Lost pets


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Apr 10, 2008
Not today ISIS
Talk about the pets you've lost.

Tonight I had to put down an abused dog I adopted only two months ago. He was vomited and shitting a lot of bright red blood. He was abused at his former house and was so ungodly stressed by that he couldn't be rehabilitated. His GI tract basically had ruptured. He was the barely over a year old brother of my newlywed wife's dog. He didn't deserve to die but he was dying anyway. His suffering is gone. Mine is only starting
Sorry to hear about that, AnjeoDave. 😢 Pup didn't deserve any of that.

Just found out recently that an old friend of mine had to put her dog down. She was born with something that have her seizures (? Something like that) and as she, the dog, got older, those seizures started to make her hind legs behind paralyzed. It got to a point last summer that she couldn't walk and then her lungs would soon get paralyzed next. It was hard for my friend. The dog was 12, same age as my dog now.

Another friend also put his dog down too last summer. She was an 8 or 9 year old boxer. Sweet gal. I cannot imagine that pain but I know one day it will happen to me.
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This reminds my of the loss of our beloved cat, "der Dicke", the fat one, who was run over by a car at the age of 4 or 5 years. He wasn't actually fat, but he was a Persian crossbreed, so his fur made him appear bigger then he was.

He died in 1988 BTW, so I was old enough to undertake the duty of burying him in the garden. I wasn't traumatized, but I was certainly sad. He's still remembered among my brothers and me. We had other cats, but he was kind of special for us.
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I had a small dog named Bo as a kid. Mom brought Bo home when I was about 8 or 9 and I remember staying up with him the first night because he kept crying. He was some kind of chihuhua mix (when I got older, I researched what kind of dog he was and I THINK he was a chihuahua and terrier mix) and was a little dog but kinda tough (as tiny dogs tend to be). He was sweet. He went missing for a few days during the summer I was 12. My stepdad found him with a bullethole in his tiny chest. I cried so hard. I've been sad about other pets dying but with Bo it was the worse. Probably because someone went out of their way to murder my dog. Who does that? (Answer: backwoods coked out/methed out white trash assholes)
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It is with a heavy heart that I announce that Casey, my baby for the last 15 years, passed away yesterday morning. She was home, surrounded by her family and love when she received the injection.

In December of 2023, we had a health scare but she overcame it and lived for another year and two months. She saw her 15th birthday in that time, still loved her walks and snacking on random shit along the way. This past week, she became lethargic, would not eat anything, could barely walk. I knew in my gut it was time. She just looked so tired.

She was a rescue. A friend of mine called me and asked if I could take her because otherwise she was going to a shelter (possibly kill shelter). I was able to take her and she stayed with me ever since.

Casey has been there for just about every adventure an adult can have: breakups, moving, marriage, pregnancies, watching those babies grow up (those babies are still young, 5 and 2). She has been on 3 cross country trips, met so many people who loved her, loved receiving pettings from just about anyone, and loved to snack. Her fave foods were fries, chips, chicken nugget dinosaurs, and bacon doggie treats. Honestly, she wouldn't turn down any food so she loved it all. Lol.

She was my literal ride or die bitch and now that she has died, everything just feels so weird. I feel numb, out of it, I still hear her nails clacking on the floor, I still see her in her bed. I kinda feel like I'm going insane a little bit but I'm just taking it hour by hour.
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I can feel your grief. A few months ago, the 12 year old cat of my brother and his children became lethargic while they were on holiday (OF COURSE during their holidays). My brother's mother in law cared for it. She called me because she was a bit overchallenged with the matter, so I agreed to help. We went to an animal hospital twice and it turned out that the cat had cancer beyond help. So she got the injection as well.

I think you need a new kitten.