The John Constantine Halloween Mafia Game (Game Over, Town Win Day 6)


Staff member
Mar 16, 2020
Role PM's will be going out soon, in preparation for the game starting after the end of D2DC's game. This game will start with a Night Phase Start


1. Noodle
2. Tears85
3. Logoutzero
4. D2DC
5. Pyrotechnician
6. Luhkoh
7. Zemaj
8. Leopold Stotch.

Disclosure: No bus driver mechanic in this game.
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Role PM's are out.

No posting please.

PM me with any questions.

Confirmed: 7/8

Game is now in hold status pending the outcome of D2DC's game.
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This game is: Not Normal

1. Talk about your role and this game is strictly prohibited outside of the game thread until it is over except when allowed by the game mod in a role PM or in specific QT Threads.

2. Do not post in the game thread during the night phase. Any post made after the start of the night phase, regardless of if it is declared by the game mod, cam result in a mod kill of the poster, it will be up to the game mod weather or not a mod kill happens. Repeated posts during the night phase will also result in a mod kill.

3. Editing a post you made in game, for any reason will result in a mod kill.

4. Any flavor story given regarding lynches and kills is for flavor only.

5. Once you're dead, stay that way. Dead people tell no tales, or in this case, dead people make no posts. If you’re dead and either post or try to influence the game (yes, it happened) can be barred from playing and possibly banned from the forum. Posting in a designated “Dead Thread” Quick Topic is fine.

6. (Amended and changed) Every player gets one lynch vote during the day unless told otherwise in their role PM. Votes and Unvotes need to be Underlined . If your unvote isn't Underlined, it doesn't count and please try to put it at the bottom of your post. Please be very clear as to who you are voting for, avoid nicknames, etc,. Apparently seeing the bolding in the current version of the forum is hard to determine, I've changed my rule to requite both votes and unvotes to be underlined. Please use full player names.

7. Lynching requires the majority of the players alive to vote for the same player. That is, half of the remaining number of players + 1 rounded down. A lock occurs when someone with enough votes to be lynched receives an additional vote, and will be lynched at the end of the day and cannot be unvoted.

8. The 50 % Rule: The game will be called and end early if, the remaining mafia outnumber the town, IE, the town can’t get enough votes in to cause a lynch to happen.

9. If you have any questions or issues with your role, or any other player, please the mod of this game in order to find a resolution. Please don’t suicide or do anything rash before
contacting the game’s mod.

10. Any player may claim any role. I.E. Any player may claim to be something that they
are not. For example, I claim to be the perfectly sane.

11. Do not post any information sent to you in a pm by the host. This includes, but is not limited to, numbers of words/letters/punctuation marks. If you want to claim a role, don't copy paste the PM that was sent to you.

12. The Day lasts 48 hours and night lasts 24 hours. This game will start with a night phase.

13. You will get mod killed if you are inactive (at least 2 actual contributive posts per day
phase required to be considered "active" ). Posting just to meet the posting requirements and actually not doing anything that adds to the discussion, or informational process of the game, or just posting for the sake of posting can and will likely result in a mod kill. This rule is amended to avoid a Prestige7 situation.

14. If you are (temp) banned from the site itself, you will also be mod killed.

15. If you cannot continue to play the game foe any reason, send the host of the game a PM, and I will try to get a replacement.

16. Behavior - Please don't take anything said in this thread that may be directed at you as a personal attack, it's the way this game is played. Rivalries (such as the infamous Noodle vs. Bad Ash rivalry) are fine. It's all in the spirit of the game. Don’t be a ****. Mafia can and will get heated, but below the belt attacks will not be tolerated. Attack the play not the player. Calling another player or players morons or any other forum of disrespect, is Prestige7. Don’t be a Prestige7. It won’t be tolerated.
Have fun and good luck!

17. Read the rules and your Role PM once more. Have fun and good luck! May the best team, faction, or loner win!

List of Players:

1. Noodle
2. Tears85
3. Logoutzero
4. D2DC
5. Pyrotechnician
6. Luhkoh
7. Zemaj
8. Leopold Stotch.

Players alive:

Pyrotechnician (Survived to Endgame)
Leopold Stotch. (Survived to Endgame)

Players dead:

Noodle (Jim Corrigan, Cop) (Modkilled D1 for not being contributive).
Zemaj (Papa Midnite)P Neutral (Died N2 due to activating 1 Shot Lightning Rod.
Tears85: Lynched Day 3 (Abnegazar) Demon/Mafia Godfather/Roleblocker.)
D2DC: Lynched Day 5 (Ghast: The Flying Pumkpin That Shoots Lazer Beams Out Of Its Ass, Mafia Role BLocker)
Luhkoh: NK'd Night5 (Zed Martin) Clairesentiant Town Sketcher)
Logoutzero (Lynched Day 6)

Vote Tallies:

End of D1 Votes:

Noodle: 1 (Luhkoh)
Luhkoh: 1 (zemaj)
Tears85: 3 ( Pyrotechnician, D2DC, Logoutzero)

End of D2 Votes:

Luhkoh: 2 (Leopold Stotch, Zemaj)
Tears85: 3 (D2DC, Luhkoh, Pyrotechnician)
D2DC: 1 (Tears85)

End of D3 Votes:

Tears85: 5 (D2DC, Logoutzero, Pyrotechnician, Leopold Stotch, Luhkoh)
D2DC: 1 (Tears85)


Time Left Until The End Of Day 1 (Expired)

Time left until the start of Day 2 (Expired)

Time left until the end of day 2 (Expired)

Time Left till the end of D3 (Expired)

Time left to the end of day 4


Warnings issued to both Leopold Stotch and Noodle about being modkilled around 3.5 hours prior to end of d1.
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Pyrotechnician, Leopold Stotch, Tears85, Logoutzero, Zemaj, D2DC, Luhkoh and Noodle all planned a trip to Star Trek™: The Exhibition, hosted by EMS Entertainment in San Francisco, California. After wandering around and checking out the various props, sets, and costumes, They decided to visit a new theater experience called "The Holodeck." From the bag he carried over his shoulder, Noodle produced prop uniforms for each of the group, as this had been his plan all along, they dresses up as: Picard, Kirk, Spock, Riker, Troi, Data, Bones, and Boothby. Supposedly, there was a Sherlock Holmes scenario that the group could experience and try to solve the the mystery of a fist full of Noodles, Noodle's favorite Noodlelock Holmes book, Noodle had never heard of Sherlock Holmes, this man must clearly be an imposter.

As the group entered the inside of the room, it seemed to be a standard Holodeck. But then suddenly, the room went dark and an odd chemical smell was noticed just before they all passed out.

When everyone awoke, they were outside an odd looking mill:

As the group entered, they left the door open behind them, an odd music began to play from an unknown location.

The group explored further into the house's main room:

mill house 1.jpg

Mil House 2.jpg

Mill House 3.jpg

On a table, a map of the united states was found, on top of the map, there were 8 scrolls, each with a name on it.

As it was nearly nightfall, each of them took the scroll that had their name on it and went off separately into the different areas of the house...

When none were looking where the scrolls were, a ninth scroll appeared. A mysterious figure with yellow/red wild fire eyes and a hooded brown robe that went to the floor and then some, took the ninth scroll and cackled to himself silently. He unraveled the scroll and spoke oddly, seemingly a mixture of backwards words, odd syntax, and words that could not be understood. The irises of his eyes began to glow with an orange red coloring, then turned a bright yellow as he waved his hand at the eight people in the room. All eight people glowed with a very faint yellowish orange aura. As they turned around towards the hooded figure, the ninth scroll burst into flame and the hooded figure vanished as if he wasn't even there.

Confused, they looked at one another. All of them though that they recognized the person under the robe and hood, but they could not see his face, and he had not spoken to any of them. They could not be sure.

"We're in for all sorts of crazy, I think." Said D2DC

Tears85 looked at the group and said nothing.

Zemaj raised his left eyebrow and looked at Noodle.

"Y'all, I don't think we are in Texas." Said Leo.

"Texas?" said Logoutzero.

Pyrotechnician and Luhkoh looked at each other with a confused glance.

Then, suddenly and without warning, Noodle, with a look born out of madness on his face, took off running as fast as he could towards the open door. He ran full force and went face first into an invisible wall that now stood where the open door was, he bounced backwards onto the old rug in the middle of the floor, which then, and of its own accord, wrapped up around him and continued rolling off to the side of the room, against the wall, leaving only Noodle's wiggling feet sticking out.

As it was now well after dark, the eight, minus Noodle who was still rug wrapped, retired again to different parts of the old mill to spend the night. Noodle of course, would stay put where he was, as well, one who is rugged, is more or less snug as a bug in a rug. This was fine for the night, thought Noodle. It was just like home. Noodle drifted off to sleep as he thought of how the other Noodle's at the compound would have to get by without him for a while, which, oddly enough, was becoming quite the norm.

In the middle of the night, as everyone tried to sleep pr at least relax, a voice was heard:

“Three and Eight you number, among you be a Master of the Dark Arts and the World’s Greatest Con Man, one who has a hard time dying while driving a cab, one who sees, one who does not believe, One who runs a bar, One Who conspires, One who cheats, and one who cannot be trusted.

The Night went by mostly uneventful.

- A heavy lead weighted blanket was thrown quite forcefully at Pyrotechnician, but missed.
- Someone scratched The Eye of Horus on a piece of wood, above where Zemaj slept.
- Someone, or something intended to cover Zemaj an ass heap of rotten innards, pumpkin seeds and bile. Thankfully Zemas got out of the way at the last minute. The smell was quite horrifying though.

The night (0) has ended.

It is now day 1 and you may post freely.

With 8 alive 5 votes are needed for a lynch. 6 will lock.

Good luck all and welcome to (Delayed) John Constantine Halloween Mafia Game!

Time Left Until The End Of Day 1

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I've got the Constantine theme on a loop playing as I keep going over your posts, wonderful writeup Gorny!

This will be my first game with hints to the players involved, unless that is purely unrelated role-play. I guess we'll find out as things progress.
Ok, well I know its early, but I am getting an underwhelming vibe already..

Miraculously, it didnt condemn town last game, but generally our tendency for no-lynch is NOT a good plan.

For any new players, lynching is generally the main (or only) way to remove mafia players. Each no-lynch is a missed opportunity to take a shot at catching a scum.

Usually, D1 we have almost no info to go on, so we seem even less willing to mount a vote. Even a random shot is better than no shot at all. However, we already have some night info..

Looking at Gorny's story, I gotta put Pyro in my pole Town position. "A lead weighted blanket" was thrown at him. That sounds like a failed NK attempt. Zemaj's "Eye of Horus" and heap of funk are not quite as revealing, but still worth taking note of.

I am of course willing to listen to other options. But, after seeing enough games with him, I am firmly on the Noodle lynch train. As Mafia, he is difficult for us to read, because he just posts fluff. And, as town he is generally not helpful, and appears to sometimes deliberately sabotaging town's cause, or at the very least, intentionally making our job more difficult.
Hellooo! Lovely write-up. Super fun. In general I am on D2DC's camp of some action is better than none. I'm sort of inclined to think that Noodle is not mafia just because he's too obvious as a suspect, being the only one who did something suspicious. Bbut with 3/8 being mafia, I maybe am overthinking it. Any thoughts?

What is a "pole town position"? And what is an NK attempt? Sorry if super noob questions, but assuming it means Pyro is likely a townie since it seems an attempt was made on his life, I agree.
FYI everyone, I forgot to mention that due to the nature of this game, I may not be able to reveal role or alignment right away on the death of someone if and when it happens. due to there be plenty of passives and dark magic flying around , you know?

Carry on.
And what is an NK attempt? Sorry if super noob questions, but assuming it means Pyro is likely a townie since it seems an attempt was made on his life, I agree.
Hey every1! I think we should be calm for now!

NK = Night Kill
I forgot to mention it also, but as others have said, great write up!

@Luhkoh I just meant it as a racing reference, meaning he is my "first place" townie right now.

I wonder if everyone would be willing to try an "appointment" vote? We decide on someone that is "most town", and they simply choose the vote target for us, and everyone follows along?

If that sounds too conspiratorial, like I have a secret pact with Pyro or something, we could add several layers of selection to the decision, thus making it impossible to keep control of the decision in scum hands. Like this:

Player A chooses Player B
Player B chooses Player C
Player C chooses Player D
Player D chooses Player E

Player E chooses lynch target.

We can add as many/random number of layers to make sure the "appointment" cannot stay in Mafia hands.