@D2DC In all seriousness, you need to proof read and amend/correct your rules to fit your game before you start it.
7A (Revised) A majority vote of the total number of players left alive in the game is required for an elimination. One extra vote (in situations where there are enough players causes a lock, meaning that player will be eliminarted and cannot be unvoted. Example: With 7 Alive, 4 votes are needed for an elimination to occur, 5 votes will cause a lock. In a situation where 3 players are alive, 2 votes will cause an elimination, however there will be no lock as there aren't enough left alive to cause a lock to occur. In this situation voting and unvoting may still occur. [/quote[
You have 5 playing so in this case only 5 are alive at this point. This means that 3 votes is a majority for a lynch and 4 would lock, if you are requiring locks in this game.