US Protests - How do you think it's going to end

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Start of post Reminder: I'm a stupid liberal that loves giving money to everyone. If that offends you stop reading now.
OK, going to make a roll-up response so as not to derail. I missed this snippet by Pyro earlier -

Pyro, I doubt any conservative would ever be offended by your giving money to someone, except maybe Saudi Terrorists or the ChiComs, and our Government does a fine job in that department.

It's when you consider forcing us at gunpoint to give *our* money to someone an altruistic act on your part that we get testy. It's as if I stole your stuff & gave it away.

Loving how everyone 'just knows' what these people were thinking. And has tons of evidence they just won't show anyone, because, you know, reasons....
There's also some fun in the insistence that Antifa weren't involved, despite the footage of the murder of the unarmed veteran being filmed by an Antifa stalwart John Sullivan. Still, there's no denying that the presence of multiple agents provocateur doesn't absolve the rioters... as long as they're conservative or Trumpkin, of course. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

You call what happened on Capitol Hill a protest? Really? Seriously?
Yes, really, seriously. It's not like four years of #RESIST sedition led by the Democrats, nor a "rebellion" as seen in the assortment of Proggy "safe zones" where American laws didn't apply until some of the treasonous filth started getting their asses kicked. Plus the self-fellating GOP unified in condemnation of the unarmed Veteran being gunned down in cold blood, and insisting against every shred of evidence that if these had been BLM or Antifa traitors that the Capitol Police wouldn't have shown the restraint they did.

Ignored in the media's frenzied masturbation over the murder is that Mayor Bowser gave explicit orders not to have forcible response or involve external law enforcement agencies. Almost like she was salivating over the idea of using Trumpkin stupidity to get the fascism into high gear, or something...

Multi-quote isn't working for some reason; I'll make one more response.
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I support 2nd amendment, we have the right to own guns, but with a caveat. I don't think its unreasonable to require background checks or psychological evaluations (I'm not talking full on studies here, but basic checks wouldn't hurt) before a gun purchase is allowed. A lot of gun related tragedies are linked to people that shouldn't have had access to weapons in the first place.

Edit: To clarify, when me and my wife went to purchase our handguns literally all that was done was the shop owner called a number, waited less than a minute for an automated response, and next thing you know we were walking out the door with weapons. I understand that the phone call was likely a form of background check for major crimes or warrants or whatever, but that's a bit too easy of access for my personal taste.
THANK YOU!!! I wonder how easy it would be for me to get a gun. I have a mental history, I'm thinking difficult but I actually wonder...

And education. I feel like if we're gonna have guns, should have mandatory gun etiquette, safety, knowledge about your gun. Maybe it will help? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Idk. But a little education never hurt anyone.
THANK YOU!!! I wonder how easy it would be for me to get a gun. I have a mental history, I'm thinking difficult but I actually wonder...

And education. I feel like if we're gonna have guns, should have mandatory gun etiquette, safety, knowledge about your gun. Maybe it will help? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Idk. But a little education never hurt anyone.
It's easy. This is America. Private sale or gun show.
THANK YOU!!! I wonder how easy it would be for me to get a gun. I have a mental history, I'm thinking difficult but I actually wonder...

And education. I feel like if we're gonna have guns, should have mandatory gun etiquette, safety, knowledge about your gun. Maybe it will help? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Idk. But a little education never hurt anyone.
Depends on the history I think. If you were locked up in the psych ward, yeah, that's gonna be an issue. If you just got a little depressed at some point in your life years ago, then probably not even though the anti-gun nuts would say everyone within 100 miles of you should lose access just to keep you from even seeing one.

About the education, not gonna be the solution people make it out to be. Not like the criminals are gonna say "Oh, I'm not supposed to use this to hold up a liqueur store? Dang it, guess it's back to the drawing board."

But it's just basic stuff that can be fully covered in like twenty minutes, tops, so I wouldn't make a big deal over it. Always treat the gun as if it's loaded. Never point it at anything you aren't willing to destroy. Don't use it as a hammer. etc. In fact in my community growing up everyone had to take a hunter's education course. It wasn't mandatory by any means, it was just something everyone did. Covered not only gun safety, but hunting regulations and ethics and the like as well. Might even be a good thing to have that as a required course in public schools so everyone at least learns the basics whether they plan on owning guns or not.
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Okay, so I guess I'm not well informed but what's a 3%er? I know 2%er from biker gangs but... 🤷🏻‍♀️
It's a somewhat silly thing regarded as white supremacist by the retarded fascists who regard everything as white supremacy. Much like the "Boogaloo Boyz" are labeled white supremacist when they're really anarcho-Libertarians who assume a second American Civil War is imminent. There's a vibrant cottage industry claiming that white supremacists are lurking under beds and in dark corners of the Internet.

Of course, retarded fascists still consider the Southern Poverty Law Center a reputable source (which is great for handling the veritable raft of lawsuits the SPLC is still dealing with).

As was famously pointed out by the Wall St. Journal back when truth was allowed, "there weren't enough white supremacists to fill a bus in Washington D.C. on their own 'Pride Day'".

Anyroad - As I understand, III or 3% is a reference to the percentage of actual warriors involved in the American Revolution. I suspect they overlap with the Oathkeepers, who unlike the Christian group of similar name, infer that their Oath of Office should consider those who deny the Constitution (AKA the bulk of Progressive Democrats) as Domestic Enemies. Oathkeepers might further specify that just because a group of said Progressives consider Nationalist Patriots their enemy, it doesn't constitute those Patriots being subject to extrajudicial punishment, an example of which was the murder of the unarmed Air Force Veteran in the middle of a crowd of Capitol Police & assorted law enforcement. Obviously, those people would run contrary to the norm proven by Milgram's experiment in the aftermath of the Nuremburg Trials (AKA "I was just following orders!")

I have no idea how many actual "spear carriers" like myself actually consider themselves part of either group, but I think it's probably quite low. We might sympathize with the sentiments (which is the accusation by Proggies - the Capitol Police assisted the rioters & conversely would have gunned down BLM out of hand) but are oriented towards nearly compulsive rule-following.

The actual number of REAL combatants in the U.S. Armed Forces is quite small (professionally referred to as the "tooth to tail ratio"). I therefore think there's an awful lot of "Internet SEAL" types whose service record is even more modest than my own (I never killed someone unless there were some entrenched Iraqis I ran over in my Bradley, praise God, and am embarrassed to have pointed my service pistol at a young teen). You can review "Stolen Valor" if you want to see even more grotesquerie, and the few I have seen with III stickers all but certainly fall into that category.
If I answer this, honestly and completely, can we respect each other enough as rational & intelligent people to let it go as what may be a difference of opinion?
Up to you, but either way, I'm out.

OK, going to make a roll-up response so as not to derail. I missed this snippet by Pyro earlier -

Pyro, I doubt any conservative would ever be offended by your giving money to someone, except maybe Saudi Terrorists or the ChiComs, and our Government does a fine job in that department.

It's when you consider forcing us at gunpoint to give *our* money to someone an altruistic act on your part that we get testy. It's as if I stole your stuff & gave it away.

There's also some fun in the insistence that Antifa weren't involved, despite the footage of the murder of the unarmed veteran being filmed by an Antifa stalwart John Sullivan. Still, there's no denying that the presence of multiple agents provocateur doesn't absolve the rioters... as long as they're conservative or Trumpkin, of course. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Yes, really, seriously. It's not like four years of #RESIST sedition led by the Democrats, nor a "rebellion" as seen in the assortment of Proggy "safe zones" where American laws didn't apply until some of the treasonous filth started getting their asses kicked. Plus the self-fellating GOP unified in condemnation of the unarmed Veteran being gunned down in cold blood, and insisting against every shred of evidence that if these had been BLM or Antifa traitors that the Capitol Police wouldn't have shown the restraint they did.

Ignored in the media's frenzied masturbation over the murder is that Mayor Bowser gave explicit orders not to have forcible response or involve external law enforcement agencies. Almost like she was salivating over the idea of using Trumpkin stupidity to get the fascism into high gear, or something...

Multi-quote isn't working for some reason; I'll make one more response.

Love it how the dems are always the bad guys, like the repubs are perfect and never set a toe out of line :rolleyes:
Love it how the dems are always the bad guys, like the repubs are perfect and never set a toe out of line :rolleyes:
Not just bad guys but "retarded fascists". He likes to project.
Love it how the dems are always the bad guys, like the repubs are perfect and never set a toe out of line :rolleyes:

HA! Hardly. The dems are pretty much always the bad guys. Because they are. That's what happens when you're wildly corrupt and consistently do bad things. But the republicans being perfect good guys? What a joke. We're lucky if we can get them to just not do anything to muck things up even worse.
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HA! Hardly. The dems are pretty much always the bad guys. Because they are. That's what happens when you're wildly corrupt and consistently do bad things. But the republicans being perfect good guys? What a joke. We're lucky if we can get them to just not do anything to muck things up even worse.
Yeah. Riiiight.
Love it how the dems are always the bad guys, like the repubs are perfect and never set a toe out of line :rolleyes:
You may have forgotten that I'm "a pox on both your houses" kinda dude, but yeah, the Proggies have been fondling themselves over insurrection, assassination, murder, & concentration camps for the past four years.

They think it's good fun. I pointed this out in my earlier, much neglected thread about civilization.
You may have forgotten that I'm "a pox on both your houses" kinda dude, but yeah, the Proggies have been fondling themselves over insurrection, assassination, murder, & concentration camps for the past four years.
A few days ago you posted that the Dems wanted to throw Republicans into concentration camps. If anyone recently had their hand on their **** about that topic, it is you.
*Scans post to make it unsupportable*

Well I mean, one protestor did get trampled while carrying a don't tread on me flag, so I'm pretty sure that could have happened while she was sitting on her sofa.


And don't worry, I didn't forget I need to reply to your post, I just have to find more time than 5 minutes to respond.

So, after spending several hours looking over many different sources, it appears that Rosanne Boyland was in fact trampled. What isn't clear is if this was in fact the cause of death. Only one source I viewed claimed such, the one you provided. Every other source just said she was trampled after falling down/collapsing, which may have been from any number of ailments/injuries. I'm going to go with the ME, who reported, simply, "medical complications" as I am no doctor, and wouldn't be able to tell anything from an examination, even if I had the chance. I will note though, that her companion, whose comments appeared in the majority of sources I viewed, including the one you posted, stated that after capitol police formed the plexiglas-shield-wall and started shoving protestors back, that "I put my arm underneath her and was pulling her out and then another guy fell on top of her, and another guy was just walking [on top of her]", make of that what you will.

On the note of the capitol policeman that died, Brian Sicknick, I could find nothing with multiple sources on the particulars of his cause of death, just "injuries sustained while on duty." On digging deeper into this particular, as it goes to the point of the protestors being armed or not, the one source I could find had two of his fellow officers claim he was "struck in the head with a fire extinguisher." This seems odd to me as a picture usually accompanied the reports of this


Now, I'm fairly certain that is outdoors, which makes me wonder where this alleged fire extinguisher came from. I mean, if it was inside, I'd say weapon of chance/opportunity, or perhaps being pushed/falling and collision, but this whole bit is just off somehow, whether it's because they use an incorrect photo, the two officers were mistaken, or whatever. I'm not going to comment further on this as any such really would just be speculation.

Solitary source of the fire extinguisher claim
Now, I'm fairly certain that is outdoors, which makes me wonder where this alleged fire extinguisher came from. I mean, if it was inside, I'd say weapon of chance/opportunity, or perhaps being pushed/falling and collision, but this whole bit is just off somehow, whether it's because they use an incorrect photo, the two officers were mistaken, or whatever. I'm not going to comment further on this as any such really would just be speculation.

Solitary source of the fire extinguisher claim

This guy wearing the CFD hat(Chicago Fire Dept) brought his own fire extinguisher to the party. He isn't the one that beat the cop but he is a person of interest in a different incident and the FBI would like to have a chat with him.
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There is video of the fireman throwing the fire extinguisher and it hitting the Capitol Police offiicer on the head.CFD2.jpg
Arrested. Robert Sanford a member of the Chester Fire Dept. I said above that he was wearing a Chicago Fire Dept hat because that same hat is sold as such on Amazon.

And the Twitter mob strikes again!

Before Robert Sanford of the Chester Fire Dept. was arrested for being the above pictured fire extinguisher guy, the genius (/sarcasm) keyboard warriors of the Twitter cancel mafia doxed and accused a retired Chicago firefighter of being the culprit. A man who at the time of the incident, was in fact celebrating his wife's birthday at home. He has since received many threatening phone calls, accusations of being a terrorist and a murderer, had reporters staking out his home and required a police patrol car to keep watch over him and his family's safety. In his own words, "This story has fucked my life up."

It's events like this that only confirm my belief that we'd all be much better off if Twitter weren't a thing at all. The ease with which people can hurl false accusations and have them spread like wildfire combined with an environment that actually discourages and prevents meaningful thought and discussion was a recipe for disaster right from the very beginning.
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It's events like this that only confirm my belief that we'd all be much better off if Twitter weren't a thing at all.
Sooo, fire extinguishers as truncheons and every feckin' media outlet (FOX included) reporting five people KIILLLEEEDDDD!!!! as if rampaging Trumpkins murdered every one rather than an edgy plainclothes DC cop popping a cap in veteran Ashli Babbitt despite her being surrounded by other DC cops who could have easily taken her into custody...

Did you hear that Tonya Roberts died? R.I.P. - I always considered her the hottest of the latter-day Charlie's Angels.


The Guerdian said:
Tanya Roberts, the glamorous actor who starred opposite Roger Moore in the 1985 Bond film A View to a Kill, has died aged 65, it has been reported. Roberts’ death had been mistakenly announced by her representative Mike Pingel on Sunday, leading to multiple news organisations, including the Guardian, to report it, before a retraction was issued a day later.

Shorter - yes, Twitter is bigoted, fascist filth and a modern cancer on society. I kept my account open for a while in hopes that my treatment would help to vilify Jack-boot Dorsey, but Trump was such a stupid putz that he never bothered to try to fix the obvious problems with Communications Decency Act abuse until the 11th hour. Typical Republican, neh?

P.S. Interesting that Gorny hasn't responded to my blatant whataboutism (AKA pointing a finger at grotesque partisan hypocrisy) with "but but but muh RAAAACCISSSS" regarding the Democrat Party's blood-soaked hands.
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Twitch isn't doing much better. This caught my attention yesterday, but before I continue I should point out that I'm not a streamer, nor do I watch a lot of Twitch streams. I'm just one of those people who overall finds playing games more fun than watching someone play them, with maybe a few exceptions for certain youtube personalities I find entertaining.

Twitch removed the PogChamp emote after the streamer who it's modeled after made some comments apparently in support of what happened at Capital Hill. Now, I don't know what was said, but that's not important at the moment. What is important, is that they decided to replace his face with the faces of other streamers, rotating them every 24 hours.

Now here's the key. One of the first faces they replaced PogChamp with was from a streamer who goes by the name CriticalBard and has a history of making blatantly racist comments about white people. Like the kind of stuff where if you replace the word "white" with "black", you'd swear you were reading something straight out of a KKK pamphlet. Genuine, no "super secret dog whistle codebook" required, supremacist dogma. And he continued spewing racism and hate on his stream when the subject came up. To top it off, anyone who pointed this out is being labeled a racist for doing so, and there are now calls to remove this "toxic element" from the gaming community that had the audacity to "harass" CriticalBard by calling him out on his blatant racism.
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