The Russia-Ukraine Situation

Good. To quote someone: all warfare is deception. When you are weak, you must appear strong. When you are strong, you must appear weak.

It sounds like this whole "woke thing" is good for the US military if all of our foes are flummoxed by it. Do you think they are?
Yeah, the only problem with that is whether it's actually a deception. I highly doubt the goal of this nonsense was simply to deceive our enemies. There's also the nagging issue of that perception leading to a war starting, deception or not.
Yeah, the only problem with that is whether it's actually a deception. I highly doubt the goal of this nonsense was simply to deceive our enemies. There's also the nagging issue of that perception leading to a war starting, deception or not.
Ah, okay. Do you think the purpose is to weaken the armed forces? If not, what is the purpose? I just got back from a walk and noticed that I didn't reply to the other sentence in your first paragraph.

To be frank, it sounds like the same fearmongering over wimmin in the army and teh gays in the army. Is it the same concern? I don't mean to trick you into agreeing that it isn't a real problem as I think that's a separate question, but I really do mean to ask if you think the injury to readiness is of the same type.

But, to be clear, do you think that it's possible that this public accommodation of "woke" ideas might have incidentally misdirected Putin? I mean for this to be a separate question.

I still haven't replied to your second paragraph, but this seems like a decent thread to follow.
You sir, are a fucking liar.

Ok, now that I've taken a moment to breath, I'll clarify for the sake of everyone else, but I'm leaving what I said about you being a liar because you are. I said Covid deaths were being over reported, which they were, and that the data was being manipulated, which it was and still is. And as for the climate, my position was and continues to be that the story you get from bureaucrats and alarmists is bullshit. That doesn't mean everyone pumping out car exhaust won't cause smog. It means all these people screaming that we're all gonna die in less than twelve years (which they've been saying for the last twenty or thirty at least) unless we ban breathing and give them more money are full of crap.
I haven't seen you get this riled up since someone accused you of supporting the right of minorities to vote. (A joke of course, no one would ever do that.)

Unfortunately for the shreds of your credibility, when you were blathering on your bullshit about COVID deaths being underreported (when by all credible accounts it's been just the opposite) you linked directly to a piece quoting some coroner in Texas that not a single death can be attributed to COVID. Are you telling me that in order to try (in vain) to support your position, you directly linked to a piece you disagreed with? Please explain to me why a rational and sane person would ever do that, and then explain why you would.

You also claimed that the existing manmade climate change we're enduring is just part of the natural climate cycle, that is to say, unaffected by humans.

You have no credibility, just lies, and when you get called out on it you respond the same why the orange faced piece of shit does - you throw a temper tantrum and start pointing fingers at others. Grow up.
Ah, okay. Do you think the purpose is to weaken the armed forces?
As an end goal? Perhaps, though that would be part of a larger scheme like the aforementioned great reset. It wouldn't be the goal in and of itself. More likely it's just another manifestation of the current admin playing identity politics.

To be frank, it sounds like the same fearmongering over wimmin in the army and teh gays in the army. Is it the same concern? I don't mean to trick you into agreeing that it isn't a real problem as I think that's a separate question, but I really do mean to ask if you think the injury to readiness is of the same type.

No, not really. Here's the thing about the military. They have one job and one job only. Kill people and break things. Everything else is secondary. That is the reason militaries exist. Injecting woke politics into it distracts from that purpose and causes discord. Not to mention what happens when you suddenly have to worry about sorting through an infinite amount of gender pronouns fearing that if you guess the wrong one you might hurt somebody's feelings and get fired.

You ask if the "accommodation (I would say imposition) of woke ideas" has misdirected Putin. I would ask has he been misdirected? Sure, we've got lots of guns, lots of ammo, lots of planes, etc. But what about the things you can't buy? We're handing out play doh and coloring books to college students who can't handle hearing someone tell them they're wrong. We fly into a rage when someone has a "black" hairstyle without being black. We're disowning family members and physically assaulting people who don't vote for the same dipshit we do. We have people literally killing each other over McDonald's hamburgers for criminy sake.

There's more, but you get the picture. I really hate to say it, but the question has to be asked, is Putin actually wrong about us being weak? :unsure:
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Unfortunately for the shreds of your credibility, when you were blathering on your bullshit about COVID deaths being underreported (when by all credible accounts it's been just the opposite) you linked directly to a piece quoting some coroner in Texas that not a single death can be attributed to COVID.
Actually I think it was Colorado, and indeed not a single one of his deaths at the time could be attributed to Covid despite being counted among Covid deaths. Because, you know, Covid causes gunshot wounds and motorcycle accidents. :rolleyes:

Nowhere did I ever say or even imply that there are no deaths due to Covid. You are once again attempting to put words in my mouth and that, once again, makes you a fucking liar.

I'm done with you. Congrats on being the first to land on my ignore list.

Edit: Glurin, refusing to accept accountability for your lies is cowardly - Noodle
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Back to the topic at hand, French PM Macron apparently just had himself a lengthy phone call with Putin. His assessment after that call is "The worst is yet to come." According to Macron, Putin informed him point blank that the diplomatic talks are going to go nowhere because it is and always has been his intention with this invasion to completely take over Ukraine.

In addition, Belarusian President Lukashenko, aka Putin's "sidekick", showed off a battle map indicating that Putin also plans to scoop up Ukraine's neighbor Moldova. The map also included a smaller map of the U.S. and Canada, though no battle lines were drawn on them. Europe was also featured, presumably detailing the positions of NATO forces.

By any chance do you have the link or place where you heard/read this? Not disbelieving you, I haven't heard this piece of news yet (took a break today and played with Baby Boy and cleaned my house) and am very curious. Please and thank you. :)

No, not really. Here's the thing about the military. They have one job and one job only. Kill people and break things.

True. And if you're America, **** up the system, try to "rebuild," have lots of military service people die or come back more fucked up than when they left, and leave disasterously after 20 years. :LOL: Oh, was I not supposed to laugh yet? My bad. . .

We have people literally killing each other over McDonald's hamburgers for criminy sake.

To be fair, we've been doing this for ages, probably since the beginning of time.

Neanderthal: "Man has food. I do not. I kill for his food."

There's more, but you get the picture. I really hate to say it, but the question has to be asked, is Putin actually wrong about us being weak? :unsure:

Since when is "being woke" such a bad thing? Literally, people just want to be heard and respected. I'm sure when I came around to these parts I was annoying to many because I insisted and corrected those who called me "he/him." And, yeah, it's safe to assume that in a place like this, everyone's a dude. But there were FEW times when it kept happening after I told them, "It's she," "I'm a she," and THAT was super annoying and that is when I felt disrespected. And what I felt is only a tiny fraction of what others go through.

I can understand how in the military, everything has to be uniform and the same. Maybe the military should open up and be respectful of the people who are willing to give up their lives for them, for this country. 🤷‍♀️
By any chance do you have the link or place where you heard/read this? Not disbelieving you, I haven't heard this piece of news yet (took a break today and played with Baby Boy and cleaned my house) and am very curious. Please and thank you. :)

True. And if you're America, **** up the system, try to "rebuild," have lots of military service people die or come back more fucked up than when they left, and leave disasterously after 20 years. :LOL: Oh, was I not supposed to laugh yet? My bad. . .
Can't argue with that. Sound military policy should be go in, kick ass, go home. Not hang around and wander about with no clear purpose for the sake of "peacekeeping". Either officially take over, or leave.

Since when is "being woke" such a bad thing?
Pretty much since logic itself was declared to be racist and offensive. 😐

I'm sure when I came around to these parts I was annoying to many because I insisted and corrected those who called me "he/him." And, yeah, it's safe to assume that in a place like this, everyone's a dude.
It's generally just easier to default to he or they in an internet setting due to the fact that it's impossible to know one way or the other without it being obvious and historically the vast majority of people you are going to interact with are probably male. In the past people were emotionally stable enough to handle that fact. Not so much anymore.

At least in video games you can still just go by their character most of the time.
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As an end goal? Perhaps, though that would be part of a larger scheme like the aforementioned great reset. It wouldn't be the goal in and of itself. More likely it's just another manifestation of the current admin playing identity politics.
It seems like you're not sure. It could be the goal, but more likely it's a politician (or several) scoring easy points. That's not a surprise, but I'd imagine that military leadership has some say in the matter (I'm not referring to the CiC of course).
No, not really. Here's the thing about the military. They have one job and one job only. Kill people and break things. Everything else is secondary. That is the reason militaries exist. Injecting woke politics into it distracts from that purpose and causes discord. Not to mention what happens when you suddenly have to worry about sorting through an infinite amount of gender pronouns fearing that if you guess the wrong one you might hurt somebody's feelings and get fired.
This sounds like exactly the same thing to me. 🤷‍♂️ I don't think the US military is any weaker for having women and gays in it. Maybe you do, though.
You ask if the "accommodation (I would say imposition) of woke ideas" has misdirected Putin. I would ask has he been misdirected? Sure, we've got lots of guns, lots of ammo, lots of planes, etc. But what about the things you can't buy? We're handing out play doh and coloring books to college students who can't handle hearing someone tell them they're wrong. We fly into a rage when someone has a "black" hairstyle without being black. We're disowning family members and physically assaulting people who don't vote for the same dipshit we do. We have people literally killing each other over McDonald's hamburgers for criminy sake.
Americans* have always been dumb about one thing or another. The satanic panic comes to mind. I would guess (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that probably you think that "injecting woke politics" is itself the panic just like I think hand-wringing over woke politics is the panic. Could it be that both have some elements of ridiculousness?

* Well, probably any large group of humans....
It seems like you're not sure. It could be the goal, but more likely it's a politician (or several) scoring easy points. That's not a surprise, but I'd imagine that military leadership has some say in the matter (I'm not referring to the CiC of course).
I'm sure they do, but the official title of the president is Commander in Chief. The generals can make recommendations and suggestions to try and change his mind, but at the end of the day if he says jump, they jump. End of discussion, and frankly you wouldn't want it to not work that way.

This sounds like exactly the same thing to me. 🤷‍♂️ I don't think the US military is any weaker for having women and gays in it. Maybe you do, though.
Where you're going wrong is confusing existence with weakness. That's not what this is about. Weakness is breaking down and crying because somebody didn't refer to you as "kittenself". Or getting someone fired and blacklisted for some innocuous thing they said thirty years ago. That's the kind of weakness woke politics creates and encourages.
So the International Cat Federation (yeah, apparently that's a thing) has now banned Russian cats. You're now banned from importing and registering cats bred in Russia in any pedigree book outside Russia and Russians are no longer allowed to participate in cat shows outside Russia.

Feel safer yet? :rolleyes:

Several game companies are also jumping on the virtue signaling bandwagon to varying degrees of success. EA has removed Russian clubs and teams from the FIFA and NHL games, which earned them a thorough mocking, and it's now being reported that they are halting sales in Russia which seems to be going somewhat better for them as far as I can tell.

CD Projekt Red and Microsoft already decided to halt sales a day or two previously. Funcom has decided to donate $100,000 to the humanitarian efforts.

This all follows a letter from the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister urging game devs to ban Russian players to hopefully put that much more pressure on Russian citizens to call on Putin to put a stop this war.
Glurin, I just remembered you owe the forum as a whole an apology for your filthy lies about the mythical re-education camps you polluted the place with. Can we expect this any time soon?
@Glurin It's odd that you responded to the points that weren't questions but didn't do so for the one that was.
I'm sure they do, but the official title of the president is Commander in Chief. The generals can make recommendations and suggestions to try and change his mind, but at the end of the day if he says jump, they jump. End of discussion, and frankly you wouldn't want it to not work that way.
So the generals all say this will make our army appear weak and they present their positions on that as effectively as possible, and Biden says do it anyway. What's that you said about wondering if the deception is intentional? You kind of just described it as being intentional.
Where you're going wrong is confusing existence with weakness. That's not what this is about. Weakness is breaking down and crying because somebody didn't refer to you as "kittenself". Or getting someone fired and blacklisted for some innocuous thing they said thirty years ago. That's the kind of weakness woke politics creates and encourages.
I am not confusing anything, but nice try. I have my answer: it is the same thing. "Men will make poor judgements when a woman is involved," "the presence of teh gays will hurt unit cohesion," etc. "Woke politics will ... cause trained soldiers ... to break down and cry?"
So the generals all say this will make our army appear weak and they present their positions on that as effectively as possible, and Biden says do it anyway. What's that you said about wondering if the deception is intentional? You kind of just described it as being intentional.
Not necessarily. It could just as easily be incompetence. Ever had one of those bosses who does something completely idiotic despite being warned by everyone under him as to what the consequences would be, only for him to throw a fit and make excuses later when everything he was warned about came to pass? So the question remains, is it a deception?

And FYI, if you don't think woke politics makes people emotionally unstable, you haven't been paying attention.
Not necessarily. It could just as easily be incompetence. Ever had one of those bosses who does something completely idiotic despite being warned by everyone under him as to what the consequences would be, only for him to throw a fit and make excuses later when everything he was warned about came to pass? So the question remains, is it a deception?
Most of my bosses/supervisors have been very competent. I can think of two that weren't, and one of those stole some money and tried to flee the country. The other one was just a poor leader. I quit that job, but not just over that.

I have to admit, I don't fully know what specific policies you think are making the military weak, but I don't see that using some pronouns could do that. On the assumption (purely for the sake of argument) that there are some policies about pronouns that do in fact make the US military appear to be weak in Putin's eyes, do you think that was predictable?
And FYI, if you don't think woke politics makes people emotionally unstable, you haven't been paying attention.
Right, because my view differs from yours, I haven't been paying attention. Sure. To be clear, I do think that "woke politics" does make some people behave irrationally; you and I just disagree on whom that is. Again, Americans are always being dumb about something.
I have to admit, I don't fully know what specific policies you think are making the military weak, but I don't see that using some pronouns could do that.
That's probably in part because you're only looking at this as this one particular policy that could make or break the entire system. Doesn't work like that. The pronoun thing is just part of a much, much, much bigger problem.

On the assumption (purely for the sake of argument) that there are some policies about pronouns that do in fact make the US military appear to be weak in Putin's eyes, do you think that was predictable?
Oh beyond predictable, and they were warned about it on virtually every front. How could it not be? What would you think if your enemy suddenly started bickering among themselves over something as stupid as their own genders and falling to pieces whenever someone guesses the wrong one?

Right, because my view differs from yours, I haven't been paying attention. Sure. To be clear, I do think that "woke politics" does make some people behave irrationally; you and I just disagree on whom that is. Again, Americans are always being dumb about something.
Well considering it's the woke movement that outright declared rationality to be offensive....I mean...what more is there to say? They trust feelings over facts and as a result have in many ways done tremendous harm to the very groups they claim to represent. 🤷‍♂️
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As an end goal? Perhaps, though that would be part of a larger scheme like the aforementioned great reset. It wouldn't be the goal in and of itself. More likely it's just another manifestation of the current admin playing identity politics.

No, not really. Here's the thing about the military. They have one job and one job only. Kill people and break things. Everything else is secondary. That is the reason militaries exist. Injecting woke politics into it distracts from that purpose and causes discord. Not to mention what happens when you suddenly have to worry about sorting through an infinite amount of gender pronouns fearing that if you guess the wrong one you might hurt somebody's feelings and get fired.

You ask if the "accommodation (I would say imposition) of woke ideas" has misdirected Putin. I would ask has he been misdirected? Sure, we've got lots of guns, lots of ammo, lots of planes, etc. But what about the things you can't buy? We're handing out play doh and coloring books to college students who can't handle hearing someone tell them they're wrong. We fly into a rage when someone has a "black" hairstyle without being black. We're disowning family members and physically assaulting people who don't vote for the same dipshit we do. We have people literally killing each other over McDonald's hamburgers for criminy sake.

There's more, but you get the picture. I really hate to say it, but the question has to be asked, is Putin actually wrong about us being weak? :unsure:
Glad to see you know **** all about the military to make such stupid statements.
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You weirdos are always one hot take away from throwing @jmervyn in internet prison when he's around... and then when he's not you're ready to give him a handy. I think y'all just like drama!
Yes, we most certainly do!
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We're actually sitting on quite a lot, but it's all tied up with environmental regulations and bans as a result of virtue signaling politicians trying to score points with the climate alarmists. (Not to mention the boatloads of money involved on all sides.)
Drill Baby! Drill!
We're actually sitting on quite a lot, but it's all tied up with environmental regulations and bans as a result of virtue signaling politicians trying to score points with the climate alarmists. (Not to mention the boatloads of money involved on all sides.)

if I didn't mention this before, I thought our stuff was on a lot of Native land and thus another reason why we can't drill there because their land is protected (as it should be)? I'm probably wrong. I'm not educated enough on the matter and, ATM, I'm way too tired to process anything that requires 100% of my attention. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. It's cool, man.

This fucking situation is just getting worse and worse.... And **** Madison Cawthorn. What misinformation? If war images and war videos are "misinformation" and "fake news," go sit on it and spin you ****ing ass turd.

I feel kinda better. Still groggy AF though.
They are sitting on 9000 unused drilling permits. Oil companies are making record profits and will continue to do so.
