Asteroid/Moon mining

View attachment 65598
Hopefully that healing kicks in soon. Otherwise, this graph could be alarming..
I doubt you've reviewed the "hockey stick" computer calculations, and why the media wants the disclosure of how those work suppressed at all costs.

However, it's quite interesting that the claim is that CO2 concentrations have essentially been almost level until VERY recently, given what most other data shows. Is this from Briffa's assertion using the Yamal tree rings?
Antarctic Vostok and EPICA Dome C ice cores give accurate CO2 measurements back 800,000 years.
Antarctic Vostok and EPICA Dome C ice cores give accurate CO2 measurements back 800,000 years.
Keep in mind Merv and Glurin are talking about a fictional reality that bears only the slightest resemblance to the universe everyone else lives in.
Keep in mind Merv and Glurin are talking about a fictional reality that bears only the slightest resemblance to the universe everyone else lives in.
Ah, fallacy of the bandwagon, the all time favorite of Progressives. "Everyone knows" X therefore you're subhuman and ought to be exterminated if you don't agree.

Yet y'all wonder why I think you're fascist totalitarians screaming to get out and have a good old cultural "cleansing" like Mao and Stalin used to.
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Merv...quote me the science is the science
Noodle...why bother, they will ignore the science all fascist totalitarians for making me look stoopid.
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Ah, fallacy of the bandwagon, the all time favorite of Progressives. "Everyone knows" X therefore you're subhuman and ought to be exterminated if you don't agree.

Yet y'all wonder why I think you're fascist totalitarians screaming to get out and have a good old cultural "cleansing" like Mao and Stalin used to.
I'm pretty sure you're a bot, and not a real person. You're pointing fingers at a mirror, but not at me.
Also suppressed are the opinions of both George Monbiot and Patrick Moore, both of whom are left-leaning, and believe in "Climate Change" (because the climate changes). Monbiot was one of the original go-to sources for the cretins like Mickey Mann, and Patrick Moore was a co-founder of Greenpeace who has now been erased from the organization's history.

The fact that none of the totalitarian lovers want to discuss is that paleoclimatology, while not truly a pseudo-science, certainly was an obscure and pointless field of study. It relies completely on computer modeling, statistical manipulation, and data proxies like tree rings or ice cores in order to produce their claims. It's why within my lifetime their claims went from an imminent ice age to the world ending 10 years from now, which 67% of Democrats believe is true.

Of course, Michael Mann and other paleoclimatologists are delighted that the COMINTERN has embraced them, because the sheer volume of money and attention on what had been an almost silly and pointless field of study has made them wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

I'm pretty sure you're a bot, and not a real person. You're pointing fingers at a mirror, but not at me.
Sure. "I am rubber, you are glue" is another Playground - sorry, Progressive - favorite.

After all, Trump the EEEEBBILLLL DIKKKTATER spied on journalists and Senators, weaponized the IRS, FBI, and other Federal agencies, and fed false information to the media in order to destroy his enemies.

Except that's what your fascist allies did, and you seemingly approved. Trump was merely a boorish blowhard who was stupid enough to speak in vague generalities to a hateful Progressive fascist media.

Not that I expect you to be man enough to admit any of the falsehoods you've guzzled down. Anyway, I'm dropping this.
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What a fascinating world you must live in! In this world, of course, you're nothing but an irrelevant mindless troll.
Can Merv even compose a response without using the words

Nothing to do with moon mining. Yet. But the crew of the next moon mission was just announced. Looks like they are send a Unicorn to the moon.

/Danger Zone!moon.jpg