Nihilism & Nationalism

Just a few short months ago, you argued that there was nothing wrong with housing children there. You said they were safer and in better conditions than they were used to. Now you've changed your tuned because Trump is no longer in charge?

You are a hypocrite.

These facilities will be emptied soon enough. Trump created a backlog of thousands that have to be processed. Unfortunately, many ICE workers on the borders are racist POS and will deliberately drag their heels. They have the support of a union that has been in bed with the Trump admin for the past 4 years. It will take some time to get rid of the bad apples.
Kind of language that got a bunch of gamergate incels in trouble on other forums. You should be OK posting that kind of derogatory sexist crap here though. It's not like a female owns the site.

Oh wait....
When it come right down to it, the world would be a much better place minus a few A-holes.
So I like clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson - my son appreciated his "12 Rules for Life" book and Peterson has very clear-headed, no-nonsense views about just how damaging social Marxism is to Western Civilization (or as many here apparently would label it, "White Supremacism").

I had heard Ta-Nehisi Coates' name as someone Progressives worshipped as a demigod & enlightened being, but I never really paid much attention to him. Apparently he rose to his appropriate level of sophistication & intelligence, and has been scribbling the "Captain America" comics since 2016. Having read a little bit more about him, and his anti-American filth expressed regarding the 9/11 responders, I understood that he's just another one of these vile wastes of skin dressed up in false sophistication, ala Ward Churchill.

Well, Coates's latest deep philosophical comic cast Peterson as the hyper-Nazi villain Red Skull. Because anyone who dislikes Progressive fascism is by default a Nazi (of course).

Peterson's response was perfect, (along the lines of how Satan cannot bear to be mocked) and is now cashing in on Coates' stupidity:
(of course Twitter is doing its thing to salt Coates' wound, with memes)
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I saw that Red Skull thing the other day. Can't say I've read much of Peterson's work, but I still find it hilarious that the new supervillains' motto is essentially "Be a good person".

Hilarious, but not surprising. These people have gone completely delusional. They've now added fantasy pronouns like "fae" and "vamp" and "princess" to the ever growing list of "genders" you're supposed to just know and accurately use when talking to people. Even fonts are on the chopping block as something to be offended by now as well.

Yeah, fonts. As in Times New Roman and Courier New and Arial. The style that letters and numbers are displayed in on your screen. For now the ones they have a problem with are any that have a resemblance to Asian style characters, such as you might see on a Chinese takeout menu. No doubt they'll be finding more at some point though.
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Yeah, fonts.
Yup, I saw that a few days ago. The Proggies can't leave any stone unturned in their efforts to force equality on people, no matter how laughably stupid they appear in the process... because they fully intend to execute those mocking them.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana

Of course, our Proggy brethren promise that THIS time things will be different, because they CARE more than we do, and that you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs who will be condemned in the footnotes as RACISSS/SEXISSS/Wrongthink/whatever fits the bill.

It's already happened on these forums, sadly.
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.. because they fully intend to execute those mocking them.
That you might actually believe this scares the **** out of me.
So the "How do you think it's going to end" thread was locked - in my opinion long before it was due - so I'll point out some additional amusement here:

When people were asked how many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019 in a survey commissioned by Skeptic Research Center, nearly half of all liberals, 44 percent thought that the number was somewhere between 1,000 and 10,000 men. Instead, the number was 27.

If Leftists don't realize they're being manipulated by those I label fascists, they haven't been paying attention.

For at least five years.

P.S. I'm proud to say that boyo is a liberal in the original sense of the word. He's on that traditional "voyage of discovery", just before starting to hit the rapids...
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How disappointing that must be for you - so many wasted opportunities.
How disappointing that must be for you - so many wasted opportunities.
Meh, I'm overly accustomed to Matthew 7:6.

I just felt that the obvious anti-civilization bent of modern Progressivism was worth highlighting.

P.S. It's also highly amusing that people are so short-sighted as to imagine that because they nominally are one of the groups mentioned in Martin Niemöller's poem that it somehow doesn't apply to them as the poem's villainous "They"
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All I can say is, good job, guys. Job well done.

But again, at least there's no more mean tweets!

Yeah, great job. Reminds me of Saigon.

I ask myself what the US have offered to the Taliban, so they allow all those rescue operations. I doubt they are scared much by the threats of retaliation by the US, in case the Taliban try to attack the airport. But perhaps they are content with putting everything on video, so prepare for a couple of "there the American devils and their lackeys flee in defeat, with the tail between the legs" videos.

It's basically as before now, but the Taliban now have more modern weapons and something like an air force. They might have no pilots yet, but they have captives who will be exposed to the good old "teach us well or your family will suffer" method.

I agree that the Afghans will have to get their things settled on their own at some time, but that was the wrong time. Yes, 20 years are a very long time, but it seems it wasn't long enough. I'm still wondering with what ease the Taliban could reconquer the country, with the army not even putting up a noticable fight. Either they were overwhelmingly strong in comparisony or they are much more incorporated in the society (and feared) than we wanted to believe. Most of what we believe to know is probably what'ss happening in the big cities or what's been told by those who agreed or collaborated with the US, but their number might be much lower on the countryside.

I'm not blaming the US alone or Trump alone. Other countries should have spoken up. Trump probably wouldn't have listened (or even cared), but but perhaps Biden might have, although I'm not much convinced about it.
I agree that the Afghans will have to get their things settled on their own at some time, but that was the wrong time.
I don't think that's quite right. I do agree with the idea that we should pull out of there. I mean, at some point you've either got to go all in and take over or hand everything back to the locals come what may. The halfway measure is generally a bad idea in the long run. I generally think it was indeed the right time to pull out. I also think the Taliban probably would have taken over anyway when we did.

The problem is in how it was conducted. This is an absolute embarrassment of epic proportions. Biden and his administration was blinded by trying to score political points for pulling our troops out before the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Instead of an orderly withdrawl, he just ordered all the armed forces to drop everything and take off, hanging everyone else out to dry.

He was warned what would happen if he did it this way by both ends of the spectrum. He completely ignored our allies on it. He was warned by the state department and the CIA. He overruled the generals who were telling him this would be disastrous. He brushed off the very idea of the Taliban taking over as the stuff of loony conspiracy theorists. And when it all went to shit, he took a break from his vacation to try and blame Trump for it. Oh, he also ghosted the British Prime Minister for over 36 hours as it was happening as well. All because he gives more weight to the asinine end of the Twitter mafia than to people who's lifelong careers center around knowing exactly what the situation is over there.
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