Anyone know more about how @Leopold Stotch, the penguin and the bun in the oven are doing?
Last I heard she and the bun were doing fine.
I talked to her on Monday last week and the bun is a mini-Zokar.
Anyone know more about how @Leopold Stotch, the penguin and the bun in the oven are doing?
How are his flippers comming along? Everything where it is supposed to be?
I will judge them, I'll judge all of you!!!!
*shakes fist
I hope you feel better soon, Kammy! I've been sleeping but trying to o get comfy had been difficult some nights. And then my left hip/butt/leg area is constantly cramping. I think it's because I can't sleep on my belly with my leg open. Stretches kinda help.
That's good that Matthew is getting some help! Yay!
The belly just turned 22 weeks. Think I may need to look into getting some maternity pants but for now I'm okay with my regular pants. I can't zip or button them up but I have a little belly band I wear over them that hides that fact and holds my pants up. It's annoying that I can feel my skin stretch on some days. It feels like I ate way too much and I'm super bloated, even though half the time I haven't over eaten. I have a feeling it's just going to get worse... XD
Whoa, long fingernails. I hate long fingernails *shudder*. How do you get any work done? How do you wipe your butt?