nothing at all in it for us to do that and a lot that could work against us. Also, Biden isn't exactly running on all cylinders these days, and frankly I don't believe military strategy was his forte even when he was.

With all due respect: wut? Sigh, this'll turn into "well it's more a general thing and not just this one thing"
Actually that one was outright stated to be the case something like three, maybe four years ago I think in one of the many self important papers that far left professors and academics like to publish. I remember it because I remember thinking at the time I saw it that it had to be a joke. Like 20 years ago someone who just lost an argument might say "Oh, sure, if you wanna use logic then I guess that's true." But they weren't joking.

I'm also fairly sure (but not 100%) that it was among the items listed as part of that horrible "elements of white culture" piece or whatever it was called that the Smithsonian did a little while back. Right up there alongside things like individualism, punctuality, work ethic, sleep, etc.
Meanwhile, Peter Schiff was chiding Zelensky for not wearing a suit when he addressed the U.S. congress on a video call from a war zone.

Yeah! **** Zelensky for not wearing his war suit! Every leader should have a war suit when in the middle of a war that hundreds of civilians and soliders are dying in! Someone get that bitch an Armani!!

🙄🙄🙄🙄 If I roll my eyes any harder, in gonna see the inside of my skull.
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Yeah! **** Zelensky for not wearing his war suit! Every leader should have a war suit when in the middle of a war that hundreds of civilians and soliders are dying in! Someone get that bitch an Armani!!

🙄🙄🙄🙄 If I roll my eyes any harder, in gonna see the inside of my skull.
Is it okay if my War Suit and my **** Suit are the same?
Depends. Could you send a pic via PM? To Dredd, NOT to me!