Perhaps he plans to run for Senate in Georgia?Now here's the key. One of the first faces they replaced PogChamp with was from a streamer who goes by the name CriticalBard and has a history of making blatantly racist comments about white people. Like the kind of stuff where if you replace the word "white" with "black", you'd swear you were reading something straight out of a KKK pamphlet. Genuine, no "super secret dog whistle codebook" required, supremacist dogma. And he continued spewing racism and hate on his stream when the subject came up. To top it off, anyone who pointed this out is being labeled a racist for doing so, and there are now calls to remove this "toxic element" from the gaming community that had the audacity to "harass" CriticalBard by calling him out on his blatant racism.
I mistakenly thought that after Wuhan Flu excess & BLM riots were used in support of fraud for PedoJoe's election that they both would be tamped down (forcibly, when they turned against Progressive Establishment).
Instead, I think we're seeing the birth of something that is scaring some of the Proggies, including Frau Merkel - a fascist state enabling the most radical to punish their own membership.
Remember when I disagreed with Lox about whether the Corporate or the Government side of fascism was really in control? It's kind of scary to find that I think he was right in this situation - Proggies on Wall Street and Silicon Valley are the ones calling the shots, and traditional fascists like Senator Schumbag and Speaker Palised are getting very nervous.
The schism in the Democrat Party is no longer just between the Establishment fascists and the youthful Maoists - there's now a somewhat rogue corporatist element which seems more likely to ally with the Maoists than those traditional fascists expecting to be suckled by their donations.
Of course, *all* the wings will spout off about the opprobrium of conservatives & mock the GOP's <own> schism between the 40% Trumpkins & the 60% GOP fascist-friendly establishment... "aisle crossers" like Jeff Flake, Mittens Romney, and John McCain - but despite the spurious claims about the Capitol riots, conservatives are the ones who go to work, not to riots.