The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

Yours has always been a door, mine has never and I hope will never be a door.

Glass door knobs don't really loose their shine all that quick compared to the regular ball door knobs, I'd go for something totally different though, I don't know what though.

I am quite imaginative, ask my wife, she will tell you its true.
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Re: The Noodle Compound

Wait bloaty's pizza hog? Is that its actual name?

LOL!! No. It's a code to hide where I actually work. I got the name from Invader Zim.

I start the new job next week. I'll be taking telephone calls and placing... appointments. :evil2: No, seriously. I'll be taking appointments for people to have Xmas lights hung up. Temp job, but worth it.


"I don't know how to say 'Bacarruda'!"
"Barracuda? Really, you don't?"
"OK. I can help. Say 'Ba'."
"Great. Put it all together, what have you got?"
"Baba Rara Cucu Dada! Yes!"


True story, bro.

No way?! Seriously??!!

That's the problem... I always get in trouble when I do that :/

I don't recall you getting in trouble...

Is that Pearls Before Swine? I recognize the artwork, but don't recall the name (if it is not Pearls Before Swine). Used to be one of my fave comics when I was younger. Still kinda is when I do read it. I used to read the newspapers just for the entertainment section. Pearls Before Swine and Get Fuzzy were my faves. :cloud9: And this one if it isn't PBS. And Dilbert!! Loved Dilbert! ^^ I remember watching the tv show when it was on for a short time. Good stuff.
Re: The Noodle Compound

I do believe it is Pearls Before Swine. They made a short lived animated series of it. It was bad.

I too miss Dilbert, I did recently find it on Netflix though!
Re: The Noodle Compound

Glass door knobs don't really loose their shine all that quick compared to the regular ball door knobs, I'd go for something totally different though, I don't know what though.

If you have just a regular knob, you have to remember to polish it every so often. It will prolong it's life and keep it shiny. I have never tried a glass knob, but they do sound exciting.
Re: The Noodle Compound

They're putting christmas lights up here in the shopping streets and the stores have already filled their shelves with Sinterklaas (which is Dutch and is also in December, before Christmas).

That was a bit early wasn't it? :O