The Russia-Ukraine Situation

War is a good thing.

For companies.

People die, suffer, or pay the bills.

Peace is not rewarding enough short term wise.

*Short term*

F****** words, right?

I know that's nothing but the basics. Everything else is politics or poetry.

On a bright side, it seems that Putin underestimated some things when starting this aggression, war, whatever. On the dark side, who knows how he will react when he will face the difficulties...
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That's wrong. Business works best in situations of imbalances. If A is in need and B is abundant in a place X while it's the other way around in a place Y, you can make a lot of profit from trading, no matter whether peace or war or whatever is the reason.

Ferengi rule #34: Peace is good for business.
Ferengi rule #35: War is good for business.
if I didn't mention this before, I thought our stuff was on a lot of Native land and thus another reason why we can't drill there because their land is protected (as it should be)? I'm probably wrong. I'm not educated enough on the matter and, ATM, I'm way too tired to process anything that requires 100% of my attention. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. It's cool, man.
There's probably some, but that's not where the big hangups are.
They are sitting on 9000 unused drilling permits. Oil companies are making record profits and will continue to do so.
Except that's a big pile of misleading crap.

"The fact is that industry is producing at a higher level on existing leases on federal lands than in the last 20 years and these leases take many years to explore, to develop and produce on," Bradbury added.

"This represents a fundamental misunderstanding as to how this process works," American Petroleum Institute (API) president and CEO Mike Sommers told FOX Business when asked about Psaki's comments. "Once you lease land there is a whole process that you have to go through. First you have to actually discover whether actually there is oil and gas in that land. Second of all, you have to get a permit to actually develop that land."

Sommers added: "Right now we actually are developing more leases than we have in two decades so the White House certainly doesn't have their facts straight on this."

Energy Workforce and Technology Council CEO Leslie Beyer similarly said "some permits are viable and some are not," as a reason for why many are sitting unused. The federal leasing moratorium also isn't helpful in the current energy environment, she said.

"The moratorium on leasing certainly adds an additional… block to American energy production, so that is the opposite of what we need to be doing right now," she said. "We need to stop the rhetoric that's anti-fossil fuel and we need some clarity just in the regulatory sense that this administration is behind domestic energy production."
@krischan that's probably not far from truth either. But short term wise, people's "wealth" (states included) will be redirected towards specific activities, and at this point there's obviously better profit for companies, large scale industries. Do people have any other "choice" during a war situation than to accept it? That's the major point, you don't see a widespread business development, but a guided economy.

Speaking of trading (i.e. in my wording "making profit by doing nothing but being an intermediary between A and B"), all I (we) can hope is that the traders get a real job, a useful one. But that's not related specifically to war!
I don't know why I haven't come to this conclusion before (probably naivety), but I think that Putin is the ORGASMATRON!

Edit: I think Putin wants a place in the Russian history books... well, in the fairy tale version of it, at the expense of whoever he deems expendable, like the people of Russia.
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This fucking situation is just getting worse and worse.... And **** Madison Cawthorn. What misinformation? If war images and war videos are "misinformation" and "fake news," go sit on it and spin you ****ing ass turd.
The man's remarks are ill timed and not really the sentiment anyone wants to be pushing right now, but he does have a point. Nobody is completely clean in this. In fact I recently chanced on an interaction with someone from Hungary who says the overall sentiment there is that this is a fight between bad guys. They have no love of Russia, but Ukraine, justifiably, isn't exactly on their friends list either.

There has also indeed been misinformation and rumor out of Ukraine. That's actually normal and to be expected. One of the first casualties of war is the truth, as they say. Both sides push propaganda that suits their goals. That in no way justifies Putin's invasion of course, and neither does it mean we shouldn't support Ukraine. It just means you have to look at everything with an extra grain of salt.
I don't think that I've ever given a like on one of your postings, but here it is.

Yes, there's a grain of salt to be taken on both sides. For example, the Ukrainian demand to put up a no-fly zone by NATO is silly. If we did that, shooting down Russian pilots by NATO pilots or the other way around, it would lead to WW3. That would be madness.

I think the solution lies in the hands of the people of Russia.
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Agreed. It won't even have to be pilots who set it off though. One of the very first things we would have to do in order to set up a no-fly zone is destroy Russian AA capability in the region. That will not end well for anybody.

This would not be like previously established no-fly zones. Those were a big player blocking a little player. In other words, they couldn't punch back. A no-fly zone over Ukraine is a battle between heavyweights.
Are all OTF Thread just Glurin vs the rest? lmao

Everytime I lurk a thread hoping for some quality content it always seems to have turned into this.
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Are all OTF Thread just Glurin vs the rest? lmao

Everytime I lurk a thread hoping for some quality content it always seems to have turned into this.

When Jmerv is around, it's OTF Thread vs Glurin and Jmerv. We should make those into wrestling shirts. They might sell out.
Are all OTF Thread just Glurin vs the rest? lmao

Everytime I lurk a thread hoping for some quality content it always seems to have turned into this.

Whose contents are lacking quality in your opinion? Why does quality have to come with a certain amount of agreement to Glurin's, your or my points of view? And yes, don't forget to come up with more of a reasoning then "lmao" or "have turned into this" when replying ;)
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Whose contents are lacking quality in your opinion? Why does quality have to come with a certain amount of agreement to Glurin's, your or my points of view? And yes, don't forget to come up with more of a reasoning then "lmao" or "have turned into this" when replying ;)
I think you are reading too much into what I wrote krischan, but that is okay.

It seems most threads are derailed into an argument with Glurin and not as much a conversation on the topic as a whole. But he also has some pretty strong opinions to say the least, so I understand why it could potentially derail other topics.

And to your last remark, I think an lmao was in order. The OTF crowd has often been a serious bunch at least in the domain of the OT subforum.
I think a cute little message here or there to lighten the mood is perfectly fine.

And hey, it looked like Leo got the gist of what I meant with my post.
But since you and I rarely interact, I can understand why you would read so much into my post.
They are sitting on 9000 unused drilling permits. Oil companies are making record profits and will continue to do so.

You do understand there is a difference between a lease and an actual drilling permit, yes?
And that a lease that has no oil or natural gas under the land the lease is for is still considered an active lease?
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Ah, okay. Do you think the purpose is to weaken the armed forces? If not, what is the purpose? I just got back from a walk and noticed that I didn't reply to the other sentence in your first paragraph.

To be frank, it sounds like the same fearmongering over wimmin in the army and teh gays in the army. Is it the same concern? I don't mean to trick you into agreeing that it isn't a real problem as I think that's a separate question, but I really do mean to ask if you think the injury to readiness is of the same type.

But, to be clear, do you think that it's possible that this public accommodation of "woke" ideas might have incidentally misdirected Putin? I mean for this to be a separate question.

I still haven't replied to your second paragraph, but this seems like a decent thread to follow.
Getting back to the thread topic, I feel the West is portraying an image of strength where there is none, or at least significantly less strength than there used to be.
The lessening of the physical standards in the US military is a perfect example. Physical standards have been lessened for certain groups - most especially standards for combat troops. I sincerely believe the result of the relaxed standards... for the sake of inclusion... have both decreased morale and the combat effectiveness of the US military.
I don't care one bit what gender, race, or personal identifiers you have. If you cannot meet the standards, you should be out.
The practice of promoting to fill quotas has also had a significant decrease in both the morale of troops and the re-enlistment numbers. Qualified soldiers are being passed up for promotion because they are not the right color or gender.
I certainly do not think this has misdirected Putin. His intelligence people can see what identity politics and woke culture has done to the people who are making military decisions.
Getting back to the thread topic, I feel the West is portraying an image of strength where there is none, or at least significantly less strength than there used to be.
The lessening of the physical standards in the US military is a perfect example. Physical standards have been lessened for certain groups - most especially standards for combat troops. I sincerely believe the result of the relaxed standards... for the sake of inclusion... have both decreased morale and the combat effectiveness of the US military.
I don't care one bit what gender, race, or personal identifiers you have. If you cannot meet the standards, you should be out.
The practice of promoting to fill quotas has also had a significant decrease in both the morale of troops and the re-enlistment numbers. Qualified soldiers are being passed up for promotion because they are not the right color or gender.
I certainly do not think this has misdirected Putin. His intelligence people can see what identity politics and woke culture has done to the people who are making military decisions.
That the idea of quotas is racism but now under this name and were never a good idea.
I don't care one bit what gender, race, or personal identifiers you have. If you cannot meet the standards, you should be out.

It's a slippery slope, you know? Like, I totally get what you're saying, Talga, and part of me agrees. And then another part of me is like, "Well, we would hardly have any women in combat because what woman can lift certain amount of weight?" Not saying they aren't out there and we are not capable of it but it just feels like a slippery slope. Women want to be given the chance fairly but then if we're given easy ways out or the standards are lowered to have representation, like.... idk. It feels like a very slippery slope and it probably always will be. 🤷‍♀️