Forget it noodle. I will not apologize for speaking the truth. Those reeducation camps made it into left wing rhetoric and they should be called out on it before the fences go up. Not after.
By the way, ever hear of this little thing called the ice age? Yeah, that actually happened. The planet has cooled down dramatically and warmed up dramatically (much warmer than now) several times over long before humans even existed. But I suppose that's just irrelevant, right? Everyone knows that SCIENCE!!!! tells us that the temperature stopped moving naturally the moment humans stumbled out of the cave and got in their SUVs to forage for food. Never mind the numerous fluctuations that have occurred in the last 1,000 years alone. Never mind that the planet actually cooled down since 1998 while alarmists spent all those years since telling us it was warming up. Never mind those famous words "hide the decline" from leading climate scientists. Never mind that those same "scientists" were telling us we were in for a new ice age before they were telling us all the rivers lakes are going to dry up. Never mind that the whole twelve years before catastrophe message has been discredited and disproven every year for the last twenty and was denounced by the very scientists who supposedly came up with it. Never mind that not one of their predictions and models ever panned out.
What's stupid is thinking cow farts in Kentucky are going to cause firestorms in Alaska. Or that even if they could, we could solve it by regulating ourselves back to the stone age while allowing countries like China to spew out far more pollutants than we ever did. It's a political scam, noodle. Politicians realized that if they just repeatedly insisted that the science was settled, people would believe it and they could convince everyone that there's a crisis they can use as an excuse to seize more power and money. And if politicians were right about anything, it was that. Hell, you don't even need any climate data to know that much even if you do swallow every drop of alarmist propaganda on the subject. Just look at their "solutions", which mostly consist of taking money from everybody and funneling it to their buddies.