Re: General Thoughts
I really like the thought behind this setup. It would have been really cool if there had been more activity or more players in general. As it was, I think it suffered from over-mechinization... things got in the way of each other and stacked oddly a couple of times, while other times mechanics just didn't do anything. Not sure if more players would have helped, but something to give more 'room' for the global mechanics to not affect micro-mechanics so hard. Anyway, frustrating as hell, and just as fun... good one.
Re: Voting
My particular issue with that was/is I would rather have the rules spelled out prior to the game, and if any discrepancies arise, the
literal word of the rules
as previously stated should be used to resolve. At least, that's always been my theory on having rules...
In any advent, I like the "half-of-living-players rounded down + 1" model better anyway.
The only good part of my predicament is that I can picture Zemaj behind a soundproof window screaming his lungs out but I can't hear anything.
Zemaj is literally pounding his skull on his desk, I'm sure.
Actually, no... upon reading of my death, I felt an immediate and massive spike in my frustration and general annoyance. Then I just as quickly relaxed completely. Being dead is the ultimate panacea for a frustrating mafia game... there is nothing you can do, so just sit back and watch the show, post in the dead thread and keep your fingers crossed. It also helped that, despite being horribly wrong, I feel I had done my due, and had probably outlived my usefulness anyway.
So I ask - am I over reacting? If so, then I'll offer an apology to Shroud.
Yes and no. I get the massive frustration, and also wanting to vent it. I also get displeasure over seeming inconsistency. But I also get having this awesome setup envisioned, then having to keep fixing things as two things interact unexpectedly. While it was poor form imo, he has offered explanation.
So yeah... don't see any need for anyone to apologize. SS made some bastard calls, you called him on it, he essentially admitted such. Another game of mafia in the books!
@Leopold Stotch
For the record, I'm roleblocking you next time