The ones that yell and scream and in some cases physically assault people who don't wear a mask are even less helpful.
It's not that people don't care. They do. It's just that it's not that simple. There's caring, there's practicality, and then there's insanity. When you go shopping or are otherwise going to be around people, put on a mask and keep a reasonable distance. That's not too much to ask, and over 95% of people will comply if you just ask them to do it rather than tell them. Where the issues
start to occur, and I really want to put a lot of emphasis on the word "start" here, is with people who, quite frankly, don't even have a baseline understanding of how viruses work.
Masks are not magic force fields. Wearing one is not the be all, end all factor between not getting sick or being personally responsible for the death of fifty trillion people. They don't catch everything, as everyone who wears glasses should know since it gets demonstrated literally right in front of their eyes every time they put one on. Viruses do not care why you are gathered together, whether it's for a football game, a church service, a "covid party" or to champion an extremely misguided cause of social justice. Sitting at a restaurant table does not create a sterilization field around you making it safe to remove your mask. Wearing your mask below your nose does diddly squat. If you feel the need to wear multiple layers of masks, try to balance that with being able to breath and maybe consider not going out at all. When it comes to people who are outside, alone, with nobody anywhere around them, masks aren't going to make a difference. Yes, masks do help somewhat in casual social contact situations. No, wearing a mask will not protect you at all from covid or any other virus if you wear one while having sex with multiple total strangers. (Yes, that last one is actual, official advice from various powers that be to make sure you wear one while engaged in such acts.

Those are just things off the top of my head that are
Doesn't help that the numbers have been a bit inflated either. There's been quite a few incidents where it was discovered that, for example, someone gets rolled into the morgue with half a dozen bullet holes, but because the covid test comes back positive, he gets added to the covid casualty list. Then we have cases like Cuomo and his media lapdogs covering up covid deaths. Crap like that hardly inspires confidence in the accuracy of the data.