Furthermore, vaccines that only reduce symptoms but allow the virus to survive are known as "leaky" vaccines, which can actually strengthen the virus and create more virulent and potentially more lethal strains precisely because it allows the virus to survive and does not prevent transmission. The result is somewhat of a faustian bargain. Taking the vaccine will probably reduce symptoms and increase survivability, at least in those that are vaccinated, but at the cost of creating an even stronger variant. What you want is a vaccine that grants real immunity, preventing the virus from taking hold or transmitting at all.
That's correct, but that applies to vaccinations in general. Covid is a kind of virus that can mutate rather easily, so we will probably not eradicate it anytime soon. The Omikron variant is probably is a result of mutation and selection from evolutionary pressure by the vaccinations together with having enough breeding ground among unvaccinated people. The interesting thing is that it's rather weak, so if we keep on fighting dangerous variants, we might be successful with providing the ground for rather variants that are "just" like the flu.
However, the result might be unclear because:
Biology is messy and complicated, no matter how much you want the answer to be getting stabbed with a needle.
But not doing anything is certainly not the right conclusion.
What about these shots prevents mutation in the Covid-19 coronavirus?
Separately, do you believe that mutation only comes from those who have not received the shots?
Not only, but they are supporting them. Non-resistant people provide the viruses and the resistant people are their training ground for mutations. It's a bit like the problem with bacteria that develop immunities to antibiotics. Mutation and selection are getting a boost from people (edit)
taking stopping to take their antibiotics when they feel well (when you still have them in your body) rather than until the end, or from improper hygienic measures.
I agree that incarceration for unvaccinated people is not acceptable, but in case a really dangerous variant comes up, I have no problem with mandatory vaccinations and fines who refuse or evade them.
I have no tolerance for infected people who refuse to stay away from others, in particular from people who are at a high risk of serious harm. People are responsible for their actions or lack thereof. They have to provide a compensation for the damage they cause and it might also need a proper punishment by the law.