Asteroid/Moon mining

Can't spare them, they're too busy being used to start wild fires in California. 'Cause that's a thing.
Jewish Space Lasers is the name of my new Ashkenazic/Punk Fusion band.

It scares the **** out of me that Americans actually voted someone like her into a leadership position of our government but there is someone worse only because he is so damn stupid....

Louis Gohmert R Texas actually asked if the National Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management could change the orbit of the moon or earth to reverse climate change. I wish I was kidding but I'm not. Louis Gohmert is that fucking stupid.

He was being sarcastic, dave. He was making the point that climate change is a natural phenomenon, which is easily proven in the alarmists own historical data despite instance that it's entirely man made. That's easy to see even from an article written by the propaganda mouthpiece that is CNN. Unlike a certain democrat who was worried that the island of Guam would "tip over and capsize" if we put too many people on it.
Thinking climate change isn't caused by humans is stupider than thinking the forest service could change the earth's orbit.

You still owe me (and others) an apology for spewing your filth about the mythical reeducation camps.
He was being sarcastic, dave.

This is the guy who blamed the victims of the Aurora shooting for not bringing an AR15 to the crowded theatre so they could shoot back in the dark. The same guy who linked the overthrow of the Libyan government to Obamacare. The same guy who said that terror babies were being bred on American soil so they could grow up and kill Patriots. The same guy who accused Obama of creating a New Ottoman Empire/Muslim Brotherhood. The same guy who on the house floor linked homosexuality to bestiality and Hitler. The same guy who once screamed out in a hearing "do not cast aspersions on my asparagus." Yeah, I don't know what the **** he was talking about either. The same guy who said that illegals who snuck across the border committed 600 thousand sexual assaults against American women. The same guy who said that 3000 troops were sent to Africa, not to help with the ebola outbreak but to become infected and bring the disease back to US soil to infect the entire population. The same guy who came up with the "gay island theory". He wanted tax payer money to fund a study proving his theory correct. The same guy who said that climate change is a myth because historic accounts of Leif Erickson talking about farming in Greenland proves that it was warmer then. The same guy who said that 9/11 and Noah's Flood were God's punishment for gay marriage. The same guy who said that the BLM and the KKK members at the Charlotte protests were hired by Obama and they all arrived on the same bus. The same guy who defended Jim Jordan for covering up sexual assaults by saying that the victims were all adults so everything is good. The same guy who went on tv to endorse a "magic powder" that when stirred in water like kool-aid will kill the covid virus. The same guy who for months refused to wear masks, finally contracts covid and assembles his entire staff into a small meeting room to tell them personally.

No. He is an idiot.
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You still owe me (and others) an apology for spewing your filth about the mythical reeducation camps.
In his defense, he probably heard that first from Merv and believed it as gospel.
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Forget it noodle. I will not apologize for speaking the truth. Those reeducation camps made it into left wing rhetoric and they should be called out on it before the fences go up. Not after.

By the way, ever hear of this little thing called the ice age? Yeah, that actually happened. The planet has cooled down dramatically and warmed up dramatically (much warmer than now) several times over long before humans even existed. But I suppose that's just irrelevant, right? Everyone knows that SCIENCE!!!! tells us that the temperature stopped moving naturally the moment humans stumbled out of the cave and got in their SUVs to forage for food. Never mind the numerous fluctuations that have occurred in the last 1,000 years alone. Never mind that the planet actually cooled down since 1998 while alarmists spent all those years since telling us it was warming up. Never mind those famous words "hide the decline" from leading climate scientists. Never mind that those same "scientists" were telling us we were in for a new ice age before they were telling us all the rivers lakes are going to dry up. Never mind that the whole twelve years before catastrophe message has been discredited and disproven every year for the last twenty and was denounced by the very scientists who supposedly came up with it. Never mind that not one of their predictions and models ever panned out.

What's stupid is thinking cow farts in Kentucky are going to cause firestorms in Alaska. Or that even if they could, we could solve it by regulating ourselves back to the stone age while allowing countries like China to spew out far more pollutants than we ever did. It's a political scam, noodle. Politicians realized that if they just repeatedly insisted that the science was settled, people would believe it and they could convince everyone that there's a crisis they can use as an excuse to seize more power and money. And if politicians were right about anything, it was that. Hell, you don't even need any climate data to know that much even if you do swallow every drop of alarmist propaganda on the subject. Just look at their "solutions", which mostly consist of taking money from everybody and funneling it to their buddies.
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Watch the video dave. He was being sarcastic about having the forest service do something about the moon's orbit.
By the way, ever hear of this little thing called the ice age?
Add climate change denial to the list of idiocies you support.
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I never would have expected you to deny the ice age, superdave, but here we are. Facts really don't matter anymore I guess.
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I never would have expected you to deny the ice age, superdave, but here we are. Facts really don't matter anymore I guess.
What is your point? Because there was an Ice Age pre industrial revolution, mankind now cannot affect climate by introducing huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere?
What is your point? Because there was an Ice Age pre industrial revolution, mankind now cannot affect climate by introducing huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere?
On the contrary. I'm saying that climate change happens without any human influence whatsoever, thus it is unreasonable to assume that any or all changes we've seen since humans came into existence is the exclusive result of human activity or that said activity will result in wiping out all life on the planet.

I'm not against environmental policies or technologies. I'm against said policies being motivated by an irrational fear of causing bad weather. The critical difference being that the later usually comes in the form of politicians lining their pockets and seizing even more power and control.
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Glurin, you're willfully ignorant. Just stop.

"The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 2.12 degrees Fahrenheit (1.18 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and other human activities.4 Most of the warming occurred in the past 40 years, with the seven most recent years being the warmest. The years 2016 and 2020 are tied for the warmest year on record. 5" -

This is not business as usual. Pretending there isn't a problem doesn't make the problem go away, just as repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Just like your idiotic claim that the left has made a practice of calling for or seriously discussing reeducation camps is a bald-faced lie, believed only by feeble minded mouth breathers. We've seen that it was the result of a single mid-level attorney from PBS who was in a bar one night and foolishly agreed with a right wing troll who brought the subject up. Also, when PBS found out, they immediately denounced the ridiculous concept, and fired him. That's what really happened, but you don't care about the truth, do you?
Just like your idiotic claim that the left has made a practice of calling for or seriously discussing reeducation camps is a bald-faced lie, believed only by feeble minded mouth breathers.
So you're discounting the leader of the Democrat Party (AOC), a *VAST* number of your fellow Progressives, and your own ally here on the pseudo-OTF?

Well, I suppose that's a start. However, let's try to keep the thread from derailing too badly.

AGW has been pretty thoroughly debunked, but Progressives of both political stripes want to keep it alive in order to control others. The canard of "Climate Change" falsely presumes both that man-caused contributions to greenhouse gasses are at all relevant in the larger scheme, and that enslaving the majority of Westerners to Progressive schemes while allowing India & China to chug along is somehow a viable plan.

There's a reason Michael Mann is squirming like a worm: he knows the entire presumption AGW is based on is garbage, and he can't afford to release his underlying "data" because he knows he's lied about it for decades.
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AGW has been pretty thoroughly debunked,
The opposite is in fact true.

"There is a 97% expert consensus on a cohesive theory that's overwhelmingly supported by the scientific evidence, but the 2–3% of papers that reject that consensus are all over the map, even contradicting each other. The one thing they seem to have in common is methodological flaws like cherry picking, curve fitting, ignoring inconvenient data, and disregarding known physics.”"

Debunked by who exactly? The 2-3% pushing flawed science?
AGW has been pretty thoroughly debunked, but Progressives of both political stripes want to keep it alive in order to control others. The canard of "Climate Change" falsely presumes both that man-caused contributions to greenhouse gasses are at all relevant in the larger scheme, and that enslaving the majority of Westerners to Progressive schemes while allowing India & China to chug along is somehow a viable plan.

Even if we put the whole man made v.s. natural debate aside for just a brief moment, the Climate Change Cult still isn't about facts or data or evidence or anything other than fear and panic in order to push a progressive agenda. If you put a video on Facebook referencing climate change, you will get fact checked on it if you are not fearmongering enough about it.

Your facts and data and interpretations can be 100% accurate and the climate scientists could agree 100% with every word you said, but Facebook "fact checkers" will still have you censored if you're not presenting your message as if the whole planet is about to die unless we go back to burning candles for light and warmth. In fact you could even openly say mankind is causing the planet to warm up and something should be done about that. Doesn't matter. You will still get censored unless you also say that we are doomed to extinction if we don't tax and/or ban fossil fuels even more right this minute.

That's where the real problem is on this right now. It's the climate cultists shutting down any and all debate on the subject so that their insane agenda will go unquestioned. SCIENCE!!!! is god until it inconveniences them because then it's right wing crazy talk.
In fact you could even openly say mankind is causing the planet to warm up and something should be done about that. Doesn't matter. You will still get censored unless you also say that we are doomed to extinction if we don't tax and/or ban fossil fuels even more right this minute.
I'll take "Things that don't happen on Facebook" for $100, Alex.
Glad we managed to keep politics out of this thread..

Also, for perspective, we really need to be considering HISTORICAL emissions for who holds more blame/responsibility.
View attachment 65597
Yes, it's refreshing to not have political argument spoil a scientific issue. Oh, wait...

As to the historical aspect, that's the sort of political argument that's very much at issue with the Warmists. They feel the U.S. has "sins against Gaia" to atone for, ignoring the bounteous evidence that the atmosphere is a self-healing system.

In addition, the African nations are truly pissed off at the IPCC, because they don't want a bunch of Progressive Euro-wieners telling them that they're not allowed to industrialize or improve their economic situations because reasons, and that they must simply squat in the dirt and take UN handouts.

They were quite upset about it. I was honestly amazed Kyoto was even a thing; I strongly suspect a LOT of bribes were passed. But then, after all, they're "darkies" and their opinion isn't important.**

** I hoped {\sarcasm} tags would be unneeded, but I can't be sure so consider them implicit.
ignoring the bounteous evidence that the atmosphere is a self-healing system
Hopefully that healing kicks in soon. Otherwise, this graph could be alarming..
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By self healing, he means when we stop doing what we are doing to **** it up, eventually it will heal itself. Kinda like that giant hole in the ozone layer that would have doom us all if we didn't cut back on ODS. What he neglects to say in his self healing theory is that we need to stop pumping green house gasses for it to heal. He knows that but he can't win his case if he admits it.