I hadnt noticed the first post and votes/shots being pointless until coju pointed it out.
So ...
Shoot: Everyone
Shoot Self in foot
So ...
Shoot: Everyone
Shoot Self in foot
Shoot Self in foot
This game starts promptly on September 4th at 5:00pm EST, and will start with a 48 hour 'twilight' phase where votes will not be counted and no lynch will occur. After that the game will proceed as normal, alternating between night and day phases.
Ahh.. So, there is no lynch on day 1. Does that mean there is no NK either? I guess it pays to read the rules carefully..
coju, noammr - no info/no read
Your face has no info.
Also, I was already on the other list.
You are leading on my super secret scum point tally.
Good save.Ahh.. @DiabloTwoinDC was the second player that I didn't list.. @coju ninja mind tricked me.
Hey...now I'm not the only one missing a toe. In not sure how to also quote the dude running this, but if you see this. I want to know if not having a body part will effect anything....
Nobody got killed by Mafia the entire BTILC game either.. Starting to be an impressive streak!