Oh my! I think I found Glurin's go-to news source.I'm going to turn on OAN. Let's do this! Leeroy Jenkins!
Racist dog whistle. This is the crapthey feed you on OAN. No the members of the jury didn't convict because an uppity old low IQ Congresswoman scared them into thinking their houses would burn and their wives get raped if they didn't convict an innocent policeman. The cop was guilty. It was on video. We all saw it. The jury did their duty.Tell me something dave. Reverse the races. A black man is on trial while the KKK is outside the doors, pig heads are being left on the doorsteps of defense witnesses, and a white congressman just told them to keep going and get more violent if they don't get their way. Not to mention the prosecution repeatedly lying in the closing argument.
Still think it's a fair and impartial trial?
The defense has a strong case for an appeal just based on that alone.
Yes, but which version? The one where they had to wrestle with a large uncooperative suspect that was high on fentanyl (well above the average OD levels, fyi) and he stopped breathing as they were holding him down waiting for the paramedics, at which point they simply failed to render aid? Or the one plastered all over the sensationalist, agenda driven media where an evil white cop decided he was gonna suffocate a poor, innocent black man to death because racism?Well, it seems justice has been served. I mean it had to, it was on damn camera filmed.
I see nothing in the video that justifies a cop kneeling on Floyd's neck for 9 minutesThat's ok, I'll do it for you. Don't worry, it stops just after they get him on the ground.
Watch or don't. It's your choice. But that choice says a lot about you.
That video is eight and a half minutes long. You made that post five minutes after mine.I see nothing in the video that justifies a cop kneeling on Floyd's neck for 9 minutes
You find it hard to believe that someone posting on the internet about something that historians will write about for years to come, didn't take the time to inform himself about the issues and the evidence before typing his opinion in the little box? That doesn't surprise me a bit.I don't believe you did, before or after I linked it.
Wouldn't surprise me a bit if he describes the gorilla like strength of the Black man on drugs. He has covered just about every other racist trope.The murderer continued to kneel on the victim's neck for three minutes and twenty- seven seconds after the victim had died. Please explain to us all in great detail the threat the victim posed to the murderer while not only prone and handcuffed, but actually dead.
Are you aware that officers are instructed not to administer CPR when surrounded by a crowd, especially an agitated one? Also that hold has been used literally hundreds of times in the past. This is the only death associated with it. (EDIT: Actually, there was one other that never got any significant press time. The victim was white. Coincidence?The murderer continued to kneel on the victim's neck for three minutes and twenty- seven seconds after the victim had died. Please explain to us all in great detail the threat the victim posed to the murderer while not only prone and handcuffed, but actually dead.
It's quite telling that you don't seem to have a problem with it.You find it hard to believe that someone posting on the internet about something that historians will write about for years to come, didn't take the time to inform himself about the issues and the evidence before typing his opinion in the little box?
It's quite telling that you do.It's quite telling that you don't seem to have a problem with it.