Stargate SG-1 "Window of Opportunity" Mafia Game Thread (Game Over)

Huckit has been shot and killed, he was Ms. Siler.
D2over was taken to the infirmary.
This would apparently clear Huckit, as scum dont tend to die at night..

However, I would like to hear from both of you. Quite conceivable that @d2lover got sent to the infirmiry as a result of a conflict with @HuckIt. Now, who initiated that conflict is another story..

I’m not sure. I chose not to use my power last night so I’m not sure how I would’ve been involved in any conflict. Noodle seemed to die from a day power, whereas I died from a night power? (Shot? an item?) Pyro presumably was stunned by Mammia Mialaki during the day? (Another ite

d2 went to the lobby because of running into a door (teal’c) or being sent there by Hammond (O’Neill?)

What are the win conditions of Malikki and how do we avoid that while buying time to see all the items?

I’m wagering D2DC’s items are going to be a set of golf clubs...
I pick number 6.
You have won #3 in line in order after Pryo picks his item.

That leaves #5 to be picked and it defaults to Leo, putting her fourth in line to pick.

Full order of picking:

1. Huckit (picked already)
2. Pyro
3. D2lover
4. Leo
5. Noodle
6. D2DC
@D2DC has been stunned and can no longer post for the rest of the current day phase.
Well, that changes a lot. I take back and reverse everything I've said


OK, so I was wrong, this is classic Pyro. No real difference from normal. I have to admit I'm a little frustrated - anyone else have any theories?


No questions, please.


Is something wrong?

I bid 4.

Listen to me I know what it's like.

I believe it's either Pyro or Leo. Still not sure that voting them will do us any good, but willing to give it a try. @Noodle if it's Leo, why would she target you, when you (and to a lesser extent I) came to her defense about the item stalling?

Vote: Pyrotechnician

I LOST MY SON!... I KNOW!... AND AS MUCH AS I - I could NEVER relive that again! Could you?

Lets go Pyro. I want some sunglasses too. :cool:

Let her go.

@Gorny I pick box 8.
@d2lover, my glasses, let me cool for once, sheesh!

Oh man, I'm kind of excited trying to imagine @D2DC stunned and unable to contribute, but still able to read this as we bungle along the rest of the day. What is @D2DC thinking? Does the stun come after a certain # of posts? From being a certain character? From someone else using an item, or special power? He so desperately wants to put some of these thoughts onto the post but..... and no item for a 2nd day in a row! How frustrating! :p

So @Pryo is jack and only able to respond in ONeill quotes, very cool. Were you Jackson yesterday? Maybe D2DC is Jackson today?
Possible roles: ONeill, Jackson, Carter, Teal'c, SIler, Hammond, Maliki.... Frasier is mentioned in flavor opening text, but Gorny just mentioned them like an NPC, and I wonder if the scum (Maliki?) rotates characters like us?

Obviously I can confirm Siler, and whoever has Siler today knows the power it has that I didn't use last night as I wasn't sure who to use it on!
Then I pick item number 19, can you update the list?

You have received a Colt M16A3 Rifle with one round left.

You may use it once (if you wish) during this day phase, on one single other player.
1. Huckit (1 Sunglasses)
2. Pyro (8, thermometer)
3. D2lover (19. Colt M16)
4. Leo
5. Noodle
6. D2DC (Stunned)
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Pyro, you're the only other player who's been stunned. Do you have any insight into what may have happened with D2DC?
Also, Leo has been suspiciously quiet today. Working a full time job, taking care of an infant, and trying to keep Zokar out of trouble can't take up more than, what, a half hour a day? (I'm not good with your mortal timeframes, so I could be off by as much as twenty minutes.)