So, I've played in a lot of weird games, in a lot of frustrating games, and a lot of 'edge of your seat' games. I've played in games where I've been killed off on N0 (so not really played, I guess), and a lot of games where I've survived until the end.
Before now, I don't think I've ever played in a game where the moderator flat out lied to me.
First, the role. I was given the role of 'Godfather'. I was not given specifics of what that role was, but as Godfather is an extremely common role I did not think about it too much. Godfather means, to me and I hope everyone else, "investigates as town when targeted by the cop."
But that's not what my role did, was it? I was actually "track immune", which is an entirely different role. Zemaj even stated that mid-way through the game - 'Ninja'.
This completely changed the way I would have played the role. I have Prestige performing the night kills because if he was tracked, it'd show him running around to multiple people and would give confusing results. I wanted to have an alibi if I was tracked, showing that I was not performing any illicit actions at night. Had I known I was track-immune at the start, it would have been me performing the kills, and summarily, killed off by Drixx's counter-strike.
I even asked Shroud about this when I started to suspect there were no cops in the game. I asked specifically if I was track immune due to the Godfather role. The response was "No comment."
Second lie was the final night phase. There were five alive during the night, and D2inDC had just been lynched. I knew there was a second mafia member out there, and was about 75% sure it was Leo. So I was left with a choice - do I shoot a confirmed town and try to thin the herd? Or do I shoot for opposing mafia and hope they don't shoot me back? Or do I shoot nobody, hope mafia kills someone not me, and get town to lynch Leo?
I cannot shoot Zarniwoop because of the track risk (Because remember, I don't know that I'm track immune!).
I cannot shoot zemaj as he's my biggest supporter among the town.
I can shoot Leo, but she's my easiest Lynch target.
I can shoot Thingy, but he's my backup lynch target what with the Vanilla claim.
On top of that, Mafia team 1 will shoot someone and I don't know for certain who. I suspect it will be me, but I have to play as if I'll survive the night.
So, in my shoes, what would you do? I elected to ask the moderator if the voting rules are correct. As detailed in post #194, three people alive means nobody is lynchable. It's not a great solution, but it does seem like a path to victory - if two people die in the night and I'm left alive, then I should be able to pull a victory.
Let me repeat that - I asked the moderator if the above was correct, even detailing my throught process about my path to victory. My response was "That is unfortunately correct."
So that's what I went with I shot Leo, expecting her to flip mafia, leaving me unlynchable with two people who probably have no kill mechanism.
Then the day phase starts and the rules were changed. Words cannot express how pissed off I was. I thought about just self-voting and ending the farce, but no - that would have been unprofessional and disrespectful to Thingy and Zarni, so I did not. But, as Thingy points out, my heart was not really in it and my responses were terse.
Had I known the vote rules would have changed my final night action would have been significantly different. I would have elected to not shoot anyone, left the town at four members, claimed out as a one-shot vig and attempted to swing the town to a Leo lynch.
That is unacceptable in my book. I knew going in that this game would be frustrating, but I did not expect this level of bastard moderation.
So I ask - am I over reacting? If so, then I'll offer an apology to Shroud.