Nihilism & Nationalism

Ha! #BlueAnon. I like that. It perfectly encapsulates what's been going on for the last four years or even longer.
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Longer, considering the Kennedy Assassination & Pearl Harbor theories...

although both have an element of bipartisan lunacy, the Democrat obsession with an oppressive, secretive Federal state is relatively old and it's historically part of their legacy of USSR thought leadership. The roots can be seen in movies like "3 Days of the Condor" & "The Bourne Identity"
True, but I was thinking more along the lines of how mainstream the frothing at the mouth zealotry has become. Sure, they've had their loony conspiracy theories in the past. But Bush wasn't impeached for ordering an invisible air force jet to fire missiles into the world trade center.
The crazy is strong in this one.
Regarding this nazi rune stuff, I didn't see them. Fascists/nazis having smuggled them in somehow? This is BS. As we all know, the SS runes are 2x S with two sharp edges each. A lot of things look like that, like the two lightning bolts carried by the eagle of the crest of something involving the USA (or so) and two of them would make the SS runes. It's like saying that the band AC/DC are nazis because the / part is actually half an SS rune.
Regarding this nazi rune stuff, I didn't see them. Fascists/nazis having smuggled them in somehow? This is BS. As we all know, the SS runes are 2x S with two sharp edges each. A lot of things look like that, like the two lightning bolts carried by the eagle of the crest of something involving the USA (or so) and two of them would make the SS runes. It's like saying that the band AC/DC are nazis because the / part is actually half an SS rune.
Scroll back to post 55 to see the pic.
Regarding this nazi rune stuff, I didn't see them. Fascists/nazis having smuggled them in somehow?
It's all detailed in the SJW super secret racist dog whistle codebook. You know, the one that says if your bacon happens to land on your plate at the wrong angle, it means your chef is a nazi and he did it on purpose to give you a wink letting you know black people suck.
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True, but I was thinking more along the lines of how mainstream the frothing at the mouth zealotry has become. Sure, they've had their loony conspiracy theories in the past. But Bush wasn't impeached for ordering an invisible air force jet to fire missiles into the world trade center.
Can't say they didn't seriously consider it though, because fire can't melt steel &c.
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Regarding this nazi rune stuff, I didn't see them. Fascists/nazis having smuggled them in somehow? This is BS. As we all know, the SS runes are 2x S with two sharp edges each. A lot of things look like that, like the two lightning bolts carried by the eagle of the crest of something involving the USA (or so) and two of them would make the SS runes. It's like saying that the band AC/DC are nazis because the / part is actually half an SS rune.
Pretty much. I'm an amateur military historian (of course, because my old job required it) and I would have been very hard-pressed to identify the symbol. I *might* recognize these as SS Division names, but wouldn't have been able to tell you that the "Prinz Eugen" or "Nederland" divisions were the ones that used it.
Can't say they didn't seriously consider it though, because fire can't melt steel &c.
You're probably sarcastic here, but for those who really believe that (and to satisfy my smartass compulsion): Steel loses much of its strength at a temperature of about 600°C which is easily reached in a large fire. Besides a hundred-ton plane crashing into one at a few hundreds km/h will cause tremendous damage as well. The higher a building is, the more it is like a well-balanced house of cards that will collapse if the balance is disturbed to a certain extent, in a way the WTC did.
You're probably sarcastic here, but for those who really believe that (and to satisfy my smartass compulsion): Steel loses much of its strength at a temperature of about 600°C which is easily reached in a large fire. Besides a hundred-ton plane crashing into one at a few hundreds km/h will cause tremendous damage as well. The higher a building is, the more it is like a well-balanced house of cards that will collapse if the balance is disturbed to a certain extent, in a way the WTC did.
It's what the fashionable Progressive fascists claimed back in the day, particularly the later anti-Trump ones (Exhibit A is Rosie O'Donnell, who believe it or not was what constitutes their idea of a "thought leader").

I'm pretty sure it was one of the "facts" trotted out by those who subscribed to the "spare change" or "loose change" school, which Michael Moore is a stakeholder in... though I don't know the association the term has.

There appear to be videos & such still available; they were certainly not the ludicrous minority which the Establishment would now claim them to be. More than half of all Democrat Party members believed it at the time, including people being brushed under the carpet like Presidential candidate Howard Dean.
There appear to be videos & such still available; they were certainly not the ludicrous minority which the Establishment would now claim them to be. More than half of all Democrat Party members believed it at the time, including people being brushed under the carpet like Presidential candidate Howard Dean.
Not surprising. The derangement syndrome that they suffered under Trump really metastasized under Bush. By the end of his term, he too was in a position where all it took was somebody mentioning his name to drive many of them into a frothy mouthed tirade devoid of any coherent thought.

It's much worse now of course. You can't even just not like certain movies or games anymore because somehow that proves you're a racist or a sexist or whatever. Some people have even received actual, credible, contact the authorities level death threats over it. Really hits home how out of touch they've gotten when it's the people who made the game or film that's hurling these accusations at their critics.
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Well there you go. It was the liberals fault all along. Close this case.
This is quite an interesting article. I've read quite a few articles about Qanon members getting out which, while interesting, is not as interesting (to me anyway) as how they found themselves down that rabbit hole in the first place.

I find cults in general interesting and while they're all based on misinformation this one relishes in it and how far they're pushing their theories is engrossing to watch.

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Most interesting part of that article:

“Any time you dehumanize any part or segment of the population to such a low level, to the lowest level you can go, people are happy on the opposite side to do the worst against them,” he says of QAnon believers’ views of Trump’s enemies. “That’s the real danger here — not that [QAnon adherents] will get into the Senate. When you frame your opponents [as subhuman], you won’t just watch them burn. You’ll be happy about it.”

Now with just the teeniest little bit creative editing:

“Any time you dehumanize any part or segment of the population to such a low level, to the lowest level you can go, people are happy on the opposite side to do the worst against them,” he says of Blueanon believers’ views of Biden’s enemies. “That’s the real danger here — not that [Blueanon adherents] will get into the Senate. When you frame your opponents [as subhuman], you won’t just watch them burn. You’ll be happy about it.”

One will get you an interview with Rolling Stone, the other will get you fired from your job and likely de-platformed. But both statements are equally true.
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Is there any information as to whether QAnon is a Right-wing/Nationalist-aligned concoction, or one for the Left-wing/Globalist agenda?

The answer to this may or may not need to include a explanation as to how the whole QAnon nonsense cannot possibly be a false-flag operation.
Is there any information as to whether QAnon is a Right-wing/Nationalist-aligned concoction, or one for the Left-wing/Globalist agenda?

The answer to this may or may not need to include a explanation as to how the whole QAnon nonsense cannot possibly be a false-flag operation.
It's just some loony fringe element similar to the nuttier stuff Alex Jones puts out that the propagandists like using as a paint brush for anyone doesn't count as woke. Could it actually be a "false flag operation"? I suppose it's possible, though even if it were I kinda doubt it would have started that way. But just like the lizard aliens and fish people, there's really nothing to suggest that it is.

Well, actually, given some of the recent revelations concerning UFOs, lizard aliens just got promoted as having more evidence to support their existence than Qanon being a false flag op. :p
It's just some loony fringe element similar to the nuttier stuff Alex Jones puts out that the propagandists like using as a paint brush for anyone doesn't count as woke. Could it actually be a "false flag operation"? I suppose it's possible, though even if it were I kinda doubt it would have started that way. But just like the lizard aliens and fish people, there's really nothing to suggest that it is.

Well, actually, given some of the recent revelations concerning UFOs, lizard aliens just got promoted as having more evidence to support their existence than Qanon being a false flag op. :p
I read an essay a while back, which seemed to indicate that Alex Jones was right more often than he was wrong - examples were included.

Which would make Jones more reliable than CNN, BBC, Fox or anyone else in the mainstream.

Is it still an option to believe that everyone is lying to you and so you should believe nothing? Or is that against the law now?
I read an essay a while back, which seemed to indicate that Alex Jones was right more often than he was wrong - examples were included.
Eh, yes, that's accurate, but with some caveats.

That's the thing about conspiracy theories. Quite often, they are correct. There is a conspiracy of bad (or at the very least misguided) people doing bad things and covering it up. The problem is that the stereotypical conspiracy theorists have a tendency to take all that stuff they're correct about, along with the documents and video they've collected, and bury it under chem trails and gay frogs and all kinds of other nonsense. So stuff that is absolutely true winds up getting dismissed along with the stuff that requires some tinfoil. Throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater, as it were. This is especially the case with anything that falls outside of what one might refer to as "normal crime and corruption".

Which would make Jones more reliable than CNN, BBC, Fox or anyone else in the mainstream.
That's not actually saying much these days now that CNN has turned into nothing more than another propaganda arm of the progressive party.
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Eh, yes, that's accurate, but with some caveats.

That's the thing about conspiracy theories. Quite often, they are correct. There is a conspiracy of bad (or at the very least misguided) people doing bad things and covering it up. The problem is that the stereotypical conspiracy theorists have a tendency to take all that stuff they're correct about, along with the documents and video they've collected, and bury it under chem trails and gay frogs and all kinds of other nonsense. So stuff that is absolutely true winds up getting dismissed along with the stuff that requires some tinfoil. Throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater, as it were. This is especially the case with anything that falls outside of what one might refer to as "normal crime and corruption".

That's not actually saying much these days now that CNN has turned into nothing more than another propaganda arm of the progressive party.
Frogs are changing sex. That isn't being gay :)

I mention the comparison to CNN, etc because it is my experience that a lot of people still believe they learn things of value (ie real things) from the MSM. Yes, I know.
Is there any information as to whether QAnon is a Right-wing/Nationalist-aligned concoction, or one for the Left-wing/Globalist agenda?

The answer to this may or may not need to include a explanation as to how the whole QAnon nonsense cannot possibly be a false-flag operation.
We've seen plenty.

I can understand why some conservatives are trying to distance themselves from Qanon especially now that it's firmly embedded in the GOP. One viable tactic is to proffer that it's actually a massive left-wing conspiracy to make conservatives look unhinged. Might as well, after all it's just one more conspiracy on top of a growing pile of conspiracies. But now they're in congress that'll never happen. I can imagine seeing "GQP" referenced more and more must rile them up something chronic.
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