I cannot tell whether I have highlighted text or not using the current forum skin. This makes using the italics function problematic.
Expect a serious meltdown from me in due course.
Expect a serious meltdown from me in due course.
Last time I changed it, I had to change it back. People have gotten sort of connected to "the cigarette smoking man" avatar. So while the answer to your question is a resounding yes, at least you're not aloneYour new avatar makes it difficult to connect you to my inner representation of you which is linked to your old avatar... Is this Inflexibility finally a sign of my age?
Although I have to say that this beard really IS a reason to stick with your new avatar. I'd have to wait 50 years for such a beard - if hair loss doesn't strike firstLast time I changed it, I had to change it back. People have gotten sort of connected to "the cigarette smoking man" avatar. So while the answer to your question is a resounding yes, at least you're not alone
People in France are apparently stockpiling condomes and wine, whereas Germans are stockpiling toilet paper and disinfectant...what does that tell us about people...?