Yeah, it's hard to accrue any meaningful in-game experience without, y'know, actually playing the game. I've typically seen newer players err on the side of recklessness. I myself am a remarkably simple man, and for what it's worth, I advise the following:
1. Don't over share. If you don't say too much, you won't say something that will lead to you being targeted or put your team at a disadvantage. If you DO feel strongly about someone and feel it's worth taking a stand on, your previous lack of chatter will make your words carry even more weight.
2. Make sure you post enough to not be modkilled. This kills so many people.
3. Don't let anyone else make your game decisions for you. I don't roleclaim just because someone tells me to, or vote for someone to be lynched just because someone is pressuring me to. They can play their game, I'll play mine.
4. Generally try to keep a fairly consistent playstyle. I don't want people to figure, "Well, Noodle's been very quiet in every game where he's been town, but he's quite active today. He's probably mafia." This one can be hard to stick to, but pays off. The highest compliment I've been paid in this game was someone (I believe Ankeli) remarking to someone else, " . . . The one person I can never get a read on is Noodle. . ." That's by design.
5. I don't like to falsely roleclaim. As I said, I'm a simple man, and lies are just too hard to keep track of. I'd rather remain quiet than falsely roleclaim. (See number one.)
I hope you keep playing, and please feel free to ignore my advice, of course.