Games you are looking forward to playing. Old or new.

Would love to play Stellaris but you need to be pretty invested in 4X games. Can't say I would have the time to really get immersed.
It is definitely a time sink, I'll give you that. That's partly why I like it though. I have a lot more fun with longer games where you can think more strategically.
Great option for anyone looking for something to just chill with. Sit back, relax, do some fishing, explore the occasional island, and keep the shark from eating your boat.

Subnautica: Below Zero just this morning got a new trailer and a launch date of May 14th. Also noticed at the end that the trailer shows both games as available for Switch. I've got some neighbors who would probably really enjoy that as the Switch is their main gaming platform.

So Saints Row the Third Remastered just popped up in my Steam recommended list. Looks like the one year Epic exclusive just ran out on it, so it's available now on Steam if you're not a fan of the Epic store. Plus, it's also at a 40% discount until the 28th. Also coming to PS5 and XBox Series X/S in the next few days. For free on PS5 if you already own the PS4 version.

Just in case anyone isn't familiar with Saints Row, it's the way, way over the top version of Grand Theft Auto.

Here's the trailer for the remaster showing some of the improvements.

Fallout 76
I was playing from the very beginning. My boss bought me this game right after the premiere. We had a lot to talk about and laugh about, but I was playing for maybe 60 hours. I got all the best (at the time) items, had a lot of meds. The game didn't offer much in terms of PvP - that's why I've been taking a break for several years. Apparently a lot of things have been fixed, a lot of content has been added. I'd love to try again - let you know how impressions
Fallout 76
I was playing from the very beginning. My boss bought me this game right after the premiere. We had a lot to talk about and laugh about, but I was playing for maybe 60 hours. I got all the best (at the time) items, had a lot of meds. The game didn't offer much in terms of PvP - that's why I've been taking a break for several years. Apparently a lot of things have been fixed, a lot of content has been added. I'd love to try again - let you know how impressions
Like you, I played lots when it launched then ended up putting it down. I haven't revisited it in a long time as there has been lots of other stuff to play. Not sure if I will end up going back to it.