Skjolde was found dead on the lawn. He was the Town Neapolitan.
It is now Day 3.
End of Day 3:
Players alive:
1. Gorny
2. Noodle
3. coju
4. Zhao_Yue
5. snickersnack
6. Pyrotechnician
1. Babyhell - Vanilla Town
2. D2DC - Town Doctor
3. Skjolde - Town Neapolitan
It is now Day 3.
End of Day 3:
End of Day 3
Counting time since 29 Jan 2022 22:00. Showing days, hours, minutes and seconds counting up
Players alive:
1. Gorny
2. Noodle
3. coju
4. Zhao_Yue
5. snickersnack
6. Pyrotechnician
1. Babyhell - Vanilla Town
2. D2DC - Town Doctor
3. Skjolde - Town Neapolitan