I'm pretty useless company, sorry. And there's so much for me to read, and I'm not on so often, so it's hard to keep up.
Sexuality you just know I think. I don't get any tingle from women, I don't feel attracted to them. Some women do, and that's fine. Some women have it as a phase, and that's fine too.
Some robot in space has a million idead and they all end with certain dead, better not borrow an idea form him.
Excuse me? I think kamap is having a stroke.
EDIT: brain aneurysm. I'm not giving you guys an opening like that.
EDIT AGAIN: everyone shut up
I'm pretty useless company, sorry. And there's so much for me to read, and I'm not on so often, so it's hard to keep up.
The healing begins.
I wants ice water from the north or southpole, the place where is the most blue ice that tastes good will do.