Die Hard Christmas Mafia Game Rules, Mod rules, and Night Actions Log.
Mod Specific Governing Night Actions:
Based on Follow the Cop, or Not:
1. Day Start.
2. The Cop's sanity is determined by whether or not the Doctor is protecting him. If he's not being protected, his investigation is sane. If he is being protected, his investigation turns up paranoid.
(insane if not protected, sane if protected)
3. The Doctor must select someone to protect each night. In the event they don't submit an action, it will be randomised by the mod. The Doctor MAY NOT self protect.
4. As to the Town Reporter (thefranklin), Role and alignment info will be given as long as the reporter lives. Once dead, no info at all.
5. As to John McClane (Leopold): If Karl (Pyro) is lynched, Leo Gains a Sub-Machine gun. H-Ho-Ho. (one shot day vig).
If Uli (coju) is lynched, Leo gains a one shot use of the C4 as in the movie. It may be used day or night. If used during a day phase, it stops the voting process, and kills the hammering (or last) voter with a vote on Leo IF there is a vote train on McClane (Leo), with Leo having the majority of more than one vote train is present. If used at night, it stops all night actions after use. If the voting process stops, a no lynch occurs. Even if locked or at lynch level.
If Hans (huckit) is lynched, McClane gains use of the radio chat option with Al Powell. McClane may now communicate with Al Powell via Neighbor chat.
McClane however, has the radio all along and may trade quips with the mafia (through the mod)
6. As to Noodle (Al Powell) :
Lover of twinkies. Twinkies every day. Post restriction about twinkies. Can’t track at night if twinkied, has to unvote without explanation if twiniked.
Night Actions:
1. Leo is insane unless protected, give opposite results. If protected by the doc, give normal.
2. Mafia can both role block and kill but the Role Blocker may not both Role Block and Kill in the same night.
3. As long as the reporter is alive, role/alignment info will be given on death/flip
4. As to The Town VI/Traitor: Investigates as anti town, most die during the day to share in the win.
5. As to the compulsive doc: Most protect each night, or random target chosen by the mod.
6. As to the town tracker: May track each night, cannot track if twinkied. Must unvote immediately if twinkied. (nullified 12/18)
Game Rules:
This game is:
Not normal and themed to Die Hard The Movie. Expect ….stuff.
1. Talk about your role and this game is strictly prohibited outside of the game thread until it is over except when allowed by the game mod in a role PM or in specific PM Threads.
2. Do not post in the game thread during the night phase. Any post made after the start of the night phase, regardless of if it is declared by the game mod, cam result in a mod kill of the poster, it will be up to the game mod weather or not a mod kill happens. Repeated posts during the night phase will also result in a mod kill.
3. Editing a post you made in game, for any reason will result in a mod kill.
4. Any flavor story given regarding lynches and kills is for flavor only.
5. Once you're dead, stay that way. Dead people tell no tales, or in this case, dead people make no posts. If you’re dead and either post or try to influence the game (yes, it happened) can be barred from playing and possibly banned from the forum. Posting in a designated “Dead Thread” PM Topic is fine.
6. Every player gets one lynch vote during the day unless told otherwise in their role PM. Votes and Unvotes need to be bolded . If your unvote isn't bolded, it doesn't count and please try to put it at the bottom of your post. Please be very clear as to who you are voting for, avoid nicknames, etc,.
Vote: Dredd (Correct)
Unvote: Dredd (Correct)
Vote: Dredd (Incorrect, not bolded)
Unvote: Dredd (Incorrect, not bolded)
V or v: Dredd (Incorrect, the entire word Vote needs to be there)
UV or uv: Dredd (Incorrect, the entire phrase Unvote or Un Vote needs to be there)
*as bolding seems to be working now, we will go with it. I will keep an eye on things.
7. Lynching requires the majority of the players alive to vote for the same player. That is, half of the remaining number of players + 1 rounded down. A lock occurs when someone with enough votes to be lynched receives an additional vote, and will be lynched at the end of the day and cannot be unvoted. (Add language here for the number that is the majority and the number that would cause a lock.)
8. The 50 % Rule: The game will be called and end early if, the remaining mafia outnumber the town, IE, the town can’t get enough votes in to cause a lynch to happen.
9. If you have any questions or issues with your role, or any other player, please the mod of this game in order to find a resolution. Please don’t suicide or do anything rash before
contacting the game’s mod.
10. Any player may claim any role. I.E. Any player may claim to be something that they
are not. For example, I claim to be the immortal.
11. Do not post any information sent to you in a PM by the host. This includes, but is not limited to, numbers of words/letters/punctuation marks. If you want to claim a role, don't copy paste the PM that was sent to you.
12. The Day lasts 48 hours and night last 24 hours. This game will start with a Day Phase
12A. Specific to Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years eve and Day. If a day or night period will expire during one of the previously mentioned holidays, the current will extend through the holiday to the next non holiday after.
13. You will get mod killed if you are inactive (at least 3 actual contributive posts per day
phase required to be considered "active" ). Posting just to meet the posting requirements and actually not doing anything that adds to the discussion, or informational process of the game, or just posting for the sake of posting can and will likely result in a mod kill. This rule is amended to avoid a Prestige7 situation.
14. If you are (temp) banned from the site itself, you will also be mod killed.
15. If you cannot continue to play the game for any reason, send the host of the game a PM.
16. Behavior - Please don't take anything said in this thread that may be directed at you as a personal attack, it's the way this game is played. Rivalries (such as the infamous Noodle vs. Bad Ash rivalry) are fine. It's all in the spirit of the game. Don’t be a ****. Mafia can and will get heated, but below the belt attacks will not be tolerated. Attack the play not the player. Calling another player or players morons or any other forum of disrespect, is Prestige7. Don’t be a Prestige7. It won’t be tolerated.
Have fun and good luck!
17. Read the rules and your Role PM once more. Have fun and good luck! May the best team, faction, or loner win!
List of Players:
1. Noodle
2. D2DC
3. Huckit
4. Zhao_Yue
5. D2lover
6. Skjolde
7. Leopold Stotch
8. Pyrotechnician
9. Thefranklin
10. Coju
11. Babyhell
Players alive:
Leopold Stotch
Players dead:
Vote Tallies:
Noodle: 3,000 (Bad Ash) – Does not count for the game.
Night 1 Night Actions:
1 Leopold Stotch (insane) targets D2DC with cop action.
2. D2lover protects Noodle
3. Coju roleblocks thefranklin (the franklin’s ability is passive and cannot be role blocked.)
4. Pyrotechnician targets Zhao_Yue for mafia NK.
5. Noodle Tracks Leopold Stotch
1. Does Zhao Die?
A: Yes. There’s no BP on him or a doc action or anything else that can prevent death. Role and alignment to be revealed as the reporter is alive.
2. As to Leopold Stotch’s Cop action: result D2DC is a terrorist (opposite read as she is not doc targeted)
3. Noodle lives due to d2lover (wan’t target for a kill anyway)
4. Null role block thefranklin (as his ability is passive)
5. Noodle see’s Leo visiting D2DC.
Night actions Log, N2:
1 Leo investigates coju.
2. D2lover protects Pyro (doc action)
3. Noodle tracks Huckit.
4. Pyrotechnician performs the mafia NK on Skjolde.
5. coju role blocks Noodle.
1. Leopold Stotch investigates coju, gets “coju is town aligned result” because she is insane and not protected by the doc.
2. D2lover doc action on Pyro.
3. Noodle Tracks Huckit. (Role blocked by coju)
4. coju role block on Noodle.
A: Does Skjolde die? Yes as no defensive one shots (BP Vest) or Doc action on Skjolde.
B. Noodle gets message: Your tracking ability has been role blocked.
C. Leopold Stotch gets Cop action result: coju is town aligned
No other Night Actions.
Night actions: N3:
1. coju Role Blocks Leopold Stotch
2. Pyrotechnican performs the mafia NK (Target: thefranklin)
3. Noodle Tracks Leopold Stotch
4. d2lover protects (doc action) D2DC
5. Leopold Stotch investigates thefranklin
6. D2DC attempts to submit yet another Cop night actin but is Vanilla so...
1. coju RB on Leo successful.
2. Does thefranklin die? A: Yes as he has no protection of any sort (vest or doc, etc.)
3. Noodle tracks Leo (result: Leopold stotch never left home)
4. d2lover protection on D2Dc is successful but no other action occurs on D2DC
5. Leopold Stotch investigation on thefranklin would have resulted in a "Terrorist" read as she is insane and wasn't doc protected (which would have resulted in a normal town read on franklin), however Leo is role blocked so she gets a role blocked message.
6. D2DC keeps dreaming.