Or, you can buy a ThermalOn pad from Wally World for a little over $16, skip the sewing, and not smell like a burnt TV dinner.What works for me most of the time is a rice heating pad. Take an ordinary hand towel and cut it in half.
In honor of bad carpet. Allegedly.The Cosby Suite? Seriously Blizzard? Time to clean house.
Why in the world are you moving to Texas? You despise conservatives, cops, &c.We're moving too, lol. We're moving to Texas. Z can work from home and I can get help from family in taking care of Baby Z (Toddler Z? He's about 19 months now).
Because she's originally from Texas and wants to be closer to family, among other things.Why in the world are you moving to Texas? You despise conservatives, cops, &c.
Texas is a bit too much for even me, and I'm playing the OTF's EBIL FATHER role.
Beware, the house may try to rug you.To successfully hunt a house, one must first learn to think like a house.
Eternal vigilance is the price any homeowner must pay.