Monopoly Forum Game #1 - Game Over - D2DC wins.

Rotation 20 stats:

D2DC: $5,544 + $700 from Skjolde + $100 from coju = $6,344
Skjolde: $6,060 - $700 to D2DC = $5,360
coju: $6,092 - $100 to D2DC = $5,992
Noodle: $10,967 - $104 to Leopold Stotch = $10,863
Leopold Stotch: $7,169 + $104 from Noodle = $7,272

The Bank: $74,720 (Note: The $500 to each player was granted by me and not from the bank. Call it a freebie)

Free Parking: $0

D2DC: Pennsylvania Avenue
Skjolde: Park Place
coju: Pennsylvania Railroad
Noodle: North Carolina Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Still Burning in the 6th level of hell
@D2DC has improved his properties, adding one house each to Boardwalk and Park Place, spending a total of $1,600.
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Rotation 21:

@D2DC rolls 9 (4+5) and advances to Baltic Avenue.
D2DC owns Baltic.
D2DC collects $800 for passing Go

@Skjolde rolls 9 (6+3) and advances to Oriental Avenue
Skjolde pays Leopold Stotch $24 in rent.
Skjolde collects $800 for passing Go.

@coju rolls 9 (6+3) and advances to Illinois Avenue.
coju bribes coju so he doesn't have to pay rent.
coju accepts the bribe from coju.

@Noodle rolls doubles! Rolling a 10 (5+5).
Noodle advances to Community Chest #1
Noodle collects $800 for passing GO.
Noodle draws a CC card via 1D30

You come up with a breakthrough technique on asteroid/moon mining. Collect 1000.
Noodle rolls doubles again! Rolling a 6 (3+3).
Noodle advances to Vermont Avenue.
Noodle pays Skjolde $24 in rent.
Noodle rolls a 6 (2+4) and advances to Virginia Avenue.
Noodle swears to get revenge on Noodle after landing on his property - well after the cows come home.

@Leopold Stotch rolls a 5 (3+2) and is still stuck roasting on a brimstone fire in hell. (2/3)
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Updated Property chart (D2DC adds to BW and PP)

US Name
Rent with color set
Rent (1 House)
(2 Houses)
(3 Houses)
(4 Houses)
Houses Cost
Hotels Cost (plus 4 houses)
Mortgage Value
Brown Mediterranean Avenue
Brown Baltic Avenue
Light Blue Oriental Avenue
Light Blue Vermont Avenue
Light Blue Connecticut Avenue
Pink St Charles Place
Pink States Avenue
Pink Virginia Avenue
Orange St James Place
Orange Tennessee Avenue
Orange New York Avenue
Red Kentucky Avenue
Red Indiana Avenue
Red Illinois Avenue
Yellow Atlantic Avenue
Yellow Ventnor Avenue
Yellow Marvin Gardens
Green Pacific Avenue
Green North Carolina Avenue
Green Pennsylvania Avenue
Park Place
Reading Railroad (Skjolde)Rent: 100
Pennsylvania Railroad (D2DC)Rent: 100
B & O Railroad (Noodle)Rent: 100
Short Line Railroad (Coju)Rent: 100
Rotation 21 stats:

D2DC: $6,344 - $1,600 (house for BW and PP) + $800 (Go) = $5,544

Skjolde: $5,360 - $24 to Leo in rent + 800 (Go) + $24 in rent from Noodle = $6,160

coju: $5,992

Noodle: $10,863 + $800 (Go) - $24 to to Skjolde in rent = $11,639

Leopold Stotch: $7,272 + $24 from Skjolde in rent = $7,296

The Bank: $74,720 - $800 (x3) to Skjolde, D2DC and Noodle for passing Go -$1,000 to Noodle (Asteroid Mining) = $71,320

Free Parking: $0

D2DC: Baltic Avenue
Skjolde: Oriental Avenue
coju: Illinois Avenue
Noodle: Virginia Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Roasting in a hellfire
Rotation 22:

@D2DC rolls a 5 (3+2) and advances to Vermont Avenue.
D2DC pays Skjolde $24 in rent.

@Skjolde rolls doubles! rolling a 10 (5+5).
Skjolde advances to St. James Place.
Skjolde pays Leopold Stotch $280 in rent.
Skjolde rolls again, rolling an 8 (5+3) and advances to Illinois Avenue.
Skjolde pays coju $80 in rent.

@coju rolls 8 (2+6) and advances to North Carolina Avenue
coju pays Leopolold Stotch rent in the amount of $104

@Noodle rolls 9 (4+5) and advances to Indiana Avenue.
Noodle pays himself a candy bar in rent.

@Leopold Stotch rolls Doubles and gets out of Hell, rolling 2 (1+1).
Leopold Stotch Advances to The Electric Company.
Leopold Stotch pays D2DC rent in the amount of $32 (4x amount rolled on the dice + 4x for out for blood rules)

Rotation 22 stats:

D2DC: $5,554 - $24 to Skjolde + $32 from Leopold Stotch = $5,562

Skjolde: $6,160 + $24 from D2DC - $280 to Leopold Stotch - $80 to coju = $5,824

coju: $5,992 + $80 from Skjolde - $104 to Leopold Stotch = $5,968

Noodle: $11,639

Leopold Stotch: $7,296 + $280 from Skjolde + $104 from coju - $32 to D2DC = $7,648

The Bank: $71,320
Free Parking: $0

D2DC: Vermont Avenue
Skjolde: Illinois Avenue
coju: North Carolina Avenue
Noodle: Indiana Avenue
Leopold Stotch: Electric Company
Rotation 23:

@D2DC rolls a 7 (1+6) and advances to Pennsylvania Railroad.
D2DC owns it.

@Skjolde rolls a 3 (2+1) and advances to Ventnor Avenue.
Skjolde owns Ventnor Avenue.

@coju rolls 10 (6+4) and advances to Community Chest #1
coju draws a Community Chest card via 1D30.

You were “trouted” in the eye and sent to the Emergency Room. Pay hospital fee of 325.

@Noodle rolls 5 (4+1), and advances to Water Works.
Noodle owns Water Works, it is renamed Moonshine Works.

@Leopold Stotch rolls a 5 and advances to Community Chest #2.
Leopold Stotch draws a Community Chest Card via 1D30:

You played a long, nerve wracking game mafia with your scum partner Pyrotechnician. Roll the dice. If your roll is even, collect 500. If your roll is odd, you were unlucky and got thrown under the bus. Pay 500 to calm your nerves.

Leo's roll is 5 (odd) Leo has been thrown under the bus and pays $500.
Rotation 23 stats:

D2DC: $5,562
Skjolde: $5,824
coju: $5,968 - $325 = $5,643
Noodle: $11,639
Leopold Stotch: $7,648

The Bank: $71,320
Free Parking: $0 + $325 from coju +$500 from Leopold Stotch = $825

D2DC: Pennsylvania Railroad
Skjolde: Ventnor Avenue
coju: Community chest #1
Noodle: Water Works
Leopold Stotch: Community Chest #2
Rotation 24:

@D2DC rolls 7 (3+4) and advances to Chance #2.
D2DC draws a Chance Card via 1D30:

You have been “rugged” by Noodle. Roll the dice and go back the number of spaces rolled. If you are Noodle, go back double.
D2DC rolls a 5, and goes back to Community Chest #2
D2DC draws a Community Chest Card via 1D30:

Go to Hell. Go directly to Heel, do not pass Go, do not collect $800
D2DC has gone to Hell.

@Skjolde rolls a 9 (5+4) and advances to Chance #3.
Skjolde draws a Chance Card via 1D30:

Discuss the finer points of Star Trek with @Dredd Pay 250.

@coju rolls 8 (6+2) and advances to "Just Visiting (D2DC) in hell.

@Noodle rolls doubles! Rolling 8 (4+4) and advances to Chance #3
Noodle draws a Chance Card via 1D30:

You play a game of Mafia, it is themed on the Stargate Sg1 Episode “Window of Opportunity” @Pyrotechnician yells out: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! You have hit a “time loop”and go back in time. Draw another Chance Card.
Noodle draws a second Chance Card via 1D30:
Watch an Episode of Invader Zim. Roll the dice, if even, it does not rain. Collect 500. If odd, you melted in the rain. Pay 500.
Noodle rolls 11 and melts into a gooey, starchy....mess.
Noodle pays $500

@Leopold Stotch rolls Doubles! rolling a 4 (2+2) and advances to Kentucky Avenue.
Leopold Stotch pays Skjolde $72 in rent.
Leopold Stotch rolls again, rolling an 11 (5+6), and advances to North Carolina Avenue.
Leo owns NCA.
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