OK, going to make a roll-up response so as not to derail. I missed this snippet by Pyro earlier -Start of post Reminder: I'm a stupid liberal that loves giving money to everyone. If that offends you stop reading now.
Pyro, I doubt any conservative would ever be offended by your giving money to someone, except maybe Saudi Terrorists or the ChiComs, and our Government does a fine job in that department.
It's when you consider forcing us at gunpoint to give *our* money to someone an altruistic act on your part that we get testy. It's as if I stole your stuff & gave it away.
There's also some fun in the insistence that Antifa weren't involved, despite the footage of the murder of the unarmed veteran being filmed by an Antifa stalwart John Sullivan. Still, there's no denying that the presence of multiple agents provocateur doesn't absolve the rioters... as long as they're conservative or Trumpkin, of course. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.Loving how everyone 'just knows' what these people were thinking. And has tons of evidence they just won't show anyone, because, you know, reasons....
Yes, really, seriously. It's not like four years of #RESIST sedition led by the Democrats, nor a "rebellion" as seen in the assortment of Proggy "safe zones" where American laws didn't apply until some of the treasonous filth started getting their asses kicked. Plus the self-fellating GOP unified in condemnation of the unarmed Veteran being gunned down in cold blood, and insisting against every shred of evidence that if these had been BLM or Antifa traitors that the Capitol Police wouldn't have shown the restraint they did.You call what happened on Capitol Hill a protest? Really? Seriously?
Ignored in the media's frenzied masturbation over the murder is that Mayor Bowser gave explicit orders not to have forcible response or involve external law enforcement agencies. Almost like she was salivating over the idea of using Trumpkin stupidity to get the fascism into high gear, or something...
Multi-quote isn't working for some reason; I'll make one more response.