The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

Yup. This year I get to play with the big boy blocks! I'm still banned from the sandbox though.
[SUP]I just wanted to be a cat :([/SUP]
Re: The Noodle Compound

Dance like you're not depressed. Sing like you didn't kill that homeless guy. Love like you don't have herpes. That's my advice.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Damn it! I left the vodka out over night and it went bad. What a bad end to a horrible day! First there were only 3 good sample stations at Costco, then I had to fill up the truck with gas, now this. Ugh.


Yup. This year I get to play with the big boy blocks! I'm still banned from the sandbox though.
[SUP]I just wanted to be a cat :([/SUP]

:rolf: *hugs*

So... This has pretty much been my life for the past year and a half, esp. number 3:

I combat mental hell day in and day out. The good thing is I have been unsuccessful in killing myself. :D And I keep tackling my problems head on, keep trying to focus on other things, more important things.

Posting this here because maybe this might help someone else. And kinda opening up. Tired of keeping mum on this ****.

:wave: Night everyone.

Re: The Noodle Compound

Sometimes problems just need a full head on bull rushing hug!

Sometime you also need one.

*performs the hug*

Hang in there.
Re: The Noodle Compound

I know the feeling of a head full of hell. I'm currently in it. I know I'm on the right track, but it's like trying to clear or reorganize a room: at some point it's just a giant mess and you can't do it overnight so you're in a mess for a while.
I'm currently in a cesspool of the things I've been through. It's lonely.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Leo.....don't try and catch people's attention via Facebook. Now you had your hopes up they'd catch on to it and then it's even more depressing they don't respond. I know what I'm on about, I used to be like that (but this is before the Facebook area).

I keep saying - I'm not on Facebook because it's too much about individuals and people getting miffed if you don't add them as a friend (or you feel embarrassed if you do add 'm as a friend and actually didn't want to), or feeling left out when people respond to others but not to you, or the other way's too much a hassle, too much a wasps nest, too much a class full of girls.*)

*) I spent 3 years in such classes, and I was not female enough.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Facebook is an addiction that I'm pretty sure has just become part of my regular life. I don't even notice it anymore but I know I use it too much.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Your Mom is Facebook!

No, I have no idea what that means :no: