Ten Things I Learned During Summer II Session:
1.) I have a boner for Walt Whitman. I'm not a huge poetry fan but Walt Whitman's words are gorgeous and arousing.
2.) I want to shake the corpse of Emily Dickinson and scream "WHAT IS THE MEANING?!?!"
3.) Dickinson had a boner for dashes.
4.) Two days of discussing slave narratives makes Leo a sad young woman.
5.) I have more of an appreciation for early American Literature but I'm still not a huge fan of Puritan works.
6.) I need to give myself more time for French lessons.
7.) Why can't I just use "que" for everything?
8.) I don't follow directions well but I got an 80 for the assignment!
9.) Transcendentalism was THE hippie movement of the 1840s and 1850s. I understand it better now.
10.) This is my second round of summer school period (took a full load of summer classes back in 2007 when I was a college freshman) and it was much easier this time around. Sessions were not as long and I still managed to enjoy summer, esp. when I was with my love. But it's still hot as fawk!