The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

How did I miss this noodle quote???

Because you aren't as quick and witty as me? :grin:

(jk, I'm not really quick. Sometimes witty but Vivi takes the witty cake. ^^)

I hadn't considered that. Clearly my problem is too little penetration. My next cover letter will solve for this, possibly including photos. Thanks for the tip!

Sent from my phone, using penetration.

:highfive: Any other penetration questions, don't hesitate to ask me. ;)

Glad to see business is booming!

Kamap, I'm looking to penetrate new market demographics in the qualified retirement plan arena. I'm going to thrust into the micro 401k market until it hurts.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

A decent fiscaling has never hurt anyone :nod:

Sent from Noodle's Nexus 7 using Hackatalk 4

Quit penetrating Noodle's nexus!

It's a valid lifestyle choice, straightstegs! :nod:

You can't stop the penetrain.

Remember to use penetration / penetrate at least 18 times, for legal reasons.

That whole conversation... I was cradling my stomach! I was laughing so hard! :rolf:

It's no problem. I am boring.
As a result I'm losing my best friend right this very moment.
So just now, nothiing really matters anymore.

Oh no. :( I hope he's doing better now. *hugs*

I don't want errand vampires! I already have enough scars as it is.
Winter's not even started and my hands have already burst open and it hurts!

I also still don't know where the EU area is.

do your hands itch and crack open? Mine used to do that. It's been a while but the seasons are changing and I expect my hands to start itching soon. If I itch too much, they'll crack open at the knuckles and it hurts, esp. if it touches lemon or lime juice. :( Sometimes water too.

You know you love me.

I do! *big hug and kiss* And Kegsy isn't boring. He keeps us entertained with his oldness. ^_^

I'm not good either today. Very sore legs. I feel down...what's the point of it all?

Not sure. If I knew, I'd be worshiped as the Goddess. ;) But I do know that life sometimes sucks. Life sometimes rocks and it's those little moments of awesomeness that do make it worthwhile and enjoyable. I know you've had it bad for a while right now, but keep a strong chin up. You got this. *another gentle huggle*

And you're all so nice and that's so sweet! I really, really genuinly believe I'm boring because I can't join in on the games chat things or the mafia or whatnot.

Pish posh! People have different interests and mafia can be very complicated sometimes. the fact that you hang out here and the OTF is awesome enough! :thumbup:

Oh and Kestegs - favourite is spelled with a u. Proof?

No. It's not. We're silly Americans and leave the "u" out of everything. Except in our text messages. And I never text "u". I take the time to type "you." :grin:

Plus apparently people in Scandinavia live on nothing but coffee. That's pretty much all I took from the Dragon Tattoo books.


I just don't know anymore....

Warning: some "language"

What. The serious. ****.
Re: The Noodle Compound

It's no problem. I am boring.
As a result I'm losing my best friend right this very moment.
So just now, nothiing really matters anymore.

You are most definitely not boring! Not sure I can recall a single witty post you made that hasn't made me smile or laugh! Well unless I didn't catch some reference or another, but then again the fault isn't with you in that case. :)

Also sorry to hear about your friend, hope he feels better soon.

I really, really genuinly believe I'm boring because I can't join in on the games chat things or the mafia or whatnot.

There are many conversations I can't take part in, just because I know nothing about the subject. Others can have an awesome time with said subject, and I'll just stand there silent as a knob. I can still make others laugh though, only it is under different settings. You may not participate in mafia games, or do all the games chatting, but you can still whip up some hilariously witty posts, all of which far surpasses anything I could come up with. ;)

Stay strong Vivi, and don't be so harsh on yourself. =)
Re: The Noodle Compound

I don't play the mafia games either, I would just start bootlegging and shootin everyone who came in sight, would be short games.
I'd drop a hindenberg bible on the town and get the game over with, I don't trust anyone in those towns.

Vivi: You aren't boring, our resident pyromaniac has a quote from you in his sig, that says enough. I used said quote myself sometimes and people found it hilarious, I didn't take credit for it though ^^
I'm talking about "Give a man a fire and he will be arm for a night, set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life."
Re: The Noodle Compound

But as I said before, when he set it as his sig - that sig is just the proof I'm pretty rubbish. It's nicked! Terry Pratchett invented it, and he's bloody brilliant!
I'm not. I can sort quicker than most people, I have some knack of languages and appearantly I am very good at breathing (this is not a joke and it'll be interesting to figure out what makes me good at it) but my jokes are stolen, lame, or lame stolen jokes.
Re: The Noodle Compound

I always still think that Terry Pratchet is a girl.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk 4
Re: The Noodle Compound

Well, I'm largely unfamiliar with the fellow and I generally associate Terry with women, so there.

And thanks for the awesome pine martin pic earlier, I forgot to mention it.
Re: The Noodle Compound

If you drink a Red Bull and a Monster energy drink at the same time, do you turn into a minotaur?
Re: The Noodle Compound

If you ever see 8x* you can likely just replace it with blog-spot without the dash.

Still waiting for the results.
Re: The Noodle Compound

That is what i meant Kamap. Was at work, so didn't check the link berøre posting. :p
Re: The Noodle Compound

Math problem: You have 47 mangoes. Your mother says you have a mango problem. How many mangoes will it take to subdue this hater?