Re: The Noodle Compound
Leo that's rotten.
I didn't see any joke in there, just anxiety.
I'm a single old hag and the only time men ever look at me are the ones that are married, shopping with their family on a busy Saturday, the children whining, the wife nagging, and the men wondering why they thought they wanted this and now thinking of a second youth and wanting out to, to then want exactly the same again.
Last time I tried dating I only met men who wanted to get married and want children. I don't want any of that. I gave up dating because of that (although that wasn't the only reason).
Since, I have learned that happiness doesn't rely on having a partner. It's an interesting one. Maybe it takes age? Though I don't want you to turn into a hag like me. Stay pretty and in good health if possible. I've lost all that and it's miserable.
Goldthru's made a lot of good and much nicer points.
You'll be ok!
With the danger of repeating myself - insecurity is the worst enemy here. Try and be happy on your own, you will find that the nice men will want to share in that happiness. Few men want dependent women. Not saying you are.
Your boss is a rat, and while you ARE special and wonderful, given what he's tried on you, he's tried this on with others before. It's got nothing to do with you, it's one of those guys who wants to have their cake and eat it (not you JCakes). AND being married, with children, AND remaining young and wanting to be able to attract young women. Not wiling to give up their freedom entirely so that will hurt people. It now sadly hurt you.
Goldthru, turns out I'm old enough to remember those days. Sadly I have a bad experience with those internet days. Pity I didn't know about the Terry Pratchett news group.

Maybe I was betting on the wrong horse.
God I'm an old hag.
I want everyone to be happy, Drystan to have a nice job, Leo to find happiness and then a bf, Goldthru to not have insufferable parents.... I am so not used to thinking about what's good for me, I forget.
I also forget when I do nice things. I have to write them down. And then I still forget them.